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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Yes there are improvements from time to time, and bug fixes. Bundles like Mercury are always adding plugins for free. It is the best level to buy into waves, because of the WUP cap. This makes the WUP upgrade less than $1 per plug-in. Even with my meager income this is a bargain. As far as I know, waves are usable in any DAW you might think to use. Any studio that is descent will have waves plugins. I have some plugins still at v9. Must be time for me to WUP. That’s 6yrs no WUP no problems with mixed versions. Silly me I still use to Q10 released in 1992 lol
  2. Bandlab who would have thought of this. It does work and it is free.
  3. I tried for years to copy Eq curves from songs I really liked. I bought something from steinberg 15+ years ago. Since then I probably have 10+ others that I have tried. Stand-alone s from way back to Harbal! Good luck finding one that would exactly match your song. This does not work. There are great alternatives. Mcompare and ADPT Metric AB. Both have good and bad points about them Melda = It’s best feature is silence till volume match. It’s great! There are probably enough slots. Being able to mark songs to auto level each time you select them is a super nice feature (with a short silence). Metric AB = More song slots, filters to listen to high, middle, low Freq separately and compare. Easy selection of chorus, verse, bridge. It takes too long to match and you have to click the match every time. Layout is better. Lots of extra features! I love Metric features, but auto Volume matching is very important. Up to now computers can not do what your ear/brain can do. You can take either of these tools, load a song with a great snare in it, listen-compare. With moderate audio skills you can get very close to the that snare sound. (Excluding when there are serious masking problems.) Do a trial on Metric AB. I think Melda has trials too. Let us know what you think.
  4. I read that some older plugins were not in the V15. (I thought that was odd????) There was a note - it said you could download older version on top of v15 if they were missing after your install. Sorry I don’t have the link.
  5. It is lighter on the CPU than Abbey Roads. AR is way different than Capital Chambers. CC has a deep rich sound and is very tweakable, more than AR. I like it for some things. Probably more likely to use CC on vocals. In UAD I use the Lex 224 more. Oh yes, I still like AR better for drums if the cpu is not too loaded down at the end of a project. ? I am kinda new to CC 1yr.
  6. All they need to do is add the happiness knob. Turn left for minor keys turn far left for chaotic nonsense. Middle for a major minor balance. Turn right for happy more right for giggley then far right for ecstasy. Turn it off for piece and quiet lol.
  7. Wow, if I had a little cash, I could save $14,000 on sample libraries ?
  8. I haven’t WUP in ages. I have v9,10,11,12 plugins. I think I will WUP one day. Just not sure if it’s this one. If I wouldn’t have bought VX Clarity DeVerb the other day.
  9. If you like knobs, you should google Full Bucket. They have a bunch of great free synths!
  10. One great option is a Spotify subscription. The artist at least get Pennie’s! The quality is a bit better and the best part you can download them. You could get a bunch of songs in one month!! YouTube is a great backup.
  11. Yes $150-250 per year rent for RVNC. Looking for good free virtual desktop app to use with Sonar, Sonobus, and a windows/iPhone-iPad connection. Wow just thinking, wouldn’t it be great to have that built in!
  12. It worked so well. With SonoBus you could hear everything in the car. With the addition of RVNC you could edit it while you listen in the car. Or from anywhere you have internet or WIFI. Hey John thanks again for Sonobus. It is great! If I was Meng I would be looking into this.
  13. I have been using VNC then RVNC for years to login to the studio computer and adjust a volume after listening to a mix different places like the car. John Vere introduced me to Sonobus. It is super! Now I can actually mix in my car or another room. It has been nice to be able to do this. RVNC just shut down all the free accounts. So, I am looking for a replacement for it. I have Anydesk installed, but I’m not all that happy with it. I also have NoMachine installed. It is about the same. Any of you guys have a free remote app you like? Need windows and iPhone/iPad connections. I also have Teamviewer and I like it but they have closed down my free account twice so…. Any free suggestions would be great.
  14. Yes select several midi notes I like using the piano view. Then use the process menu. Select velocity put in 2 numbers like 120 then 75. Click the magic button “percentages” This is great to save the natural volume variations of a human playing the notes in, but also allowing crescendos or decrescendos to be added after the performance.
  15. There are several ways to do this - here are 2 more! 1)[audio or midi] Easiest-You can insert a volume or gain envelope on the track 2) [midi] process | cal - this is a programming language built into Cakewalk which is very powerful and has many different premade scripts.
  16. I used Mixroom and Bassroom a few years. Mixroom is good for an “auto” Eq plug-in. I’m not sure why I don’t use them any more. I guess is because I went back to FF proQ3 for clean EQ.
  17. I got mine reported and files uploaded. Read back thru this for the information you are looking for.
  18. I still think it could be the speed of the slopes. Could you send a photo of the one with the slanted envelopes you tried? I know you need to get on with the project.
  19. It's hard to tell how steep the slopes are, because there is no indication of the zoom level. What is the sound of this track? or what virtual instrument?
  20. Any way to grab these after the white ghost screen kicks in?
  21. A graphic snapshot of the nodes and a short audio clip might help. Are there jumps in the automation? Have you tried to smooth the nodes a little? I understand if this is not possible.
  22. I wanted to at least look at Luna, but Luna could not even scan my plugins without crashing.
  23. I tune Flute all the time. It is close to sine wave and is well recognized by Melodyne. I have also noticed the upper octaves of several Modo basses are out of tune. It works great for that too.
  24. Not in both. For audio and midi to login up it must be set to the tempo the the other guy did when he made it. Ask him for the tempo his daw was set to.
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