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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I have to agree. It is the best you can get right now. As far as I know, it is the only official B-3 VSTi that has been “Hammond” approved.
  2. Thanks I’ll check it out. Well I don’t have that one lol!!
  3. Yes, I prefer takes in a folder. Although I really do love the comping feature. I usually do takes in a folder on all but vocals. Comping is just too good to pass up for vocals!!
  4. “I own about 7 or 8 DeSSers, no single one is "best" every time. “ Yes and stacking different one works sometimes too. Not to brag lol - I have 24 in my deEsser folder. That’s beside the point. I have several live flute sessions that were recorded with a U87 into a Millennia media HV-3d. This combination it so clear you can hear ever nuance. I think I actually heard a mosquitos in the neighbors back yard lol. I am trying to find one that will knock down the tonguing at the beginning of the notes. I don’t want to clip gain 50 songs. Because the mic was too close, some notes are explosive at the start. I have tried a bunch of plugins, sooth2 compressors, dessers, to help fix this!! It is like a harsh “ch” or a “t” in a vocalist singing. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Unfortunately ReRecording is not an option. Thanks
  5. It almost sounds like damaged files. Did you try a reinstall?
  6. 2 plugin updates in 30 day! Nice. ?
  7. Detect the key. Try the new Ears plugin. lol
  8. Installed Nope, Nope Bapu didn't go for it LOL!!!
  9. Link error Good link https://www.lim.di.unimi.it/download/vst/themasker/TheMasker.zip
  10. Installed (Demo LOL) I am looking at Smart DeEsser (Demo). Did you check it out too?
  11. mettelus - Thanks. Just didn't want to buy older drives. I'm still slightly thinking about getting a big spinner. If I got another 6tb I could do 2 full sets of backups. It's only $159 newegg. MozartMan - Thanks for the reply! My samples are on a spinner now. I have to decide to move the samples to an SSD or get the 6TB and have 2 sets of backups.
  12. Thanks a bunch! Wow that price is super. I saw it has a USB 3 cable! Nice. Do you have USB 3 or C. What model drive do you use with it. Is it backup or sample storage? I was looking at a 2 drive bay. I though it might be good to move stuff around.
  13. Mother board is an AsusTeK P8Z68-V PRO Gen 3 I want to buy a 2tb drive. I have a seagate sata 2tb SSD but I would hate to buy another because it almost looks like they are being phased out for the newer drives. I don’t think my MB has a slot for the faster NVMe drives. I have an external sata port. I was hoping to find some type adapter to run a NVMe usb c drive on that SATA port. I was also looking at some of the enclosures. That seemed like a great idea. This way as I bought more NCMe’s I could just plug them in and would not be buying older technology. I do not have a usb C this computer only has USB 3.…,, or should I just get a giant spinner. I have 3-2 TB drives in the computer. I have 1-6tb usb3 backup drive and 6+ 2TB spinners. I had a 3YB that just bit the dust. I hope I can revive it. Thanks for any suggestions.
  14. Was it muted or just on top of the other clip.
  15. 1)Take the gray clip and right clip it there is a clip mute which would make it look like you photo. It could just be “clip muted 2)Save to a new project name like song 02 3) Take song 02 select the gray clip and bounce it to a clip. If that does not work, select both clips and bounce to clip. It looks like the clip is on top of the other one??? You could also try CTRL-drag gray clip to another track. See what happens then. good luck
  16. I read both post very quickly, but save the project under a new name like song 01. Do it again (backup lol)!take song 02 and bounce the time adjusted clip, or export a .wav file from it. Use this clip or song to do the editing you need.
  17. I wanted to say first, I am a devout Cake/Sonar fanboy. I am not talking the product down. I just want to help. I wish I would have been on the Beta team, but it's a good thing I did not get picked, because I would have spent less time making music lol!! OK, so I will post a couple at a time to not make this too confusing. 1) I clicked the option to copy my defaults for the previous version (CWBL). After I installed Sonar 2024, all my folder locations were set to the default. It would not have been so bad, but it also reset my CWBL folder options to the default! It took a little bit before I figured out what had happened. Am I the only one that uses optional locations for default folders? Anyone else have this? Or, was this peculiar to my system? 2) Also, track volume meters in CWBL were shifted to horizontal, I had them vertical before the install. 3) I have already read several post complaining about the UI. Yes, I saw the Piano roll post. This is a console view post. There are not enough characters in the narrow console. There are 8 in CWBL and 2 in Sonar24. Images attached. With only 2 characters, it is very difficult to figure out what the sends are. I usually have as many as 20-30 sends.
  18. Another way- I have used mute and solo at same time on the folder. Then it is easy and quick to unmute as many as you like.
  19. If you use the learn button and play some of your song, Sonible will move several nodes to where it thinks it should go. After that initial song scan, there should be a good amount of Eq change with the on off switch.
  20. They look like they are on different channels which would be correct. If midi 1 goes to tts1’ channel 1, and tts1 output goes to (synth-audio)track 1. That should output 1 synth track from midi 1 Midi 2 to Tts channel2, tts channel 2 to synth/audio track 2 you will need 2 more copies of Ty’s synth track to output the 3 different tracks As you put tts1 into the project it ask how many outputs do you wasn’t. Just say all. That was those missing tracks will be made for you. most of the time I just use channel 1 and have a midi and synth track. Thi makes it much faster to unfreeze, edit a note and refreeze. If you used a synth like Kontakt you would find yourself wanting to correct 1 note and having to wait for 32 tracks to unfreeze and re freeze. Easiest way use 3 copies of tts1 set channel 1 of each for your instruments 3 synth tracks 3 midi tracks (or more)
  21. Another waves Mercury user here. I haven't done wup in years. My computer hasn’t blown up. I know they might be a risky company, but I survived version 2 to v3 fiasco. That’s too bad they don’t have the managerial AI lol. If they could figure out finance as well as DeVerb and DeNoise work. ?
  22. I don’t know how good your keyboard playing is, but even if it’s really good this doesn’t seem like a great idea. The kick might need a push (A little bit ahead of the beat) or a pull (A little bit behind the beat) If I knew what style music / tempo, I would know better what to recommend. Is the song strict timing rhythm, or does the timing flow up and down some?
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