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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. Damn it! I already have it! Don't you hate that?
  2. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx/features.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3a6Lut-U5QIVNx-tBh100AnOEAQYAiABEgKg5PD_BwE Of course, it is always better to deal with this in pre production.
  3. Something like one of y'all have suggested might be the next step. Being able to see the screen from where I am would be a big plus, but not essential. Buying more stuff is really not on the table right now, but I can start researching.
  4. ? Make it past 27 and stay off of small aircraft seem to be the two secrets to having a long career....
  5. I use multiple instances of it frequently. It might be helpful if you told us something about your computer specs, settings, etc.
  6. ...is to try a second monitor, keyboard and mouse and string big long cords everywhere! I'm trying to learn to play drums. And trying to record them. Tripping over cymbal stands while making multiple trips back and forth between the drum throne and the desk is a real drag to say the least. So I tried TouchDaw. Worked great. At first. Now I can hardly get it to make a connection at all. It can seriously take longer to get the @#$%^ ***^^% to work than I spend playing. And I need a lot of takes to get it right. What a waste of money. At least it was only $5. I thought, I have a laptop sitting around. Why don't I try TeamViewer. People use it all over the world to remote control another computer. Perfect! So I thought. Worked great. At first. Now I can hardly get it to make a connection at all. It can seriously take longer to get the @#$%^ ***^^% to work than I spend playing. And I need a lot of takes to get it right. What a waste of time. At least it was free. Is there any f***** ing remote control software that actually f*****ing WORKS? For longer than a couple weeks? Or am I just stupid? All I want to do is start & stop my DAW from 10 feet away behind a drum kit. Why is something so simple so difficult? I really don't think this is a network issue, because my laptop/ tablet (depending on which garbage nonworking app I try to use) see each other just fine. As it stands, this $&!t is so frustrating that tripping over the hi hat is actually starting to look like the preferred option!
  7. My question is: what are you trying to fix?
  8. Yes. But, not to be snide, shouldn't you be LISTENING to the drum track ?
  9. "Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. NO RELIGION. All love. Enjoy!"
  10. I'm not really sure what the issue is. Use the latest version (which you apparently have) and move on with your life.
  11. You must be using the BandLab app and not Cakewalk.
  12. "Reputable brand" is the key term.
  13. Buy used. Get something that feels & sounds right to you. Price is not any guarantee of quality. These days, with modern technology like CNC , there are perfectly usable guitars available that are ridiculously inexpensive. At your price range, I think I would stay away from the low end Gibson, Taylor, Martin, etc. There are some "bang for the buck" brands like the aforementioned Seagull and Tanglewood where you will likely get a better instrument for the same money.
  14. It's not the software. It's you. It sounds like you either cobbled together some kind of adapters to jack a guitar directly into your onboard sound card or recorded with a built in laptop mic. Your guitar is out of tune. Your tone sucks. Your playing -- well -- you're out of practice. Sorry to sound so harsh, but I don't know how to put it gently. That was painful.
  15. Monster cables are overpriced snake oil. Any reputable brand cable will be just fine; ain't a dime's worth of difference between them.
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