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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I was thinking about getting HBS but I have this same question. Can you manipulate each voice separately?? Answer - No they are locked together. There are a few solo phrases. Watch this -
  2. This is a very nice plug-in. Not something you would use every day but- I have used this a few times on a couple of syllables that were sung with the wrong vowel tone. It’s an easy fix with orb. It saved redoing the whole vocal take!
  3. Anyone ever use goliath? I have a bunch of old GM files. I have been using the Roland (can’t remember the version) synth. I wonde how much better Goliath might be. I usually start with the Roland and start substituting instruments from there.
  4. I just figured out Hofa blind test free version does 3 tracks or buses - full version cpu limited.
  5. There are several you can download. They are a particular mic and will not match your mic. You can use the EMC800 with or without a calibration file. I have used it both ways. The good thing is that the EMC8000 is very close in the important frequencies - 80 to 15k is pretty close on these. There are several links to different EMC8000 calibration files. I guess you could look at a few and average them or try a couple and see what you think. www.hometheatershack.com/threads/do-i-need-a-behringer-ecm8000-cal-file.175106/ https://www.avnirvana.com/threads/ecm8000-calibration-file.3949/ abacab's graph is great to show the variations in the EMC8000. Also that flat area in the middle of the graph is the most important frequencies
  6. I have the Behringer EMC 8000 and have used it for years with great results. But I didn’t get that kind of price! That is a killer deal!
  7. I read something a while ago, but dates have changed because of the extensions ?? When do the final free selection have to be make?
  8. Usually I save as Project-02 then when I export I get Project-02.wav The next time ia save as 03 and export - I get Project-03.wav. I think the Mp3 would have the same name too. Not sure about this that. I'm not sure but you might try {projectname}+02_data??? There might be secret "{???}"'s we don't know about either. Don't know if it would work or not. I usually put this " I usually add some of my own personal code to tell me what kind of mix it is." in the file name - Just started this practice this year, not in every file name, but just the ones that have major changes in them. When I export the info it in the .wav Hope this helps. Let us know about whether you and }+ in that data entry box/
  9. Just saying about waveshell. It must be a good practice because Studio One uses it too lol! Why don’t I hear complaints about the Studio One shell?
  10. I think the new export dialogue uses the file name automatically if you leave {projectname} in the text box. No need to copy paste.
  11. Hard to say about upgrading, but Black Friday sheets good for most plug-in companies. On waves it depends on what you need. There are other sales that are good. For individual plug-ins the $29 deal with the buy one get one free is really good. Also check you account for personal upgrades. Their plug-in count is not always right jus be careful with those.
  12. I have been using waves since v3. Yes, there were a couple of times I quit using waves because I was so mad about the pace stuff not working! I have eased back into them the last few years. Why? Because I like many of their plug-ins. My v13 update went smooth
  13. I read the update log. It is a nice set of corrections and such. I’m already paid up. Just checking before I jump in. Thanks
  14. I’m a wave guy. Those plug-ins are in thousands of pro studios. I have watched many mixed with the masters. If you look close many of the big guys computer screens you will see many have them all. I am against leasing WUPing too, but I like the new plug-ins and try to keep things updated at the lowers possible prices. Anyone installed them yet? Any problems with this update?
  15. I'm still using a 24-8bus. It's getting really worn out!! This looks good. I do like to old style Mackie EQ. I guess I could get use to the pekins EQ. Wonder when it will be out?
  16. (talking to myself) I finally found it! No wonder I liked it so much. It is a Large diaphragm tube condenser mike. It is a Mojave Audio MA300 Tube Condenser Microphone. It's not cheap but wow it really sounds great.
  17. I love this line " faithful recreation of a classic 1930’s Blüthne" nice wording. Wow I just saw they used a Neumann TLM-170R. I just saw Walmart has the best price on these! No joke! I know they are out sourced by someone but I couldn't even it was listed there!!!
  18. My daughter has a voice very similar to this. She will be singing this later today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHQKuWQhu8o I love the sound of this mic. I have looked everywhere - from Vintage King, Sweetwater and Google! Can't find it. The front photo is good, the blurred back photo shows a giant round logo. I'm not sure if it is the mic logo or an equipment rental company sticker??? Anyone know this one? Thanks for any ideas, Max
  19. I agree! I'm still thinking about Modo Drum. Not sure what it would bring to the table since I have SD3 and EzDrumer2. Do you have any toontracks drums? If so what would Modo Drum bring to the table?
  20. I agree with GreenLight. In work flow it is more likely you would do something else after you finish an export other than reopening it again. This would be a good procedure for rescan plugins too. Leave them both up and clicking or keyboard anywhere "except the dialogue link" would clear messages. Dialogue "x" close should be left in the window. Clicking or keyboard anywhere on the main screen could clear all of these - consistency. A variable timer function could also be added in preferences as well for leaving them up for a little bit. Export dialogue notification - click/keyboard anywhere closes except - clicking the link to export - The click link is a great idea and I think everyone loves this! Scan Plugins notification - click/keyboard anywhere closes except - add a click link to the file "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Logs\VstScan.log" Scan added/removed notification - click/keyboard closes both - I wish scan would make a added / deleted list - I know I could look in scan through the log but it's got a lot of info in it. I use scook's VST Inventory tool. There could be a link to it in this notification, or a short text file would be great. Thanks for your consideration of these. Making them all the same would be a good thing.
  21. IK 25th Anniversary Group Buy - Your best product purchase Leslie - the best on the market hands down Sunset reverb - I have a ton, but this one is enough different to make it a great purchase ARC 3 - It's good. I never got sonarworks SoundID to access my ASIO sound card (yes my card is really old) Amplitube 5 - from SE - nice add ins. I got a couple of collection separately - no favorites all are good. Hammond B-X3 - I have NI so now I have a choice Cinekinetik - it has Malatension and Malatopia inside and are both nice Orchestral Percussion - the giant bass drum is awesome Cinematic Percussion - a couple of extra instruments not found in other libraries T-RackS 5 Space Delay - I use to have the hardware - so it is fun to play with and sound good In order of best 1st - I don't know how to do a poll or (spreadsheet-not that anyone her is good doing that LOL!) or something to find out what is rated the highest. It might help us all with our final free choices
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