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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I don't think it's true VAT has to get charged to international customers. Under normal commerce, any tax you pay you can apply at the border to get it back. But then you pay import fee's in your local country of residence.
  2. I am a little happier to hear that SE is all you need to get your existing gear into the new AT 5 sound engine and VIR tech. From following these threads -- I am starting to wonder, it seems its better to just get group buys and not buy Max editions. It seems you get more millage from group buys.
  3. To honest, I am also looking at this possibility as I have been on the market considering a interface upgrade. I am debating between the Axe I/O & AT 5 deal vs RME Babeface and S-gear deal. I think if you get the Axe I/O interface, you just get a separate serial code for AT 5 which is separate and distinct from whatever AT 4 serial codes you have. Can someone confirm for sure, the AT 5 code you would get with the Axe I/O is not valid for any future crossgrade or upgrade promotions?
  4. Brave man. Well, now you get to tell is if the old collections got the new VIR treatment with AT 5 SE.
  5. yup. thats my understanding as well. you will have two icons. i for AT 5 and one for AT 4. I too and confused and just sitting back. On a site note, I am wondering about clean tones and collections. Is it that there isn't really that much complexity to creating a sim of clean amp tones, so that's why certain amps like JC-120 sort of get one release and you never really see a newer release? Or is it because they just aren't as popular as heavy metal, hard rock, thrash amp tones?
  6. whats new is under the"whats new" section of the AT 5 page on their site. 2 stomp boxes, 5 amps, 1 cab.. and then updates to GUI and bits of Mixbox.
  7. Yes, this is also how I am interpreting Peters posts. Hence my accusation that he's ***** footing around and not giving straight answers. Whatever.. this is looking like a dead end for me.
  8. Something tells me, if IKM did do any work or updates on the collections, they would be advertising the hell out of it and putting it in bold somewhere that the collections are all updated (remastered or revamped -- whatever buzz word they want to use!) for AT 5 and state that that's another good reason to upgrade from AT 4 to AT 5. But thee fact that it's not really mentioned anywhere makes me think nothing was done on them. They are essentially the exact same software collections you had all along, you just get the privilege of using them now in AT 5 and match those amps in those collections with the new VIR cabs and speakers that come in AT 5. That's a far cry from "remastered" and "revamaped". It just might sound remastered when used through AT 5, but you should not have to pay an upgrade price -- it is the same collection you had all along. (I might be wrong).
  9. Okay, so if that is the case, then that pretty much defeats the purpose of upgrading to AT 5 SE for current owners of AT 4 and any associated collections because your collections don't become VIR collections until you move all the way to Max, right? Why can't IKM just come out and say that instead of ***** footing around? So you need to wait for a sale on AT 5 Max so you can get the new revamped versions of the collections you already use and own. I have no interest in getting Satriani or Brian May at this point as I don't use them and have more than enough guitar software in my system. I just want updated collections of what I own if I am spending $100 to $150 for an upgrade. What the hell is going on here?
  10. I just still feel like I am not getting a straight clear answer. (Maybe I am reading into the spreadsheet too much and it's a badly worded spreadsheet!) For example, I use the Mesa Boogie collection a lot. I use the Mark III and Dual Rectifier often. On that spread sheet it shows that its only available in Amplitube 5 Max. So, does that mean, if you don't have that collection and you want to get it, you should buy AT 5 Max to get it. Or does it mean, if you do have that collection and you buy AT 5 SE to unlock it, it will "supposedly" take advantage of the new sound engine in AT 5 but if you want the revamped cabs, you need to buy AT 5 Max to be able to use those?
  11. there is a thread on GS where Peter supposedly answered. You will be able to use everything and it will take benefit of the new sound engine but it will not be updated. https://www.gearslutz.com/board/showpost.php?p=15078257&postcount=123
  12. the value of software is all in your mind. it can go from $100 to $20 to $0 freebie really fast. From my experience, get the stuff you think you will get use and mileage out of. I just have a feeling this will be in the "Wow! $299 regular price and we give you 80% off!"" before end of next summer.
  13. I am still too stupid to understand I guess. (maybe its just the spreadsheet and I am reading into it too much). for example, the amp "Red Pig" is part of AT 4. On the spread sheet it's listed under AT 5 and AT 5 Max and is not listed under AT 5 SE or AT 5 CS. If you already own AT 4 and you obviously own the "Red Pig" amp and you chose to upgrade to AT 5 SE, you "unlock" the ability to use "Red Pig" in AT 5. But are you getting a new revamped "Red Pig" amp or are you just getting the ability to use the old "unrevamped" "Red Pig" amp in AT 5?
  14. Yes, i think it was answered by Peter on other forums. If you already own AT4 max and don't want any of the newer AT 4 collections that were released in last 12 to 24 months, you can just get AT 5 regular which will give you everything you already have but in a newer AT 5. From there, you need to compare the price points of the $150 for the upgrade to what else is on the market for guitar at the $150 price point. Personally, and I am just looking that this as a user and customer and know nothing about music software sales industry, this to me all looks like IKM are trying to hook new customers into the AT ecosystem (it's a great deal if you own nothing from them, very similar to NI and Komplete collection strategy) -- and any existing AT 4 users who are early adopters and don't care that much about price. But I have a feeling there will be a re-vamped upgrade offer for people that own AT 4 and a lot of the collections down the road. My guess is, it will somehow adjust itself to something in the range of $79 to $89 for AT 5 within 12 months. (This is based on the $199 regular price for AT 5 and discounting 60% and 80% respectively which their offers have been in the past). just my2 cents.
  15. meh.. I don't know about this. It's just not looking too good for people that are already invested in AT 4 like me. The hardware route is okay, but then not being able to us the software in cross-grade offer sort of nullifies that. The way I am seeing it, it adds up to $91 Kanaki $'s for Neural's Cory at the current 50% off deal or $151 Kanaki $'s for AT 5 to be able to use what you already have in a new interface. Time to does one want to continue in the IKM sound or move into different territory.
  16. if you are in the market for new hardware, this to me in looking like it *might* be a okay deal to use jam points to get hardware. The Axe I/O solo is $299 and comes with AT 5. It's also possible the Z-Tone stuff may also come with AT 5. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ztonedi/index.php?p=apps https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ztonebufferboost/index.php?p=applications I am still on a 8+ y r old interface and in the market for a new one. But was looking at going RME or Arrow. I figure if I will upgrade, upgrade to something decent that will last.
  17. yup. i am sitting back and waiting to see what it is.
  18. That's the part I am not quite sure about. So are the various collections and their cabs and effects also updated/upgraded or are they the same as before? The only thing that is truly upgraded is the core AT amps and speakers? This to me looking like the core AT functionality and GUI is upgraded and a couple of new amps and cabs and they also threw in a little bit of MixBox. I guess will wait for Peter to chime in or wait for some YT video live streams from IKM to find out. BTW.. I don't see a cross grade pricing. Its the same special into pricing regardless of whether I am logged in or not.
  19. oh no. lets not play that game again. which time zone will they kick in first. i recall NI sales did not kick in in German time zone but in US I think.
  20. It's gonna be AT 5 .. in first before the bell.. What do I win mama for being IKM keener?
  21. damn.. they sneaky.. trick me they did.. :-)
  22. Tempting.. I did try it and am hearing good stuff... I have just resisted. Anyways, it adds up to ~ $91 Canadian with the discount. But IKM are about to announce possibly a new AT version. Hmm.. so many decisions.. so little money. ..
  23. I think a new modeling approach or a new cab room modeling might be good. I can definitely hear a difference between AT 4 and S-Gear and NeuralDSP stuff --but not enough to want to ditch AT 4. I don't if this is because what is in AT 4 is a little older and maybe there is something IKM can put on market to compete with the others sound wise.
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