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Keith Wilby

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Everything posted by Keith Wilby

  1. The new link includes a later vocal with harmonies. Drums are Addictive Drums 2 with everything separated out post-fader and the "room" mic turned up a bit.
  2. Hi all, hope you're all surviving this COVID nonsense. Here's my latest work in progress, hope you like it. Comments welcome as always. EDIT: link to correct recording, previous one done in error. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/humanrights21mastered-d21d59d8?revId=781bfb12-efeb-eb11-b563-501ac5b31db1
  3. I'm going to see what I can do about that now
  4. I've ummed and ah-ed about that intro for ages and still can't quite work out whether or not it's too long.
  5. Keith Wilby

    The Garden

    Bit of a faltering guide vocal on this one. Written in 1995, this is genuinely how I felt after a failed and short-lived affair, when I completely lost myself in alcohol for many months ("pissed" in the UK sense meaning "drunk"). Too self-indulgent? As always, created using CbB. Comments invited ? https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/thegarden21-674e402a?revId=412e39b2-03bb-eb11-a7ad-0050f280467f
  6. Thanks guys, the penny has finally dropped
  7. Hi all, I'm a clueless newbie on this plug-in so I've been working through this tutorial using CbB and the free version of the guitar plug-in. I get as far as drawing "C1" at 6:27 but it doesn't make a sound. On the PRV the note assignments seem to be all wrong. Have I missed a trick? Many thanks.
  8. Hi, I contacted Waves and they provided me with a very comprehensive un/re-install process. All is well now
  9. It's the Addictive Drums 2 freebie kit.
  10. Hi all, I get this a bit more frequently than I'd like, and I seem to get it all the time when I try to use Cakewalk TTS-1. Any advice please? Many thanks.
  11. Keith Wilby

    Lockdown Blues

    A very pro sounding recording and amazing musicianship. I'm jealous!
  12. +1 on that. It's a really nice performance of a great song, but the right amount of strings would give it a huge lift IMO. Where's George Martin when you need him?
  13. I think this is my final mix on this, so thanks again for your comments folks. I've taken the delay off the vocal, added reverb and changed the EQ as I thought the voice sounded a little thin, unlike me ? On percussion, I think "less is more" on this one but I've panned the crash cymbals and put in some drum fills. I've also put a bit of melancholic string quartet over the previously solo piano bit in the middle. I think it's a huge improvement. I hope you enjoy it. https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/bestisyettocome2-066a17c5?revId=cc0d1963-6b7a-eb11-9889-0050f28a50ba
  14. I think it's as good as it gets vocal wise Lynn, I've never claimed to be a virtuoso on anything ?
  15. Things sound out of sync to me. That said, really good vocals and superb guitar playing/sound. Wish I could get the guitar on my stuff sound like that. Get it all in sync and you've cracked it
  16. Thanks all. Good points about the delay, I'll take another look.
  17. Hi all, here's my latest WIP created in CbB. Lead guitar is a little shaky at the moment but I'm working on it ? https://www.bandlab.com/wilbyforce/bestisyettocome2-a09a4bf1?revId=fa6c0d5b-6c77-eb11-9889-0050f28a50ba Comments invited
  18. Got it. I had no idea you could do that and I consider myself reasonably CbB savvy ? Many thanks ?
  19. I had trouble with Melodyne a while back. I contacted their customer services and they were fantastic and got me back up and running again in no time. Drop them an email. They will either re-send you the installation files or provide you with a download link.
  20. There's no need to shout. You're right, I've tried it and you can do this, so I've learned something valuable from you, thank you. I see you've started a new thread regarding Melodyne. I'll see if I can help as it's working perfectly for me.
  21. You can't put an audio clips onto a MIDI track. Why would you want to? MIDI is digital information, audio is, well, audio, a sound.
  22. Thanks for your reply Nigel, but what is the "control bar"? Sorry to be a bit thick ?
  23. Hi all, Is there a way to edit a MIDI value "en mass"? I expected the CbB event list to function like a spreadsheet but I can't get it to. In the example, how would I change the channel numbers to from "3" to "1" in one fell swoop? Many thanks.
  24. Hi all, does anyone know what "p52" means in a MIDI file on the workflow please? The MIDI file was created years ago on an ancient Yamaha machine with a floppy disk drive if that's relevant at all. Thanks.
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