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Everything posted by scook

  1. Chordz by CodeFN42 is a plug-in However, that is all it does. The plug-in does not make sound, only MIDI data. To use Chordz, the plug-in must be routed to a synth. Add another synth to the project and set its input to Chordz and when playing interactively, both Chordz and the synth must have input echo enabled.
  2. The Event List view will show what the MIDI events are in track 1.
  3. Check the properties of the clips created. They may be much larger and run much longer than expected. If this is the case, check selection length in the large export module or the end time in the range section of the export audio dialog
  4. ASIO4All was designed for software that requires an ASIO driver where no reliable ASIO driver exists. Like all "generic ASIO drivers" ASIO4All is a wrapper for native Windows drivers, in this case WDM. Cakewalk does not require an ASIO driver (although it generally performs better with a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver). The DAW works with native Windows WASAPI, WDM and MME drivers. If you are using the sound chip on the PC motherboard or have an external interface without a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver, try the other driver modes. If running Win10, try the WASAPI modes. For older OSes try WDM.
  5. The image above shows the MFX Quantize loaded in the MIDI FX rack on the left below the gain knob and above the Channel drop down. It is easier to see in this image I just made from 2022.02 EA build 27
  6. It is not necessary to split the instrument track. The MIDI FX rack for an instrument track may be accessed using the MIDI tab on the track inspector
  7. scook

    Inactive Freeze Button

    Two conditions which disable freeze are no MIDI data in the track no audio track associated with the synth
  8. If a drum map is involved check the output routing in the map
  9. A change after decades can be challenging. For years, I used interfaces that required manual startup. Even when one of the interfaces offered power via firewire, I still used a wall wart. I always put the audio interface power supply on the same circuit with my powered monitors and use the interface for all Windows audio. Now, I have a USB powered interface (RME Babyface Pro) that is always on. If powering up the interface before starting the DAW is a problem, launch the DAW using a batch file that issues a message and pauses for power up.
  10. So is the multisamples folder just off the root in "E:\Multisamples" or did you create a series nested folders "E:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples"
  11. It depends on where the multisamples folder is physically located. Is it "E:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" or "E:\Multisamples" All the directory junction does is tell the OS where the real physical location of the folder is located.
  12. My mistake...fixed The theRealMultisamplesFolderName in mklink /j "c:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" theRealMultisamplesFolderName should be the complete path to the multisamples folder on the sample drive. It does not have to mirror the original drive location; it can be anywhere and be named anything just so long as clicking on the junction opens the correct physical location.
  13. It's not too late to use a directory junction. Restore the default "Multisamples Folder" entry in the registry noted above then run a command shell as administrator to create the directory junction: mklink /j "c:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples" theRealMultisamplesFolderName
  14. User accounts are not sharable. If you had an account on the old Cakewalk site and forgot the password, support@cakewalk.com can reset the password for you. For more info see https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021858293-What-happened-to-Cakewalk-SONAR-What-happens-to-everything-I-paid-for-
  15. Since the OP had the clip inspector open, I figured you would change the "Beats in Clip" there. In the Loop Contruction View it is the Beats value. In the LCV image above the clip is not looped so the Beats value is disabled.
  16. This is one reason I prefer using directory junctions. When editing the "Multisamples Folder" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\dp make sure to point this to the folder above the multisamples folder. For example, the default install path for the DP multisamples folder is C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro\Multisamples so, the "Multisamples Folder" registry entry defaults to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Dimension Pro
  17. When a clip changes size after making it a groove clip, it means the beat count (beats in clip) needs adjustment.
  18. For now, change the project templates so that any future projects are configured as desired. Just like any other project settings in preferences.
  19. Track view Options > Meter Options has settings for record, playback and buses all with hold peaks.
  20. Yes, make sure "Allow Only One Open Project at a Time" is unchecked in Preferences > File > Advanced.
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