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Everything posted by Keni

  1. Interesting. I'm sure to learn more about this as I begin using the software...
  2. Not sure what the convoroom reverb is but if it's in there, I'm sure to find it!
  3. Thanks Patrick... What was needed here ws to install the previous version 2.0.5 which installed fine, then updated it to 2.0.6 which is now installed and working fine!
  4. Yeah, that was my impression as well. I still have a boxed copy if the original SampleTank from back in the floppy disk days! I find stuff all over the place inside SampleTank and constantly changing windows
  5. That’s me for sure. I do mostly rock/jazz so I don’t often have orchestral needs! This stuff sounds (largely) great for me!
  6. Wow! Amazing that this circumvented the problem. 2.0.6 now installed and working fine. Thanks again to all!
  7. Really? I guess I can always re-install the older version again if not. Hopefully I won't have to re-install all the sounds! ?
  8. Yeah Baby! Got it working at last! Thanks for the cool software and the assistance getting it working. Reverting back to version 2.0.5 did the trick... Something it doesn't like in .6 I'm impressed so far. With all the complaining of how old and lo-fi (comparitive) this set is, I'm finding it quite elegant. I don't do a lot of orchestra but I'm sure these will be a big help!
  9. Thanks again... That did it! It now opens in Cake just fine. Now downloading all the sound content!
  10. Thanks KiteKrazy! Going to look into it now...
  11. To offer more info... These are the two error messages I continue to get when vst scanner hits the Miroslav plugin...
  12. This is getting painful Peter... What have I done wrong? Miroslav is installed and authorized, but the Cakewalk VST Scanner continues to fail when it hits this app. Claiming something about vpa files not loading and some kind of controller error? I just installed SampleTank once again but that didn't fix anything either. What am I missing? Why won't Miroslav load? Very typical windows 10 setup. All else is working fine including SampleTank...
  13. Really? installing Sampletank might get Miroslav working here? I'm not happy installing stuff I won’t use. I abandoned SampleTank long ago. I just git blindsided into installing TRacks with all it's bloat simply to acquire the 670, and one each nobrand eq and compressor. Very unhappy!
  14. Not what I mean... I got the plugin. Product Manager sshows it as installed and authorized, but when I run Cakewalk's VST Scanner, it fails to load with two errors. One being something about controller? and the other unable to load .vpa file (whatever that is). So I've got it but can't get it working!
  15. So it's working for everyone else? I guess I should try re-installing?
  16. Today I'm less impressed. I'm finding it very difficult to re-create known patches for it. I just can't get them to match even close to the Arturia of even the MiniMogue. So I stated thinking. Imagine that? I just started digging into the Cherry Audio MemoryMode that I've had since it's release and have been reluctant to use much being so resource demanding, But while performing in some ways might not be as easy/fun as a MiniMoog, I doubt there's anything the Mini can do that the Memory can't. And the Cherry Audio version is stunning outside of resource demands! I'm gonna try working with it more even if I must perform on something more lightweight and substitute the MemoryMode on playback where I can affor the added latency? I'm still thinking... If I get rich? I can buy a newer interface that is certainly much faster than my more than decade old Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL which I would hate to need to replace anytime soon...
  17. Success This morning! My Account finally showed the redeem button. Miroslav installed and authorized, but the Cakewalk VST Scanner Keeps failing to load it with error messages! Anyone else have this or know of the solution?
  18. Anyone else having trouble getting this to scan into Cake? I Keep getting failed/unable to load when the vst scanner hits it. Is there a way around this? Did I forget to do something? According toProduct Manager, it is installed and authorized. The scanner finds it but displays notes/warnings....
  19. Yup! I hit the roadblock too! Now in hurry-up-and-wait mode while they sus out the problem... Yeah, It's a bit old, but very powerful!
  20. I thought about that. It might be handy for me to have on both PC/Mac partitions on this machine. It will depend a lot on the cost and my financial status at the moment. I am a die hard Cakewalk/Sonar user of more decades than most!
  21. Cool! Well that sounds simple enough. I'll check into it asap... Thanks! I don't know how I'll use it, but it's a step. One day I may even install a DAW on the Mac? I wonder if I can do the same with the Model (5/10/15 I forget) and the Animoog?
  22. Really? How would I go about that? That would be halfway as my Mac is an alternate boot to my windows boot where I actually do music work. I had a demo copy of Logic fir a while but no more.
  23. Yeah, that’s what happened here too, but I continued to use it in demo mode as it’s so good! luckily their' demo mode doesn’t create the insulting periodic noise. Instead they disable midi patch call and no preset saving. So always restricted by that. This on is good but difficult to quickly recreate known settings without more accurate knob setting than a mouse drag.
  24. Yeah, I have it on my iPad. Wish I could move it to my pc! <sigh>
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