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Everything posted by scook

  1. For any FX that uses MIDI data After adding the FX to an FX rack or prochannel: 1) Enable MIDI INPUT in the VST2/3 drop down in the standard header above the plug-in UI 2) Add a MIDI track with its output set to the plug-in, input set to your controller, if any, and input echo enabled (the button to the right of record) when playing the track interactively. Input echo may be turned off when playing MIDI clips.
  2. I have not looked this up. I know it to be true. You can prove it for yourself by running a VST reset without an additional scan. All plug-ins will be there. If you want documentation, make sure to generate a scan log with the reset, Then run a scan and generate a scan log. All the plug-ins should already be scanned.
  3. A VST reset clears the VST inventory in the registry then performs a scan. Step 1 is the only difference between a VST reset and a manual scan.
  4. There is no reason to use BandLab Assistant to install or upgrade CbB. For new installs and updates to CbB older than 2020.09 try the Cakewalk Web Installer To update CbB 2020.09 and newer use the in-app updater on the CbB help menu. BandLab Assistant is still part of the "offline" activation process.
  5. There is no need to perform a rescan after a VST reset. A scan is performed as part of the reset. Like all manual scanning operations, a VST reset should be performed from preferences and it is a good idea to enable "Generate Scan Log" so if the reset does not fix the problem, there is a log which may help find a solution.
  6. If these "pre set clips" were not created or supplied by Cakewalk and the drum kit is SI-Drums, chances are the clips contain data causing the synth engine in the plug-in to shut down. If this is the case, the easiest way to address the problem is close and re-open the project, then open up the plug-in UI then click on the VST2 drop down shown in the image below open Plug-in Properties and enable "Do not intercept NRPNs" FYI, all the Studio Instrument plug-ins work the same way.
  7. It does not matter if your products are registered with them or not. SSL is one of those companies that does not bother to announce updates, just like Eventide. When I buy something new, I check the other plug-ins for updates.
  8. I was referring to the event list. Removing the event in the PRV is pretty easy though, using the Smart Tool, lasso the event and click the delete key. Clicking the - button in the controller header hides the controller instead of removing it, just like envelopes in automation lanes the track view.
  9. Could just delete the event by clicking on the leftmost column for the row then click the - button at the top of the view
  10. %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Lenses\User
  11. https://www.softube.com/support/faq-purchasing/delivery
  12. While my first suggestion was clip automation, if I have this and wanted to adjust some or all of the clips at the same time would I individually adjust the clip gains or adjust one Blue Cat gain plug-in with the all the rest grouped with it. Not only that but using Blue Cat's grouping feature makes automating multiple instances of the plug-in very easy unlike using CbB automation.
  13. Not sure who suggested treating every clip with a plug-in? Do you really think the Blue Cat gain suite are CPU hungry?
  14. If that is not enough gain, consider the free Blue Cat gain plug-ins. They may be added to Clip FX racks (every clip has its own FX rack) and have a much larger range than clip gain envelopes.
  15. Every clip has a gain envelope, change the edit filter to Clip Automation > Clip Gain to expose them.
  16. The routing is not as complex as what the images above show. It takes two instrument tracks: one for BlueArp and one for Vital. Additional MIDI tracks are not necessary. Input on the Vital track must be set to BlueArp. It is not clear from the images below but the input on the Vital track is set to BlueArp 1 - Omni. To play both interactively is no different than playing Vital alone, that is input echo must be enabled. In this case both tracks must have input echo enabled, BlueArp needs input echo enabled to send data to Vital and Vital needs input echo enabled for the BlueArp data to be heard. IOW, to monitor the result of data streaming into a track from its input, input echo must be enabled. When playing back data recorded on the BlueArp track, input echo is not necessary on the BlueArp track because it is playing data from clips in its track, but input echo is required for Vital because Vital is playing the data received on its input. Now that you have a completely worked example, review the post I linked above about how to route MIDI data between synths and FXs. It may help reinforce this concept.
  17. I have not looked at it in a long time, but I am pretty sure it still works. Here is an overview of how to setup plug-ins that generate MIDI data. BlueARP will follow the synth plug-in setup.
  18. Never had a problem using it in CbB, I used the Cakewalk Command Center to install it some time ago, May be a problem with MS redistributable libraries. BandLab put together an installer of the libraries required. Read about it here.
  19. Concrete Limiter was a separate purchase and installer. BandLab has not released a version of the plug-in. When installed, the default location for the plug-in is "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\ProChannelConcreteLimiter" If you have a license for the plug-in use the Cakewalk Command Center to install and activate it.
  20. iLok is required but Softube does provide links to installers although they really push Softube Central. Here is the link to product installers for Mac and Windows https://www.softube.com/support/installing-and-activating/installation
  21. Have you tried opening the project in safe mode and skipping the plug-in used by that track? To open in safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project. Have you tried splitting the instrument track?
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