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Keith Wilby

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Everything posted by Keith Wilby

  1. I usually have buses for my lead vocals and backing vocals. Where best to put a de-essing plug-in, on each individual vocal track or is it possible to de-ess an entire bus to achieve the same effect? Many thanks.
  2. It's a "quiet" kit at the start and I couldn't find a way of including two instances of EZD without crashing CbB so I opted for AD for the "loud" kit. Of course, this is potentially now all up in the air as I consider all of these useful comments so far ?
  3. I'm using the EZ Drummer 3 "tight/small" room kit for the first bit (going for the Paul Simon "Fifty Ways" sound) and Addictive Drums 2 for the second bit.
  4. Thanks Tom ? You know, I was just thinking the same thing about the lyrics and maybe that's what's stopping me from liking it unreservedly. They don't make an awful lot of sense for a start but I've had the song in my head for so long ... I'll put me thinking cap on.
  5. That's food for thought Paul, thank you. I'd be interested to know what you don't like about the drums - do you mean when the "loud" drums come in?
  6. Thank Jesse. It's by no means finished mix-wise, I just need to convince myself (or not) that it's worth finishing.
  7. I didn't mean to suggest that you did, it just reminded me of him, which is good ?
  8. Probably impossible to answer but I've been messing about with this for a while now and I just can't seem to make it fly. Don't hold back, if you think it sucks then tell me - I don't want to be flogging a dead horse! https://www.bandlab.com/post/fb31277a-068d-ed11-9d7a-000d3a3eed2a
  9. "Tesco's wheelie bins" did I hear? Like it. Some timing issues but those guitar sounds are really nice. Look forward to the finished product.
  10. First Jack and now this. Avant Garde overload ? It's not my cup of tea but I can see why people would like it, and it certainly beats listening to Shouty Capaldi on Radio Two ?
  11. Quite Avant Garde I thought and the vocal reminded me of David Byrne. Enjoyed it ?
  12. Oops, I'd forgotten I'd done that Mark. Thanks for the tip though, I think it makes a big difference ?
  13. and de-essed vocal. https://www.bandlab.com/post/190c9872-6e8b-ed11-9d7a-000d3a3eed2a
  14. Thank you Mark. I've done a little homework on "de-essing" but it's something new to me. Turns out I have "BT DeEsser" in my arsenal of FX so I'll have a play around with it. Presumably it should be first in the FX chain?
  15. Hi Mark (and others from this thread, I have no idea how to tag people on here ?) Hopefully this will sound better. Thanks again everyone for your feedback. https://www.bandlab.com/post/054b781b-3a81-ed11-9d7a-000d3a3eed2a
  16. Thanks guys, it always pays to have other pairs of ears to point out these things. I'll certainly go back and fix that ?
  17. Quiet part of the guitar solo removed, vocals better synched and louder. https://www.bandlab.com/post/054b781b-3a81-ed11-9d7a-000d3a3eed2a
  18. Many thanks guys. I'm starting to wonder if the song needs the quiet solo now; I suppose I'd need to work out some better notes to play though ("I'm playing all the *right* notes ..." ?)
  19. I've had this tune hanging around for ages but have just put some reasonable lyrics to it (based on the shenanigans of the likes of UK MP Matt Hancock who broke his own COVID laws and then refused to apologise and/or resign as Health Secretary). I think the lead guitar gets a bit "muddy" at 2:45. Comments invited ? https://www.bandlab.com/post/e3d4d15e-877c-ed11-9f5e-000d3a980004
  20. Thanks Mark, will take another listen. Always glad to hear your comments.
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