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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. That was a question, not a statement. BTW, question still unanswered.
  2. "Playing" at work is always fun... till u get caught. Yes, piano rolls were literal paper rolls with punched holes that triggered the notes to be played. Modern player-pianos use computerized mechanisms that can be put on regular pianos and operated by your smart phone.
  3. Is it OK to delete everything in the Separations folder? I rarely keep Melodyne clips unbounced.
  4. Even trying to edit tracks on an old time synth workstation sequencer was difficult. How fun is it to load 'em up and record them into a DAW for editing?!
  5. Curious if you're bouncing previous Melodyne clips before opening new ones.
  6. Curious if users having the blank screen issue are using 2 monitors. I just realized for me it's neither Melodyne nor CbB's fault. It's a display issue that only seems to happen when it's used on a 2nd monitor. I have similar issues with other programs. My system has 2 display drivers, one for the main display and one for the 2nd monitor, which could be a factor.
  7. Is this fixed in Melodyne 5??? If so, maybe worth the upgrade for $99 (editor), $49 till 6/30/22. It's formant algorithm doesn't do so well IMO.
  8. I prefer to delete & rewrite.
  9. The PRV is the foundation Cakewalk/Sonar/CbB is built on. The Staff view was added as more of a reference, I believe.
  10. I reported this awhile ago. Apparently there is a problem when Melodyne 4 is invoked in a project for the 1st time. Like John, when it happens I just click the clip and it appears in Melodyne.
  11. sjoens

    MIDI Track Mute Q?

    My thought was the controller is sending data thru the track and then "out" to the synth so the Mute should stop it from doing that. But that's not how it works, I guess.
  12. sjoens

    MIDI Track Mute Q?

    Thanks guys. In this case there is no Audio track. I guess I was expecting a MIDI track's Mute to mute no matter what. From what I've read Sonar/Cakewalk is using Input Echo as a MIDI track Mute. Is there a MIDI track flow chart like the one for Audio? I haven't found one yet.
  13. sjoens

    MIDI Track Mute Q?

    When triggered by an outboard controller thru a MIDI interface with no internal routing... Muting a MIDI track feeding a soft synth will mute the synth. So, shouldn't muting a MIDI track feeding an outboard synth also mute that synth? Seems like it should since Cakewalk is routing all MIDI. Instead, Input Echo must be used to mute it.
  14. All I can say is, if you overcomplicate something, confusion will entail. If you then change that overcomplicated something to something even more complicated, confusion will yield to frustration. - ConfusedOne
  15. Noted anomaly for page 33/34 Track view / Track Pane / Menu Button: All 3 use the same button but the Input/Output buttons are displayed squished by 2 pixels in height The theme button labeled "Edit Filter" is actually the Custom Button Display button at the top of the Track Pane.
  16. Can be frustrating for sure. Clicking anywhere within a clip will highlight it. Click an empty spot above or below a clip, below the last track, or in the timeline itself.
  17. Would be nice but not available. Appears the played color is a variation of the key color, which is changeable. Download Collin's PDF in the Themes forum. It shows the items currently known to be changeable.
  18. Cakewalk remembers the last saved Screenset or Workspace. Screensets are per project, Workspaces are global.
  19. Why not put the entire Windows/System32/Drivers folder there? BTW, I've excluded every Cakewalk folder I can find. Even so, Key bindings is still slowing Prefs down upon opening.
  20. Save & close the altered project and reopen it. If still an issue. since you've removed the synth in question, I'd start a new project with the piano vsti and drag or copy/paste the MIDI clip to it. If that solves the issue the original and altered projects may be corrupted.
  21. Add a DELETE button to the Marker Module. While you're at it, make double-click name changing available there too.
  22. Thanks. I removed the DLLs and reinstalled thru Native Access.
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