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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I would rate the Leslie really high. I have 5+ and it sounds more like the real thing, especially if you want it to be more up front in the mix.
  2. I have T-RackS 5 Total Studio MAX 2 in my product manager. I can not find an exact match anywhere. Google always goes to Total Studio MAX 2. I think it is a different application.
  3. Could this -> C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Command Center\Downloads Be relocated? It looks like install files for every cake produce from forever! Over 50gb.
  4. I think you go to the custom shop and refresh purchases.
  5. No need to get CE it is a subset of MP2.
  6. I bought SampleTank 3 Total Studio MAX 2 last December. I never downloaded the samples except the basics - didn't know they expired. If I buy a download do I get this set or is it one library at a time? The other option is to get them with the freebies - Or upgrade to Sample Tank 4. Thanks
  7. I did reinstall AT5, but I have to open the custom shop each time to see the collections. Once it is opened and I add a device form a collection they all show up. Is that the way it is supposed to work?
  8. Do I have to do anything to move them from AT4 to AT5?
  9. I'm trying to decide what to get as my freebies. I have older collections from AmpliTube 4 Total Studio MAX 2. I would like to have them in Amplitube 5. Could they be moved with a transfer credit or do I need the buy them again?
  10. Still getting bad export and freeze with Trillion. ASIO 2048 Bounce buffer 200 Trilllion.wav
  11. Thanks Grem, I should have said which. For now I have AT4 Max and AT5 SE. Now I can't decide if it would be better to get AT5 or get the White 2A, Vintage RQ1-A, 4 reverbs and Ampless?? Thanks for all the help. As Number 5 would say - more input.
  12. Can someone explain - I have T-RackS 5 Total Studio MAX 2 which has White 2A in it. How do I get the White 2A in Amplitube. I also want to get the Vintage EQ1-A for Amplitube. Are they separate products? (Should I buy gear credits? - Are they on the group buy?) Are there 2 versions of some others? I got the Leslie for TR but clicked on a model in amplitube that says I need Leslie module?? Are there updrades/crossgrades? Thanks
  13. I would use this for comparing two plug-ins or groups of plug-ins - chains. Anyone else interested?
  14. I don’t think this is possible yet. If you know how to do this please help. I know I could delete everything else and save as a cwx (I think it’s cwx) and import it into a new project.
  15. I usually stack compressors 2,3, or even 4 and mute -unmute. Sometimes 2-reverbs on a bus. I wish you could group off/on button for this! After I pick - then I get to clean up the mess lol!
  16. Easy - just load kontakt 1 - piano - one output load another Kontakt 2. - strings - one output etc freeze and in freeze at will. I have an older i7 and this works for me. Projects can easily exceed my CPU.
  17. Ok you know 1 - I use it! been burning CDs and Mastering in it since it was Red Roaster!
  18. Has anyone bought in a a second time? Or is that even possible? I thought I might buy in at a lower "plugin" level for a second shot at some more plugins? Is it possible to buy in twice?
  19. If I bought 100 custom shop credits would I get that amount times the promo number. (Like 1500) or is it only 1 fx get 15?
  20. Can the mems mic be purchased separately?
  21. Any one else frozen a Trillian track with high bounce buffer settings? Look at this crazy graphic of the bounce top of this page.
  22. Weird freeze with trillion - new buffer setting. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1XGc4PaTPHDhqP2ZHSW4RazSNShMlEG/view?usp=sharing added - Bounce Buffer 140 ASIO = 1024
  23. Is the qualifying products list the same as the free list? If I had to get a duplicate produce could I sell them with a IK selling license? Anyone else have info on the this promo and the custom shop?
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