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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I use the plug-in menu save sometimes, but I save to a folder with subs for different plugins/vendors. You will not loose presets this way! Nothing like after the fact suggestions. Sorry. Did you modify the preset very much?
  2. I guess what threw me off was that the file really is local! I'm not sure how the \\ got in the wave file path. I didn't even notice this. I think I opened it up remotely and the path name stuck. Thanks again!
  3. I have always saved with incremental numbering. I work on v10 then save as v11. Work on v11 and save as v12. I have never created sub folders for each version. I just stack them up in one folder per song. Do you need a video?
  4. I am getting a very odd save error. I always use save as. When I try save as, I choose an incremented number like song 01, song 02. With this new version, I get odd errors. I used save as 4 times the file never got saved. I get a new directory with the file name in it each time, but no .cwp ???? Cakewalk says there is already a file by this name. If I answer no. The directory seems to already be written. When I say yes get the "Blue title bar error. You can see the created folders in error 6 Save with same name reply yes - error 5 Am I the only one that can't to save as? This has happened on 3 different songs. I could do a video if i need to. Please help!
  5. Just say I just start checking marking really quickly to speed hiding all those VST twos. What if I don’t pay attention and I have a vst2 but no vst3 and I choose both boxes. Would I be able to see the vst2 even when both boxes are chosen and there is no vst3?
  6. They do not look like the same wave? Could you show more of the normalized one?
  7. I haven’t had any new issues yet. I see I should do some Melodyne testing. Is there anything else besides just the everyday work that I should test?
  8. It use to be worse, but still today some VST3s are problematic. I have tried to use all VST3 for many years, but on occasion have had to revert to a VST2 because of problems. Opening older CWP's could also be a problem if VST3's do not migrate properly.
  9. Yes, and you don't have to make them so bright. A different color would work as well. If you had a DAW that supported vectors, you could make a nice 3d button that would look like it was pressed down or up ??? lol
  10. Shortcuts - I have used cakewalk shortcuts to reprogram program Markers menu which is = Press Alt+Shift+4 to = Shift+m Adding Markers is by pressing the key m Markers are a great way to move very quickly through a long recording. While you are recording, you can press the letter "m". What happens is that Cakewalk will place a marker at the exact point when you press "m". The timeline ruler will have a marker titled A1. When you press m again, you will get another titled A2, etc. You can use the marker menu pull down (JPG Markers Dialogue) to immediately jump to that time. The markers are stored and can be managed by the key combination of Alt+Shift+4 or reprogram to "Shift"+"m". Either way, you get the Markers menu (JPG Markers Menu) You can erase and rename markers from here. You can also use this menu to move between markers by simply clicking the name. Once you have finished getting the markers learned, there is also arranger tracks. Arranger tracks kind of serve some of the same functions but also add some other features. EDIT->I left out this part talking about Jotter - Jotter allows location points in audio without the need for a marker track. (The marker track is free LOL!)
  11. I remembers one last things that should help. If you line up your tracks and rewind for the next take, there is no way to make areas in the recording to go back to and edit. Nugen is a more pro site. Their plugins are super https://nugenaudio.com/jotter Waves WLM plus is a great option if you could find it for $29 I it has great LUFS meter,(long term and short term LUFS It also includes a true peak limiters and a dynamic range section. It is very good especially if you could find it for $29. You would have to wait till the next sale. They should have one starting pretty soon lol!! Oh wow I found it on sale! https://www.waves.com/plugins/wlm-loudness-meter (It’s almost always on sale) lol ?
  12. Spock said with a stern face - That’s not logical!
  13. Mute lit up = on Solo lit up = on PDC lit up = on FX lit up = off - WHY??? It is confusing to new users. I could easily get used to them all meaning the same lit up is = on Make them all the same.
  14. 3 tracks instead of take lanes - Me too. I tried them, but regular tracks with folders is fine. I do like take lanes for multiple vocal takes. Old insert - Me too Why learn a new way to do something when everything is working just fine?? I would rather spend time on music that relearning something that is already ok as it is. ?
  15. If you look closely, you will see that the Evade is in fact a VST3. The secret is in the logo in front of the name. One has a 3 in it. The other looks like a single pole electric socket plugin. Look at the logo in front of your plugins and your photoshop. None of mine have a VST3 or a (64bit) on them. Only the tiny logo is different. "3" v (a tiny little 3 in the header) vst2 ^ You can double-click any plugin in the plugin manager and name it whatever you want. A plugin installer can also name the plugin what ever it wants to on installation.
  16. If you are doing this to save space on your hard drive. It is not recommended, reasons as stated above. You would go to a ton of trouble for an ounce of space.
  17. If bitfilppers suggestion does not work for you -> I had a song that I could never pinpoint the plugin causing the crash on export. My workaround was to take the final bus and add a send to an AUX track. I then recorded the AUX. Next, I opened the \audio folder and just copied the .wav to my song play folder. Not a great option, but it does work. It would be good to know what plugin is causing your crash. It would be good to report this to cakewalk. If it has a dump file, it should be here-> C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps (Replace xxxxx with your computer login name) Submit a ticket here-> https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  18. Not yet I already have two other reports I an trying to keep up with. I’ll stRt it as soon as one of the others closes or if I have a breakthrough o something about it.
  19. I figured out it was plugins causing the problem. I’m still not sure why. I was unable to pin the problem on any single plug-in. Some plugins were set to over sample and some were not. Just for a test I turned over sampling on for all the plugins. My results were reverse from what I thought it would be. With over sampling turned on for the whole chain, the deviation was less. Go figure ?!?!?! Come to think about it ??? The error seemed to be 1/2 what it was before? Now I’m really confused. ?
  20. I was going to say to lock the clips. That is a great way to protect them some. I like folders better than hiding clips. That way all of the other tracks are only one click away. There are several ways to level the different take. First, you should use the volume to adjust them as close as you can. Some people use compressors and limiters to help level audio. These are good, but my favorite plugins are an all in one solution. There are many on the market. Some of my favorite are Waves MV2 and Vocal Rider (these two can be used together) or WA Productions Outlaw. Be sure to check out the deals forum before you buy any plugins! Outlaw will let you set a LUFS range which might be a plus later on. There are some good tools built into the cakewalk pro channel as well. Others - Waves - playlist rider Plugin alliance - Master Desk, Master Desk pro Sonible - Smart Limit Hornet Audio - several inexpensive gain rider plugins You should probably look at Outlaw 1st! https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/outlaw Good luck with your project. There is plenty of good help here.
  21. There are several plugins on the track FX. I will try to bounce with no effects, then 1/2ing them and bouncing again, etc. to see if I can find one that is misbehaving. Thanks larioso that could be it!
  22. It is quite audible. This note is an accent on the upbeat. When not timed properly, you can hear a rush or a drag on that note. I have moved it 20+ times, trying to guess where it would end up. It is a standard audio track. The latency is set to 2048. The project is running 45% computer usage on the cakewalk meter. The before is zoomed in so you can see that the now time is exactly on the mark. The bounced is zoomed out, so you can see it is behind the original placement.
  23. I decided to go for it. I already had patchwork, so I got a nice discount. I did download the ASIO driver. It looks like it will be a challenge to get it working with another computer. Remote connecting would be my goal. rsinger, glad you actually got it running. Did you use it internally or LAN?
  24. It seems like this note is being pushed back a bit on bounce. How is this even possible?? I moved this thing 2dz times trying to get the timing correct. I finally figured out it is moved back on freezing the track
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