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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. If you had a bunch of them, you could do it in the Event list view. You can sort by event type and zap them all in the matter of seconds!
  2. I almost set up a symbolic link to one set of plug-in layouts last night. I wasn’t sure the format was the same. I was looking for a plug-in I had just set up in the layouts and couldn’t find it. It dawned on me that I set it up in cakewalk not sonar. I certainly don’t want to have to add them 2 times. I set up one for 😄 samples to look in E:\samples (libraries and convolution files) for the same reason. Now if I could remember how I did that! 
  3. I just noticed Layouts are in different locations. Can I copy an updated layout from one location to the other? Are the formats the same for both programs?
  4. Did you change the temp at the marked spot? There is a temp track that might help. This should help you real light that area. Also set time at the marked position with cursor there.
  5. ChordifY is good also look at deCoda. It will read chords and Melodie’s
  6. Do a screen capture of the audio track you are trying to playback.
  7. Thanks to all. I did find a version that would open. Yes there are way toooo many plugins in this song! I was opening it up to redo much of it. (Simplifying the plug-ins) I am a plug-in experimenter. I like to see what can be done with modifying sounds. I have new flute chains that are way more simple. I had to go back 12 versions to find a file that would open. I was using project scope to look at the differences in what would open and what would not open. I assumed it would be a plug-in. I wish project scope could make a csv text file. I could sort the plugins and compare the differences. Is there a way to get the data from project scope to a csv text file? I wish Mark could add this one more feature to projectScope! I could then put the info in a database or spreadsheet to study them. I have found songs that had glitches in them, that were fixed by deleting the offending plug-in and just put it back in.
  8. Yes it said it was up to date so I did a refresh. It did not seem to help, but thanks.
  9. Let us know if that works! I really miss scook. I’ll pm you.
  10. Thanks! So at least you have eliminated 1/2 the work!! I only have to look at what is not there lol! I knew it was a plug-in, but it is very difficult trying to decide which one with a project this large. I think project scope said 233 plugins. What really puzzles me is why was I able to open it 08/2023. I have 20 versions from that time frame. I tried a few with no luck. I hope there are not a bunch songs that do not open now. Going to test a few from that time frame.
  11. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_SUOGzYEsETt0ok7VRShDJmSL4k_4q-g This is another giant project. I planned on deleting some plugins and doing some more bus configuration to clean it up some, but I have to be able to open it first. I just hate to go back too far. I have many saved versions of the song. I tried 5-6 last night. Same crash. I have the full dmp file too if you need it. 1gig compressed Thanks for any help.
  12. It looks like it is loading just fine. All that plugins and soft synths seem to load. When it gets to preparing project, it works for a tiny bit, then it crashes. Sonar and Cakewalk. This song opened just fine in 08-19-2023. I worked on it quite a bit, 2023 without any problems. I have tried safe open a few times, but am unable to guess the conflict.
  13. https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar Look for Available now VIA Bandlab membership. Then Click! One WARNING!!!! -> Backup/Restore Settings If you use this to saving your setting, be warned. A windows uninstall will delete this information.
  14. Ever since I found out about Sonobus, most of my songs have Sonobus in them. Many times I try to reset the connection and I can't click on anything. I have had this happen a few times to other plugins, but this always happened to Sonobus. When you load a song with Sonobus in it you always have to reset the LAN / internet connections. I have found I can delete it and put is back in again, but it is a lot of trouble to put the passwords back in. I have not seen this in Cakewalk. Thanks for any help.
  15. 1) Closed a song hit file open - File open reverting to Appdata\roaming\cakewalk\sonar Instead of where it is in the folders setup 2) After a few hours working on a song, the space bar quit working. Also, shift-F and CTRL-Shift H and Shift-H quit working. 3) 07-20-2024 I had a song open and had been working on it a little while. I went and loaded up Open Office Calc. When I went back to Sonar the Cursor Vanished (Was invisible) I haven't seen this one in a long time. 4) 07-20-2024 Sonar Vanished - I was working on a kick drum and all of a sudden the whole program vanished! No dump file nothing I have not been using Sonar too much. I was kind of waiting till the rough edges were polished. The graphics look better after the bakers did some work on it. I will report this with the problem reporter.
  16. Some plugins are adding another folder layer to the installation. Like a .vst3 folder. You could try moving it up a layer and rescan. Hope that helps.
  17. Was your autotune a permanent license or a subscription? Can you use it in a new project? If you need to edit them before this is resolved, just open in the safe mode. Hold down the shift key, then click to cwp file. Answer yes to all but autotune. Yes I understand. should Be able to open and edit it. Be sure to save under a new file name to preserve the original song file.
  18. I have always hated articulations! I'm much better and faster at just playing staccato or legato. How many articulations can you have. LOL! For some things, you do need articulations.
  19. I don’t know about 4. They have a trial you could get. I have been upgrading since v1. Even though I have never used them very much. I think smart limit is the one I have used the most. I can’t decide about this upgrade. They did add some un-masking in this one. That might be nice. Only $29 but I still need to think about the other 3 I bought that I done use lol. I would at least get the demo.
  20. Yes I pull it up sometimes, but I just want to look down and 6 or 7. I don’t always scan as soon as I add a plugin, so there might be one more than I remember. I usually get coffee while it scans lol. I have a shortcut to the scan log.
  21. I have the Abbey Roads ,CLA, Ocean Way (which I liked the best) and Acustica stuff. I tried each because it was the hype of the time. I didn’t use them very long, and haven’t used them in years. So, is VSX different enough to even consider?
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