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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. i have been pretty impressed with the plugins i have tried from Waves. Just not sure about the WUP thing so I haven't actually bought any yet. All were freebies.
  2. that is so weird. i was actually looking at those last night and was thinking, wow, $198 .. and they go on sale for $18 next day. what is the real price of some of the 8dio products?
  3. Deep Forest called. They said, "yo, waz up!??!" ? just kidding. it does sound very nice. ?
  4. https://www.thedjshop.co.uk/blog/novation-zamplersounds-collective-offer I dont know about it. maybe a little too beginner EDMish .??
  5. Wait, you mean you can use one of the $5 plugins towards the 2 for deal? Anyone try this to confirm its works?
  6. i need to try me some nembrini. i hear good things bout them.
  7. thanks. well, i think i am safe. i keep my DAW OS as far behind and stable as possible.
  8. that piano lib sounds quite cool. is that a decent price?
  9. what is the danger of using them in projects? they stop working after a few years or they just never get updated? I recently started using that dbx160 compressor.
  10. yeah. you are right. its just notch filter eq with different presets for different hums. in my tests, i demoed with plugin on and off in the chain. what I thought I was hearing was, with plugins off, the amp sim sounds a certain way ( i used a Fender Super as a test as I know really well how that amp's distortion sounds at different volume settings). what i thought I was hearing is with RX dehum, it changes the way the distortion sounds. Witt X-hum, if still keeps the distortion. I tested with the 60khz and harmonics setting from both plugins. I posted my single coil tests online in case anyone interested. first part is no plugin. then waves, then RX, then waves, then RX. (forgive all the shait notes at the end)
  11. i just finished comparing between RX elements dehum and Waves X-hum. So, to my ears, there is defiantly a difference between them when used as an insert before an amp sim. the Waves one sounds like it's warmer. I don't know if it's because it's more transparent and is not altering the signal that is going into the sim whereas the RX is altering the signal somehow. not sure as i am not an audio engineer. I also demoed AudioTrack. It seems its the newes GUI of the bunch and maybe the most useful as Grem stated. Its also 192khz so supposedly future proof if you ever upgrade to recording at 192khz.
  12. Anyone post this yet? In case interested. https://vstbuzz.com/deals/60-off-bute-loudness-analyser-stereo-by-signum-audio/
  13. i do. but want wondering if this would be easier of system resources as an insert in electric guitar track in DAW. to kill single coil hum bit.
  14. IR reverb was a freebie. It sounds quite good. But seems like an old plugin. I was seriously looking at JJP Guitars a few weeks ago. @Grem --- thanks i will check those out. Has anyone used or uses X-hum? Any thoughts? Thats the only one I don't think I have a comparable FX of.
  15. ^^ this is what I am concerned about too.but that shouldn't be the case. the updates to the synths are to enable them to be used in ALV I think.
  16. Yeah. i think that's his point and the clinker.. When you get AT 5 included with hardware, as far as IKM is concerned, you didn't actually pay for the product. They gave it away to you as a freebie. So you don't qualify for any crossgrade promos. You would have to use other software you actually paid for to get any crossgrad or upgrade promos. Not a big deal really as long as you aren't in a hurry to get the software. IKM constantly do promos and offers. FWIW.. I just bought the DI to get AT 5 SE. I don't need all the other collections in AT 4. It's quite a good DI. It makes quite a difference in signal quality going to the DAW.
  17. i just checked their README. so you are stating the the new present library updates to existing V6 products entails removing a bunch of presents because they may not be compatible with the new Analog Lab? That is not good at all. I might hold off updating until this is sorted out. Luckily their servers are slow so I wasn't able to get anywhere with downloads or updates.
  18. Okay. so the Analog Lab 5 issue is a non-issue. You are able to install them side by side.
  19. anyone remember the Fender Saleen ? for the Seattle starup VC guy .. to go along with his sports car collection. https://www.fender.com/articles/gear/dream-factory-saleen-stratocaster
  20. I wonder if the present counts keep going down b/c they are pushing an alternate source of revenue from preset packs. https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/analoglab-v/sounds
  21. my bad. i thought they sold it. come on there has got to be a rich doctor or lawyer who is sitting on too much cash and is into Clapton.
  22. how so? are you able to use both concurrently?
  23. I am a V6 and Pigments owner user. There is nothing really in this new collection I am that interested in apart from the Analog Lab. I will prbly pass on this.
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