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Everything posted by scook

  1. They definitely do. See http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.06.html
  2. Is punch recording enabled?
  3. The best solution for this case costs $99, VCV Rack 2 Pro. This is the last day at this price, tomorrow it will be $149.
  4. I have the plug-ins along with hundreds of others. Don't recall the last time I used the Effects Rack but never had a problem with it.
  5. If the old Win7 install is available, the TH3 data may be copied from it. That said, there is some issue with this PC.
  6. Clean install instructions https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  7. Make sure none of the disk is compressed
  8. May need to involve support@cakewalk.com
  9. Make sure the virus scanner is turned off during install.
  10. Try Cakewalk Web Installer instead of BandLab Assistant.
  11. I cannot say for certain if this is the problem but there is a registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Soundtoys that may interfere with installing an older version.
  12. Mods have nothing to do with forum organization and features. Here is a thread in the FAQ forum regarding community feedback. My earlier posts were a little background info and my guess about BandLab's interest in creating a marketplace. That said, I could be wrong
  13. Grayed out clips are muted. Right-click the clip(s) and unmute them
  14. Unfortunately, the Behringer UM2 is a poor choice for DAW use as it lacks a proper driver. 8 GB may be an issue. It depends on the project. Dropouts generate a toast message with diagnostic information along with a link to the help with recommended actions. It might be instructive to know the dropout codes.
  15. remove the Magix driver from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO
  16. I have a cell phone to call the phone company when my fiber optic connection is down. It is not a particularly smart phone. All devices are wired to the DAW. I prefer not using RF devices with my DAW.
  17. Because there must be something to delete. Try Ripple Edit instead
  18. The only difference in the Track Control Manager between Platinum and CbB is the addition of Interleave/Phase in CbB.
  19. They were called Lenses back then. IIRC, they were originally created for SONAR Home Studio (because it lacked screensets) then added to the rest of the SONAR line. Although when the feature was introduced, it was set to None by default. Having more than track controls missing in the UI points to the Lense/Workspace setting. If it really is a question about SONAR, it is hard for a user to accidently change the Lense setting.
  20. The track control drop down is often overridden by Workspace settings.
  21. So, what is the problem? It does not record, or it does not make any sound when the transport is stopped. If it is the latter, enable the input echo button just to the right of the record button in the track header
  22. IIRC @Jesse Jost added this area and probably responsible for the entire forum layout. I doubt there is any interest in expanding the Deals forum or encouraging third party sales.
  23. When this forum site was created there was no Deals forum. It was added with the stipulation that it would primarily be used for manufacturer and authorized reseller deals. They did not want to create a marketplace or encourage sales from unauthorized resellers.
  24. Just checked the CCC download again. It is working. If you cannot download CCC, here is how to activate Rapture Pro. For Dimension Pro, run the standalone or DAW as administrator and enter the serial number starting with CWDM15 and registration code from your old user account. Most legacy VSTs do not require activation. Those that do either use a method like Rapture Pro (the link covers all of them) or have serial number/registration codes in your user account.
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