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Byron Dickens

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Everything posted by Byron Dickens

  1. @Teegarden I am on W10. However, I got this machine back in 2016 or so IIRC and has not been updated. I have not until recently had internet access other than mobile data on my phone for various reasons, chief of which is that I live in a rural area where the only thing available is satellite which is expensive and not that reliable. So I was excited to find a mobile hotspot that would give us high speed internet for a much better deal than satellite. Although I have been able to update many things - including stepping up to CbB from SPLAT - I have not been able to update Windows.
  2. Bingo. If indeed I am too far behind, or missing certain necessary other things (such as Edge), it is absolutely unacceptable that CbB should go ahead with the installation anyway and then end up trashing itself, rendering all my projects unavailable.
  3. After an attempted update, I am now dead in the water: n
  4. @scook If I just did this today, shouldn't I have been getting the latest hotfixes, etc? @John Vere I'm not following. Explain please.
  5. FWIW: I also updated Native Access, Steinberg e licencer and the Spitfire app just prior. I have also been unable to get any Windows Updates on this machine.
  6. After this, I tried downloading CbB through the Bandlab Assistant. I got the same message about Microsoft Edge, but the rest of the installation proceeded OK. Or so I thought. When it finished, I opened a file and started working. It went OK for a while & then CbB crashed. Now, I can launch CbB, but it takes an exceedingly long time. Then I try to open a project and it again takes an exceedingly long time and eventually stops here:
  7. I tried to update CbB today and it broke. First, I couldn't download the Microsoft Edge web view (or whatever it is called. I can't remember exactly. This is what I got: So I clicked "close" and then got: "Try again" didn't work, so I cancelled. I got the message "rolling back updates" and then my desktop icon vanished! I navigated to the folder where CbB is installed, found the icon and tried to launch it. I got this: Closing the pop-up got a couple more similar ones about missing dll s.
  8. Or who can't be bothered to take a look at the documentation for the most basic things. Like how to get sound to come out.
  9. OK, guys. Let's leave religion out of this.
  10. You also need to give specs of your system to get any meaningful help.
  11. You're looking at Kontakt Player, which is not going to be usable for any free Kontakt library. For that, you need the full version. As a rank beginner, you really ought to stick with the instruments included with CbB for right now.
  12. Me neither. I do not have to have anything RIGHT NOW, and I only buy it on sale.
  13. So far, we have been extremely lucky. A few short term outages of <1hr only on Monday/ Monday night. We live in a rural area and the electric co-op that serves us is awesome. We took to opening the hatch to the attic to let heat up into there. Wasteful for sure, but not as wasteful as broken pipes.
  14. I have had projects before where everything seems fine in Cakewalk, but some tracks will show clipping when I export them and then import into Mixbus for mixing.
  15. I do wish they gave you credit for the things you already have.
  16. Or you could save all the downloads....
  17. Yep. Best way is to create separate parts for each.
  18. Because it is still their property and you stealing it is still theft. If I have a car sitting in my driveway and I never drive it, does that entitle you to come take it ?
  19. Bingo. Newbies need to learn how to RTFM. I don't know what they teach in school these days, but researching - and reading in general- seem to be a lost art. Everyone wants to be spoon fed silver bullets to fix their immediate concern instead of learning the basics of how things work. Because that takes effort.
  20. So, have you submitted any bug reports? The developers are the ones who need to reproduce them, not all the members of the public forum. But of course, as a software developer yourself, you already know this.
  21. So in other words, no. I'm not attacking you. I asked a simple, direct question to which you replied with a really long winded bit of defensive sniveling about fanboys and gaslighting and whatnot. Plenty of people come on here with issues, ask for help, and get it. Sometimes within minutes. Go ask for help on some other forums and you get crickets. If you put half as much effort into communicating with the developers as you do whining on youtube, you might get some of this stuff fixed.
  22. You have to route your MIDI track to a sound module of some sort whether virtual or physical.
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