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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. …..”appears in the mixdown of highly layered tracks. “ Why are they highly layered? How highly are we talking here? You know if you accidentally shift a layered track a tiny bit on the time line, even a few samples, it can make the artifacts like you’re talking about. If you scoot it a little more and you can get a nice double track effect. +3 -3 cents pitch shift can also sound nice, and usually does not cause problems.
  2. I was looking for some nice timpani for a project I am working on. Anyone have any suggestions? I thought this one sounded better than what I have.
  3. Sonobus is great! I use it a lot. I check mixes in the car and iPhone. I lay in bed after I mix in the studio and listen on my iPhone. It is a great way to do this. FarPlay is supposed to be a good remote app. You would probably need a good fiber connection for any of this to work. You should try FarPlay too.
  4. That is very small. Have you tried to do it in a regular room? Stand near a corner sing towards the center. Also, if there is a bookcase or a wall that is filled with stuff. Sing toward the corner with the most uneven surfaces, not a plain wall. You could move a blanket and hang it temporary in the corner just for a test, and try that.
  5. What kind of vocal booth? This could also be the problem.
  6. Also Reverberate is great for loading IRs!
  7. I thought I liked R-2. After some use I did find one use for it. It can be used and set to be almost totally invisible. For some more colorful reverbs and ones with modulation, this can be difficult even at low mix ratios.
  8. When this was first out, it was very popular. I wonder if people still use it?
  9. I don’t think I have heard any major changes to the actual quality on the tuning since version 7 lol!! Non installed
  10. That’s funny I couldn’t find the version number anywhere. ‎Mine is dated Monday, ‎February ‎26, ‎2024 10:16:45 AM the current version is 2.67 dated 02/28/24 according to the web page. I must have version 2.66. I didn’t know there was a 2.67. I probably won’t matter. I think is has to be something odd going on. Glenn, Misha, which version do you have?
  11. I was leaning with Glenn thinking it could be patchworks, because it worked directly in a cake track.
  12. I just watched your video. I saw that the chords did not show up. I see the sections without the chord symbols, but does it have sound? Have you tried saving and then reopening the cakewalk file to see if the chords show up? I had about the same as Glenn. Only minor chord errors. Are you using Cakewalk or Sonar? Did you try loading cakewalk as an administrator? Are you using patchworks 2.66? You could try an older version too. Sometimes this will work. What other daw did you try?
  13. Anyone compare this to track spacer? I would use trackspacer a little more, but the CPU is a little high on my machine.
  14. I think it is a great plug-in. I crank it up a little and drop it on the bus. When I need something to move forward in a mix I can just blend in a little with a send to this bus.
  15. I haven’t tried but I can see why this would not work. Too many levels of connectivity to contend with. I’ll try can’t now later maybe.
  16. I have both plugins but never used them together. Why would you want to do that?
  17. I don’t use take lanes very much, but could you recall it with a track template?
  18. I resave the default to where I want to start. Don’t know why but it takes 2 saves sometimes for it to stick. Some brands don’t work with this, some do. A global default would be nice. You could use FX chains or track templates to save a default setting.
  19. I resave the default to where I want to start. Don’t know why but it takes 2 saves sometimes for it to stick. Some brands don’t work with this, some do. A global default would be nice. You could use FX chains or track templates to save a default setting.
  20. Safe mode is holding down the shift key then clicking on the song you want to open. You will have the choice of loading plugins. If you know which ones are causing the problems just go thru the list and choose not to open those. Otherwise, say no to all. Evert time I work on a song I do save as song 01, song 02. I do this about every hour. I also hit save(CTRL-S) frequently. It will help with many problems.
  21. Is it possible the the metronome was loud enough to bleed into the audio track? What were you recording?
  22. Yes, thanks! I wa thinking about making my own noise file. I was going to use white noise and a filter plugin to generate a brownish type wave to use.
  23. Yes Klevgrand Fosfat an Denise Noize 2 They are similar but different. I was wondering if a pcompressot that supports expansion could be used to side chain a similar type effect???
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