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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. i got my serial too. great product. i will try to see if there is anything on their site that is worth buying for BF or CM.
  2. I am still waiting for my serial #. I see the plugin in the orders though.
  3. so they gave away the freebie to entice sales of this?
  4. whats the catch with WUP? they charge an arm & a leg if you ever want to upgrade?
  5. Is this is decent deal? It would sort of add up to $15 per plugin. Anyone who plays guitar using JJP Guitars with other sims? Any thoughts or feedback on it? I am also possibly looking at below as well. Abbey Road Chambers Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain Aphex Vintage Aural Exciter
  6. I guess the free plugins are these ones. https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/frontpage?page=2
  7. is this for BF on all ? I am debating to wait to see if they will have a collection or just pick up Slow
  8. FWIW.. i am holding out for some Frozen Plain deals. I like their stuff.
  9. Largo is so good. It's one of the most used synths i used that i bought last few years. Really great.
  10. wow.. those amp sims are expensive.
  11. I guess better wait for a sale on the bundle and be done with it.
  12. i just tried out the CLA freebie. its cool. though not something that is not reparable by other FX in my collection of reverbs. @Zo did you try the Fabfilter Pro R? No good?
  13. Is your post serious or you are just kidding? It really depends how you look at it and what do you mean by mental health. Music has been proven to do wonders for brain degenerative brain disease. There are lots of proven studies on it. This also probably translates to young people and how listening to music affects their everyday life and personality. Re: making music and the creative mind and the ego that comes with it. In my experience creative work usually entices ego of some sort. Its a battered ego as it is someone who is always on the receiving end of criticism of the output of your inner creativity. Be it a vocalist, violinist or music mixer engineer. You develop a sense of humour about it as a coping mechanism usually and you learn to deflect it and not take it to seriously. As far as certain personalities and ADHD. Music in the modern age is a activity where you are constantly getting bombarded with distractions. You don't sit around on a porch and strum away to old Buck White tunes that you heard on a radio. You are getting bombarded with lots of media and news media and YT videos and what not. Thats the new environment in which you make music. It's perfectly acceptable and natural to have ADHD. Just go with the flow and learn to filter out things that are not important.
  14. done anyone on here use this? i need something that will visually tell me what notes are actually contained in a cluster of noise generated by overlapping synths and low end.
  15. hi, you got total for that price including deducting the value of the single licenses you sold off or after deducing that value?
  16. Hi, can anyone guess or comment. Will these IR's work in the new AT 5 or NeuralDSP? My guess is no, but thought I will ask. (Sorry, I am old and dumb).
  17. I may be in the minority, but I quite like the Fulltone SSTE in AT 4. Its more of an echo. I can't find a way to make that thing sound bad. It maybe also just my own personal preferences to sounds. I am looking to up my game and start getting into Fabfilter. Just can't justify the cost yet.
  18. on my old i7 clunker it does use CPU quite a bit. i find I dont like the interface that much. and there is nothing in it that is not replacable by other product (maybe I just dont know how to use it)
  19. total bundle w/discount is $666 oh oh.. bad number. ?
  20. i think it is good on vocals if you have lots of harmony vocals. they also have this on sale. on idea if its good. https://www.softube.com/tilt
  21. this was free. i got the freebie last week or so.
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