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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. But I figured you guys might know what's going on. I've not been if the studio for a few weeks but decided to today I updated CbB and started listening to my WIP album, when I heard a strange beep 30 seconds or so later I heard it again I shut everything down, rebooted the pc at which point I was prompted to do a Windows update, which I did 30 minutes later it had finished, so I rebooted, updated CbB, refreshed my activation and tried again The beep is STILL there, repeating every 30 seconds or so I've checked all Windows notifications (that's what it sounds like) but nothing It happens even with CbB shut down and no other apps running, just a Windows desktop Have a listen to the attached file which I uploaded from my phone This has got me stumped. I don't know if it will find it's way onto recordings but it's really annoying Recording_1.wav
  2. If you start a new project using one of the built in templates, you'll find a good number of them already have a master bus created for you and, at least on my laptop, it's routed to the correct output
  3. I'd got for the External drive, makes perfect sense and cheap as you like One thing to remember, when you've imported your reference track route it straight to your main out/interface It will already have been mastered once so if you route it to your master bus, you'll "double up" on any MB processing
  4. How are you setting the volume of the tracks you're recording? Just moving the fader down in Cakewalk will not affect the levels coming into the channel, you need to adjust incoming gain via your interface
  5. Could be a Screenset or Workspace issue. I would make sure the current screenset isn't locked and to set Workspaces to None
  6. Yes, I've seen that before but not since pre-splat days
  7. Using Ripple Edit to solve this is 100% accurate and repeatable, but as stated above, you MUST switch it back off afterwards
  8. A good way to spot any doubled notes is to open up the track in Staff View You can delete the duplicates there
  9. By installing Platinum first you will get all the extra goodies that you paid for. CbB doesn't ship with very much by way of plugins
  10. Make sure you don't have either Ripple edit or Offset Mode engaged
  11. Look in the audio folder where the project is stored in Windows
  12. Bounce to Clip will do the same as Apply Trimming in this instance
  13. That's because it's a compressor, not a limiter
  14. I'm with you on this one Jack There might be the odd scenario when temporarily disabling the tempo map might solve a problem, but the case put forward by the op is a bit weird
  15. This because CbB does non destructive editing Just right clip your (narrowed) clip and select Apply Trimming
  16. Curious as to what it was you didn't like?
  17. I'd say with the drums Nice songs btw, I like it
  18. Also, once the nodes have been added, you can drag the section upwards with the ctrl key
  19. Set Workspaces to "none" Assuming your current screenset (usually #1) isn't locked, all setting will be retained when saving
  20. Screensets will do this, as will Workspaces I find Screensets a little more intuitive, but your mileage may vary
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