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Everything posted by scook

  1. When this forum site was created there was no Deals forum. It was added with the stipulation that it would primarily be used for manufacturer and authorized reseller deals. They did not want to create a marketplace or encourage sales from unauthorized resellers.
  2. Just checked the CCC download again. It is working. If you cannot download CCC, here is how to activate Rapture Pro. For Dimension Pro, run the standalone or DAW as administrator and enter the serial number starting with CWDM15 and registration code from your old user account. Most legacy VSTs do not require activation. Those that do either use a method like Rapture Pro (the link covers all of them) or have serial number/registration codes in your user account.
  3. If this happens, the policy may change.
  4. Direct sales by users are not permitted. Links to user sales on marketplaces such as KVR are permitted. Yes, but please do not post lists of products and prices on this forum. The primary focus of this forum is to alert users about deals from manufacturers and authorized resellers. So far, users have been allowed to post links to marketplaces and it has been a decent compromise. Hopefully, it can stay this way.
  5. Generic example names like Clips.wav are used when more than one file may be created during export.
  6. I believe what you are reporting is the example name under the name entry field in the Export dialog. The example name is not the actual clip name created by the export process. The exported clips should have their actual names.
  7. GForce released new patches for impOSCar2, Minimonsta and Oddity 2. They are in GForce user accounts. Click on the "View Instrument" button for each synth. The new patches are below the instrument installers.
  8. When documented features appear to be missing, the first thing to check is the Workspace setting. Either change workspaces, create a workspace or set it to None.
  9. To toggle the bus pane in the track view, SHIFT+B or click the icon at the bottom right of the track headers.
  10. Using either the edit filter or automation lane to access the envelope, right-click on the envelope and select "Delete Envelope" This shows a track, but buses work the same way.
  11. scook


    Because the registry entries are still there. To perform a clean install, see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab Of course, you already did most of it, but you still need to clean up the registry.
  12. Plug-ins bundled with Cakewalk by BandLab If you have a license to an old (preferably 64bit) Cakewalk product, all the content bundled with it is usable in CbB. If you perform an install of an older Cakewalk DAW, make sure to install CbB last. There are also quite a few free synths available on the net. Have a look at this thread.
  13. The documentation is correct as far as it goes. What it does not say is when a source may be used. If there is any audio in the project, the clock must be Audio. Project audio includes audio clips, input echo on an audio track, the audio metronome and soft synths.
  14. If the items in the image above that point to "C:\Cakewalk Content\..." point somewhere else, then one needs to review the content in those folders as it may be newer. Assuming "C:\Cakewalk Content" was fully populated and the files also exist in the user directory your PC has at least 2 copies of "Cakewalk Content".
  15. "C:\Users\Frankl\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" is not "C:\Cakewalk Content" that is "%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" (AKA the user directory). By default, there are paths pointing to both in "Folder Locations" but the bulk of the data is in "Cakewalk Content", by default. The default paths should look something like this from http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x201D9
  16. No other changes are necessary. As far as the DAW is concerned nothing has changed. When the DAW tries to access "C:\Cakewalk Content" the OS will use "E:\Cakewalk Content". This is the beauty of directory junctions.
  17. The mklink command creates a directory junction called "C:\Cakewalk Content" pointing to "E:\Cakewalk Content" It cannot do it if "C:\Cakewalk Content" still exists. Just like you cannot have to folders the same name, two files the same name or a folder and a file the same name, a directory junction must be unique. Mklink does not move data, it simply creates an entry on the disk pointing to something else.
  18. To relocate "C:\Cakewalk Content" to "E:\Cakewalk Content" Using Windows Explorer MOVE "C:\Cakewalk Content" to "E:\Cakewalk Content" Open a command shell as administrator and type: mklink /j "C:\Cakewalk Content" "E:\Cakewalk Content"
  19. First physically move not copy "C:\Cakewalk Content" to "E:\Cakewalk Content" This is telling you "C:\Cakewalk Content" already exists. When creating a directory junction, the name used for the junction cannot already exist on disk. If "C:\Cakewalk Content" was copied to "E:\Cakewalk Content", delete "C:\Cakewalk Content" then issue the mklink command again.
  20. Once at 65 there will be at least an additional 1 year and 6 months before the gov't says you are old. And the goal moves every year for the next for years (at least). At 65, all one gets is a bill for Medicare which may be ignored (for a price if one decides to enroll after 65) or if covered by an employer's policy.
  21. Cakewalk Command Center is the preferred installation method for installers written in 2014 through 2017. Older installers do not work in CCC. The post I linked details the process of installing Cakewalk legacy products including the install order, where applicable, and a link to a spreadsheet with the history of SONAR Platinum/Producer bundled plug-ins.
  22. Internal may only be used with MIDI only projects using external hardware. If there is any audio (including soft synths) in the project the clock must be audio.
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