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Keith Wilby

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Everything posted by Keith Wilby

  1. Hope you're well too, thanks for listening 👍🙂
  2. Yes I think that's spot on now 👍
  3. It's not my cup of tea but I can appreciate why others would like it and the effort that went into it. My only crit would be that the tambourine is too loud. I found it a tad irritating TBH. Otherwise a job well done.
  4. Finished this project now. I decided to add a bit of punch by adding an expletive and changing "Perry Como" to "Yoko Ono" 🤣 https://www.bandlab.com/post/45ae2079-15ea-ef11-88f6-6045bd3473c0
  5. Tried a few different methods of deverb but they all took too much away unfortunately. Thanks for the suggestion though 🙂
  6. Hi all. This song is written and sung by my pal and (then) bandmate Rob Rigby. The instruments and backing vocals are by me. Rob passed away many years ago. I'd always wanted to do a better version of his song than our band did (the guy on keyboards couldn't really play and the drummer raced like Mo Farah) but I could never sing it well enough, so this vocal is (mostly) from the terrible quality 1986 video recording here. Not the best quality audio but still better than me singing it. Rob's on the LH Washburn, the dopey looking bassist is me 😁 Comments and suggestions welcomed as always.
  7. My 70s throwback "driving home" song is finished now. I think. I've put some "urgency" into the singing on the later verses ( this guy gets more and more desperate to get home 🤣), and various other (hopefully) improvements. Comment welcomed as always. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/990955f4-44da-ef11-88f6-6045bd3473c0?sharedKey=ZhaY9hrn9keX1k60mcVmWg
  8. No offence intended but, I don't think you'll get much in the way of responses by posting a new link every time you make a minor tweak to a song. Better IMO to get a song to a stage where it's already achieved a number of milestones and then ask for critiques. Just my 2p worth 🙂
  9. Jeez, hope you're OK. To my ears, it's Motown meets the Travelling Wilburys. Very enjoyable. A few timing issues here and there but then it kinda adds to the charm. Good lyrics. After decades of listening to Peter Gabriel it's refreshing to hear frivolous lyrics 👍
  10. I like old school 😁
  11. Yeah "Led Zep sings ..." made me chuckle 🙂
  12. Keith Wilby

    Get Ready

    This is a bit of a 70s throwback in terms of duration and the shameless solo in the middle. It's one of those "driving through the night to get home to my woman" kind of themes. I hope it's not too long that you doze off. Comments and critiques welcomed as always. https://www.bandlab.com/post/f805bbf1-a5d5-ef11-88cd-000d3aa44d1c
  13. Keith Wilby


    I did, yes, and it can work very well.
  14. Keith Wilby


    I'll certainly give that a go 👍
  15. Keith Wilby


    Nothing in the way of pitch correction, I could properly sing back then 🤣 Duly noted, will revisit, thanks @timboalogo
  16. Yes indeed. The drumming was in aid of testing the (then) new Strawberry Studios in Manchester and they ended up turning it into a hit. Many thanks.
  17. Keith Wilby


    Written in the 1980s when I was in my 20s. I'd always wanted to write the opposite of a love song and this is what I came up with. The vocal is from the 80s, everything else is new. Comments appreciated. It's a bit long ... sorry 😳 https://www.bandlab.com/post/270564f2-dac9-ef11-88cd-6045bd345b20
  18. That's very very nice indeed. Way out of the spectrum of what I normally do so I'm not qualified to suggest anything, but keep on it, it'll be a great track.
  19. Tongue in cheek little ditty here. Modelled the drums on "Neanderthal Man" by Hotlegs (early 70s hit probably only in UK). https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/6b121511-2bc5-ef11-88cd-6045bd345b20?sharedKey=ZsT0CeT6hUGy2Vx5D1vcHQ Comments welcome as always.
  20. Keith Wilby


    I'd be fascinated to know how you did that.
  21. @crazy sniffable I had a similar issue. Seems to pick this information up from the project notes in the browser.
  22. Hi @Wookiee and thanks for your reply. I don't even know what that is so I might have done so unwittingly. How would I check?
  23. Hi all, Can someone enlighten me as to where Sonar gets the information in brackets after the filename please and if I can get rid of it? Many thanks.
  24. Yes, it's an ear worm and no mistake.
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