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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Not exactly the same but I think this was the idea behind Show Clip Outlines.
  2. Yeah, inspite the show to go with the Flo and "bundle", it's not always your best bet.
  3. You can: 1. Set loop start/stop points 2. Extend end of clip to desired position after recording
  4. Thanks, that works. I also had to reset some things to stop the MS verify window from opening each time it's launched and for the CHM files to work.
  5. The CAL Editor doesn't seem to work with Win10. It opens to a blank screen.
  6. Will CHS9 do that too, I wonder? There is a CAL Editor online @Softpedia
  7. The Track Audio FX is in Bypass but still displays the 'active' button state though shaded due to being Bypassed. Track View: Audio FX Rack retain Bypass but button does not. MIDI FX Rack and button do not retain Bypass. Console View: Audio FX Rack and button retain Bypass. MIDI FX Rack and buttons do not retain Bypass.
  8. I may have posted in another thread that the VVocal issue (Melodyne also) affected one project and seems to work otherwise. Since X1 VVocal opens in Multidock with the right side of it's GUI missing.
  9. Thanks scook. Interestingly I don't see the Audio FX Rack issue. What image do you see? FX Rack has it's own 7 state button set: 3 for ON, 3 for OFF & 1 for disabled.
  10. Issue when bypassing the track FX Rack and saving project. Expected: MIDI FX Racks remain bypassed when reopening project. Actual: MIDI FX Racks are NOT bypassed when reopening project. Audio FX Racks honor saved state.
  11. It seems to work now so probably just a glitch in the one project. The main issue with VVocal is it opens in Multidock missing the right half of it's GUI. I have to pull it out of MD for the whole thing to show properly. It's done this ever since X3. X2 and prior versions open VVocal in it's own window with no issues until you dock it in MD where it still chops off the right side.
  12. So at least in my latest project, V-Vocal opens as usual but refuses to work. For me it's now dead. ?
  13. Glad it's working for you now. They're already looking into the clip naming issue. And yes, you can use the Browser to drag clips to any folder without incident.
  14. Then it must be a bug. I don't remember Melodyne ever doing this before a few updates ago. And now V-Vocal will open but doesn't work at all, when it used to work fairly well. I expected this would eventually happen as it's no longer supported.
  15. You did not show that in your 1st post. So, Yes. PRV will only follow the track's "main" foreground color.
  16. I believe updating is not currently a requirement for authorization. If true, I would think it should never be. I hope we are safe to use the current version today forever without updating. Biggest fear is down the road there being no one "home" to re-authorize it should the need come up again.
  17. Update: Drag clip one to the desktop and it gets named "clip(1).mid as mentioned Drag clip two over and it also wants to be named "clip(1).mid and throws up a "Replace or Skip Files" box, as mentioned I found if you click "Skip this file" it moves the last file over. You can then repeat the drag & drop and clip two will get named sequentially Repeat & Rinse for each clip. ?
  18. In order to have PRV notes change color with track view color change you have to do what I describe above.
  19. The OP has at least 3 separate clips selected. In this scenario, when I try to drag & drop them to my desktop I get the warning: "Could not find this item." for 2 of the 3 clips. Then it produced one clip on my desktop that included all 3. So it bounces separate clips together when exporting. There is also a bug with drag & drop that wants to name each clip in the same track "clip(1).mid if they aren't already named in project. CbB 2021.09 b141
  20. Lately has been required to close and reopen a 2nd time for the wave blobs to show. 1st window is always blank. CbB 2021.09 b141 EDIT: This only happens in some projects.
  21. This is true when changing CLIP foreground colors via Inspector. To change them over multiple views, use Preferences >Customization > Colors or Theme Editor. This will also retain colors after bouncing. For some undisclosed reason, MIDI track foreground color for tracks 23, 38, and maybe others, don't follow the rules. And PRV Drum notes are unchangeably black. Edited for clarity
  22. Double click name in Markers Module to change name.
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