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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. is there a coupon or code we can stack on top of this? I did a little spreadsheet of whats in it. So no, Abbey Road pack in Vol 3? Is that always been separate ? Cause this is not that bad a deal when you look at it.
  2. is this a decent price for Hamonics if you don't want to get the pack?
  3. I use H-Compressor what I got for free. I quit e like it. Is the H-delay that good?
  4. maybe i am an idiot and dont know what i am doing. i personally don't use reverbs that much on instruments. i will use it on a send bus for drums mostly. if i use it on an instrument, i will use the builtin reverb know the instrument has that way it keeps it own unique character. i might jump on this iZo deal though. I have nothing from Exponential Audio in my collection.
  5. what happens on your system with the FX? I am on a pretty old clunker -- the demos and all arturia stuff works.
  6. there was a guy on another forum claiming R4 has too many parameters to tweak, hence why he prefers R2. ??
  7. Is R2 that much better than other reverbs like Valhalla and CSR stuff?
  8. Did anyone post this one yet? Feel free to del if yes. https://www.krotosaudio.com/black-friday-sale/
  9. Yup. $99 crossgrade offer for both being offered. The deal on FX i just might take. Sound Explorers also on 50% off. https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/sound-explorers-collection/overview
  10. i am a cubase user on 10.5 . i find i keep reverting to 9.5 b/c or performance. i dont really see anything in the features that would entice me to upgrade. *if* I had the fancy dual super duper large displays like the guys in the ads, i might bite b/c of this though. " Windows 10 Variable DPI More scaling settings. "
  11. the last one was upgradable to more? maybe i should look at picking up one from their outlet store. i stayed away b/c of the T2 chip.
  12. so a maxed out Mini adds up to $2,149.00 kanaki $'s. and it's all soldered to the bone and un-upgradable. jeezzzz.
  13. In case anyone didnt post. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/index.php?id=holideals2020 up to 50% off MODO DRUM - $/€299.99 $/€179.99 MODO DRUM (boxed) - $/€329.99 $/€199.99 MODO DRUM Crossgrade - $/€199.99 $/€119.99 MODO DRUM Crossgrade (boxed) - $/€229.99 $/€139.99 T-RackS Space Delay - $/€99.99 $/€79.99 T-RackS Sunset Sound Studio Reverb - $/€149.99 $/€99.99 AmpliTube Joe Satriani - $/€99.99 $/€79.99 AmpliTube Brian May - $/€99.99 $/€69.99 Hitmaker: EDM - $/€49.99 $/€24.99 L.A. Confidential - $/€99.99 $/€49.99 Clavitube - $/€79.99 $/€39.99
  14. I have so many reverbs. But it looks intriguing. Is this a decent deal or has this deal appeared before? Can anyone comment, how does it compare to the Relab/IKM CSR reverbs and NI included SOfttube reverbs? (Yeah, i know, I should demo).
  15. you know what the problem in this world is? there are just not enough 808 VSTs. ?
  16. one of the cooler "out there" producers/music makers, Arca, uses it exclusively to create his organic electronic avante-garde EDM music.
  17. got it. sounds good. thanks. Do the meters work for others? I played around with it today to get some lovely 80s compression on drums. It works but meters don't budge when using on a Send FX.
  18. it seems IKM updated the content of their site with respect to Amplitube 5 versions. You can now clearly see what is going to be left out of CS version. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/index.php?p=versions expand the versions chart.
  19. meh.. but damn. i missed the Memory V freebie from IKM. if anyone wants to trade SpacePort for it DM me.
  20. what you notice @ 3:50 is the new amps are $35 each and only available in AT 5 and AT 5 Max in the video.
  21. looks the same. just a prettier GUI. but if there is ability to add those MixBox FX into tracks, that will be handy.
  22. The user preset browser did need some fixing as it's quite clunky designed. I just really hope they didn't remove the meta data entry fields as I do use them extensively. I popular the guitar type, pickup type, song name e.t.c. in the custom presents I make. I rarely use the supplied presets as they are too over the top sounding. I also use the 8 track as a scratch pad before putting things into Cubase. I look forward to some reliability improvements in that. In AT 4, the 8 track did weird things with tempo as you move forwards in the wave file. Sometimes also different guitar tracks mysteriously got out of wack alignment. I never bother to track it down as I always keep saving my projects regularly as i work, and I just revert to saved project.
  23. It's an even simpler deal than that. Basically you need to look at IKM as a different beast of product than how NeuralDSP and some others are. If you jump in on the sales, (and they all more or less pull you in around the $100 for the software), you still pay the same amount for the product(s) but with IKM you get 100% or 200% more little products to play around and tinker with while with NeuralDSP you get a few amps, cabs and FX but then all sound really amazing. I am glad I am not a Max owner. I am happy with the IKM products I got and had fun using them. But now when or it its time to upgrade to something new, there really is no great incentive to stay with IKM as they don't really offer an incentive. You basically buy the new products as the same promo offer as people that don't own any IKM products. So the decision is a wide open decision and your options are quite open.
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