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Keith Wilby

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Everything posted by Keith Wilby

  1. Thank you so much Mark, you have much more confidence in my vocals than I do ?
  2. Nice playing indeed and a great song, and your voice reminded me of a cross between Glen Campbell and Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull). Have you considered putting some subtle drums on?
  3. I don't often stray from 4/4 time but I've had a go with this one: https://www.bandlab.com/post/4b5776c9-b901-ed11-b47a-281878315d59 Some lyrics adapted from the 1972 film "Sleuth" (well it was good enough for Morrisey) and also from "A Few Good Men". Comments welcome as always. EDIT: link corrected - this is the version that I meant to post and has a lead guitar solo. EDIT 2: Here's the remix. I've taken some bottom end off the organ to give the bass a chance, also I've swapped the order of the 2nd and 3rd verses. I'd be interested to hear what you all think of that and whether or not the story still flows. The idea is that I now have "pregnant silences" followed by the stop - I considered moving the stop instead, but I think that might be too early in the song to have one. Any thoughts? https://www.bandlab.com/post/17b3b057-9102-ed11-b47a-281878315d59 EDIT 3: @jwnicholson78 I've added a leslie organ to the middle 8 and coda as suggested. https://www.bandlab.com/post/e8fc39df-d205-ed11-b47a-281878315d59
  4. Sounds a lot better for it to me, nice one ?
  5. Yes indeed, this is my hobby now that I've retired. I'll have a go at some backing vox and see how it sounds. Thanks ?
  6. Very odd, and I love odd ?
  7. Absolutely love this, well done ?
  8. My latest dalliance. Comments invited ? https://www.bandlab.com/post/230a7f65-46fc-ec11-b47a-281878315d59
  9. Not sure if I should have started a new thread for this but here's a recently revamped version. It sill uses the same sounds but it's mixed and mastered using Bandlab. Gone are the static clicks and the tape hiss. https://www.bandlab.com/post/0afa6f2b-77f8-ec11-b47a-281878315d59
  10. I think this is probably my final fix. https://www.bandlab.com/post/d50b03c9-40f8-ec11-b47a-281878315d59
  11. Keith Wilby

    Too Much

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed ? https://www.bandlab.com/post/b5d18c8c-d6f6-ec11-b47a-281878315d59
  12. Keith Wilby

    Too Much

    I agree completely so I'll fix that. Thank you.
  13. My take on those cheesy "soft" horror films where the protagonist is in bed and they think they can hear something downstairs ? https://www.bandlab.com/post/db1a3d9e-87f4-ec11-b47a-281878315d59 (turns out it was my rubbish mix that caused the mastering to fail at first)
  14. Really nice piece that. The only change I'd make would be to make the "sonar pings" quieter, and maybe have them in a heavy yet subtle reverb that pans across the sound stage, if that makes sense, but that of course is a personal preference. I could certainly learn a thing or two from you about mixing! ?
  15. Keith Wilby

    Too Much

    Thanks Philip, I'm working on the vocal. No de-esser, I think it's my dodgy diction ? The descending notes in the intro/chorus might remind you of Please Please Me possibly?
  16. Keith Wilby

    Too Much

    Thanks Mark. I'm compelled to agree with you on the vocal (mainly because my wife said the same thing ?) so I'm revisiting that now. I used "Vocal Finalizer" on it, a plug-in that I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with, so it's time to try something else I think.
  17. Keith Wilby

    Too Much

    Hi CbB peeps. Here's my latest venture for your delectation ? Guide vocal a bit ropey here and there but comments on the arrangement welcomed. All of the sounds, apart from the drums which are Addictive Drums 2, are from my 90s vintage Yamaha SQ16. https://www.bandlab.com/post/0d8627f2-6ff1-ec11-b656-2818789a16d5
  18. Yes it is. There are two drum kits in unison, one panned hard left, the other right. The left snare swamps the one on the right. I'm currently working on using Addictive Drums instead.
  19. Drums dialled back and vocal brought forward. Also an extra vocal on the middle 8 if you listen hard enough ? https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/itsmyturn-ebc71934?revId=b651aedd-55e2-ec11-b656-281878319acf
  20. Keith Wilby

    It's My Turn

    Unashamedly a soppy ballad. ? https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/itsmyturn-a2a97656?revId=111ad1d0-ade1-ec11-b656-281878319acf
  21. Thanks for the comments guys. Will revisit the snare sound ?
  22. Thanks Mark. It's in a bit of a high register for me to be honest and I was expecting someone to pick up on that. I'm not a fan of double-tracked vocals but I double-tracked this one to try and give it a bit more texture. I'm not sure that I succeeded. I tried transposing it down a bit but it didn't sound right in another key somehow. Maybe I'll get a guest vocalist in ?
  23. Not to be confused with the Genesis song of the same title. This one uses that strange technique of a sad lyric to a happy tune. It doesn't always work but I think this one does. Hope you enjoy it. It weighs in at 5 minutes but I think it's got enough going on to keep you from dozing off. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/holdonmyheart-59a6acf2?revId=736b5152-76d7-ec11-b656-2818783151a1
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