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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. 1. Check that desired modules are selected for viewing 2. Hover mouse over CV 3. Scroll up & down with mouse wheel to see hidden modules Also works with Inspector
  2. @Jeffiphone Not a new version, just a new skin. Download it from the links above or directly in post #1.
  3. Track View clip backgrounds can be changed 2 ways: 1. Preferences|Colors|All Colors|View Background (odd), (even) 2. Theme Editor - Theme|Track View|Clips Pane|View Backround (odd), (even) Clip colors can be changed:
  4. No. Simply replace the current "Resources" folder with the new one. Instructions are in the si-bassGR.txt file. Default folder location: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Studio Instruments\SI-Bass Guitar\Resources Rename or move the original folder for safe keeping!
  5. I didn't know the symbols had changed since I've been using the same custom theme for a while.
  6. To revert any theme image or color back to the original, right-click it and select "Remove".
  7. I doubt we'll see any more updates as it's now free software. If it were, I'd want the next update to be one that allows us to add items so they won't have to anymore.
  8. It also appears the scroll bar edits only affect TV and Multidock. Browsers and all other windows are unaffected.
  9. Scroll bar items are under Theme | Global | Scroll bars . Only available are Scroll Bar Background (color), Scroll Bar Thumb (color), Zoom In (image), and Zoom Out (image). Only other way to access the arrows would be with Duckbar EXE Color utility which doesn't work with CbB.
  10. Thanks. So they just become a darker shade of the scroll bar background. When using a dark background they basically turn black-ish. Make the scroll bar background black and the arrows disappear. Be nice if they could be editable or color match the "thumb" instead.
  11. @Colin Nicholls: Page 10 1.2 Global | Scroll bars shows the arrows are pink. Is this true on your system? Mine will not change from default color. Thanks for making this BTW!
  12. Yes. "OK" applies and closes. "Apply" leaves it open so you can make more changes.
  13. Stationary Marker track under the Time Ruler similar to SO. Colored Markers changeable in the marker dialog window.
  14. This seems to be a default Windows thing. Software makers can alter this if they choose but apparently most prefer to use the default. Here's some chatter about it.
  15. Panu started Duckbar as a standalone utility to enhance Sonar functionally and graphically when X1 came out and was a work in progress until SPlat changed some of it's coding making some elements unusable. It's EXE Color and graphic file replacer functions were largely taken over by the new Theme Editor, tho Duckbar covered far more areas than TE. Duckbar was all but dead when CbB arrived. He started to revive it but has been so busy otherwise that it still remains in development. It's unclear if and when it will resurface. For added info, google Duckbar and check out the many threads from the old forum.
  16. I want to record controller data for notes already on a track. But recording them from an Impact LX88+ doesn't work. (Similar to this thread) Output sound is an outboard synth. 1. Set MIDI track input to LX88+ channel Omni or ch 1 2. Arm track to record CC1 modulation controllers 3. Hit record & record controllers in real time using the LX88+ mod wheel >>>Sound is muted??? Can't hear the notes being played<<< 3. Modulation controllers are recorded but affected notes are now white and silent 4. Play track but no sound is heard from the white notes where new modulation controllers were recorded >>>No tracks or take lanes are muted<<< 6. Undo all the above work and start over 7. Manually add CC1 modulation controllers on channel 3. (track midi channel) 8. All is good Edit: Record was set to Comping. Should have been SoS!
  17. Yeah, it actually affects all controllers that carry the length of the song. I've updated my post to reflect that.
  18. CC controllers that carry the full length of a project will graphically disappear when scrolling toward the middle of the screen. Even when zoomed all the way out. When zoomed in to edit controllers or notes, these controllers disappear completely when scrolling past the middle of a 4 minute clip.
  19. Feature Request: Display position text when working in the Controller Pane area. Currently the line remains but the text disappears.
  20. Line w/o the text... How'd I miss that?! For the PRV I meant the Controller Pane. As soon as the cursor goes there the digits disappear. I want them to stay.
  21. "You can now show/hide the Aim Assist text in the time ruler." This was available in Sonar Platinum by checking 'Edit - Aim Assist' in the file menu. Also in CbB 2019.11 by hitting "X". In CbB 2020.01 you have to hit "Alt-X" It would be nice to see it in the PRV (controller pane) as well. -(edit)
  22. Thanks scook. It would still be nice if the pdf could be opened thru the Help menu, and it's totally doable as other DAWs have it set up this way.
  23. ALSO.... Can we make it accessible from the File Menu "Help - Documentation"? Should it be in a specific folder for this to happen? Right now I get "Failed to open Help."
  24. Heh heh... More important than kHz is, are you using gold plated cable connectors?
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