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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. There are some 500 +/- colors in CbB that could be changeable. Though it would be nice it's doubtful they will all be included.
  2. Alienware 17 R3. It's a few years old now.
  3. It only appears to happen when creating a new theme based on Mercury.
  4. My mobile studio laptop has room for 2 M.2's an at least one HDD. So nice not to need an external drive anymore.
  5. I'm surprised this hasn't come up before now as it also appears to have been an issue with Sonar Platinum themes... unless the CbB version of T.E. is somehow affecting Sonar's T.E. thru the registry or some other way. ???
  6. Haven't noticed this, other than some colors require a program reboot or project reload to take effect. BTW, you cannot save a new theme without making at least one change. The Punch In button... or any change at all, will trigger the glitch, which is why I believe it's a bug with T.E., or its interpretation of Mercury, and not CbB. CbB simply reads the file as it's given. Also, this only happens with Mercury based themes. Tungsten causes no glitches that I'm away of.
  7. I found you don't actually need to change or enter any values, simply open and close the color and save and you're good to go.
  8. I only have a laptop but not sure why they'd be different. I reproduced it several times and never noticed it before this. But I normally don't use Mercury to base themes on.
  9. I confirmed this also happens with Sonar Platinum's Theme Editor and posted a bug report in Feedback forum.
  10. When creating a new theme based on Mercury, the Console View background and the Browser Help Module Learn More button turn white. Double clicking without changing the color Console View | Background #2 in Theme Editor restores the default colors. This also happens with Sonar Platinum's Theme Editor. Maybe a long standing issue?
  11. As to why this happened, not sure. If you based your theme on a fresh new default Mercury, the only changes you should see are the ones you made. However, this is clearly a bug... I just created a new theme based on Mercury with the same single change you made and the CV background changed to white like yours did. The Learn More button in the Help browser also turns white. I checked the color in T.E. and it was not white. To regain the default color I had to change it to its original color for it to work. Edit: I didn't get the compatibility warning, though.
  12. Thanks. Never thought to try that. Normally I double click a graphic in T.E. to have it open in PS where I change it & save it back to T.E. This method lets me change the size if I want. Export/Import won't allow that. Curious to see if copy&paste will.
  13. Elffin hosted a depository but didn't make most of them. Author's name will be in the Properties box in T.E. if they bothered to add it. One Logic theme author's original post.
  14. Yeah, let's keep it as unconfusing as it mostly already is now. Interesting that the collapsed CB comes 2 ways - vertical & horizontal. Each module has its own horizontal background while they share a common "vertical" background that's "overlaid" by a transparent symbol unique to each module. BTW, what they call "vertical" looks horizontal to me.
  15. "Then there is no excuse for people not reading the manual!! " The very 1st words of the manual: Cakewalk Theme Editor allows you to easily customize the look of Cakewalk by editing existing UI themes or creating your own UI themes.
  16. I would probably use the Markers Module drop down window and select the marker from there. It may put the Now Time line to the left but hitting the zoom controls with one click will center it. Funny this works whether checked or not in the menu.
  17. Yes it was a statement. And scook's reply confirms it.
  18. So even though you can choose any theme to base your new theme on, the "original" window will always show a Mercury element. I think the "overlay" idea was to use the "Import" feature to overlay a custom theme on one already open. I personally get mixed results (no pun intended) when trying this.
  19. New features, new buttons. Latest version gives you a warning that your theme may not work. If so, you'll have to update it with new graphics or use one of the default themes.
  20. Aye, matey. I see ye've included a panic button fer us pirates in distress... hmmm.
  21. sjoens

    Moving only one track

    Is it supposed to move other tracks when duplicating or copying a track to the same start time? I get some pretty bizzar behavior with it on.
  22. All tracks can be narrowed & hidden individually. Only the output tracks can't be hidden with Track Manager. Maybe for some it would be nice to include them but the Busses & Mains can be collapsed by sliding them all the way to the right. Future expansion??
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