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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. upgrade price is $299 for existing customers
  2. so thats "the" cooder caster. The vid you posted before that is I think the Strat that is now on sale on Reverb. but it's pre modification. the lapsteel pickup and the bigsby are not there yet.
  3. no. i believe its not. the Bop Til You Drop is a different guitar. There was a story about it somewhere I read.
  4. So the Clapton Layla guitar went for $1+M the Chuck Berry hollowbody went for $500k and original Coodercaster went for$200k? Goes to show you were certain guitarists rank in history. https://www.gottahaverockandroll.com/Chuck_Berry_Owned_Stage_Used_and_Signed_1967_Gibso-lot33803.aspx https://reverb.com/item/37476661-fender-stratocaster-owned-and-played-by-ry-cooder-solid-body-electric-guitar-c-1967-ser-144953-road-case?utm_content=buffer09eb3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer_guitaristtw
  5. well. thats the new goal for 2021. wait for Softube price erros.
  6. I would like nothing #2. it looks better than the other 2 nothings.
  7. Should be going on sale for $69 today. What can I say .. is a classic compressor. In case anyone interested. https://www.softube.com/products/tla100/
  8. that CPU hit it too rich for me. i will stick with Tracks5.
  9. what is the performance hit using the tools in Elevate bundle for mastering?
  10. on their site, the cross grade price from Generate is $49 USD.
  11. ha... glad i got in early on that one. i am sure it will go down again.
  12. i bought that. right up my alley. big bucla fan. but the interface on this is much more intuitive to use.
  13. $69 was the intro price way back i think anyone check if FX are also got that coupon
  14. A must have for any waldorf sound fans. But is there going to be a coupon code sent out?
  15. yeah. what i dont know is if its Amplitube CS for iRig reg and Amplitube full wit iRig hd. the two pages are a little confusing. compare to below. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irighd2/
  16. this i not bad. you might want to check with IKM support if it comes with AT 5 SE. there was a post that SE comes with all hardware purchases. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irig2/ FWIW. . I got a really old guitar rig for iOS. It was kind a cool. but i never quite took to the iPad DAW idea. it was a fun toy though. edited. I suspect not as the iRig 2 HD version comes with AT 4 full. Not the regular iRig 2. but might want to check. it could.
  17. i just looked at their site. the sale is being held over all week long. you got time. ?
  18. its just a compressor. looking through their manual, its apparently the oldest one eventide released. i think eventide and pluginfox will survive. i will try to find a deal on plugifox to buy from them if they offer something decent.
  19. to be honest, i got the UJam freebie from PB and tried it. its really interesting and cool but its also one of the few plugins that completely crashed by DAW.
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