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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. The climate on this planet has been changing for +/- 4.5 billion years.
  2. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/irigacousticstage/?pkey=irigacousticstage
  3. There you go. Rush is Canadian. Rush plays (played?) music. Therefore, talking about Canada is music related.
  4. Frankly, you're the one being an intolerant a**hole here. Your behavior quite closely mimics that of who the OP was complaining about. It's people like you who give vegans a bad name. I really don't give a flying f**k what you do and don't eat. I would appreciate the same courtesy. So, I'm sure, would others. Like I said before: The world would be a much better place if more people just minded their own business.
  5. *Sigh* https://m.wikihow.com/Have-a-Sense-of-Humor?amp=1 https://lifehacker.com/how-to-develop-your-sense-of-humor-1690680308/amp And finally https://qz.com/768622/a-good-sense-of-humor-is-a-sign-of-psychological-health/amp/
  6. I'm not really sure about the AVA plugins, but the license key for every other Harrison product is a little text file you put in a folder somewhere. It, and the instructions for it, should be in an email. I have no idea if that is your issue or not. I don't have any of the AVA plugins myself; I use Mixbus for mixing, so they would be redundant to me.
  7. Oh, crap. Thanks for reminding me. It's hard to remember all the virtue signaling catchphrases one is supposed to parrot. This SJW thing is hard!
  8. I only eat gluten free, whole grain, organic, free trade, vegetarian , kosher becan.
  9. The world would be a much better place if more people just minded their own business.
  10. Exactly. Too many people want it done for them and are not willing to sit down and spend some quality time with the documentation. I see this all the time in my (former) professional life, too.
  11. What is the definition of "gentleman?" Someone who knows how to play the bagpipes. But chooses not to.
  12. Really, no offense to the OP, but spending some quality time with the documentation and tutorials will be a lot more productive than asking for what amounts to a complete revamp of a software package with a 30+ year history of development. Let's face it: CbB is a highly complex, highly advanced program with extensive features and capabilities. That comes at the expense of a learning curve.
  13. First, plug about 4" of Owens Corning 703 in each corner: https://sonicscoop.com/2016/11/10/diy-studio-design-part-2-build-cost-effective-bass-traps/ Then, get some good monitors. Then, focus on getting the sound you want right there in the room first. If you get it right going into the microphone instead of relying on technology to fix it for you, then the tune practically mixes itself. Anything you put on it is just icing. Or ruins it. Conversely, if you record crap, no plugin in the world will fix it. No matter how much gold plating you put on a turd, it's still a pile of $**t. In other words, you can't buy skill at Plugin Boutique.
  14. Go buy a shaker (< $20!), shake it in front of a mic & be done way before you get done fiddle-farting with trying to fake it. Hell, if money is too tight, throw some beans in a can.
  15. I think I got it figured out. Somehow, Windows Firewall had gotten set to allow Team Viewer on public networks but not private. Weird. I certainly didn't set anything up that way that I remember.
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