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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Sometimes while working in Melodyne, ctrl+Z will undo the last action performed in Melodyne. Expected. Sometimes while working in Melodyne, ctrl+Z will instead undo the entire Melodyne process and close it. Why?
  2. You can actually use both cc's and envelopes at the same time. And as you've discovered, envelopes make a long transition from one bend to another, easy.
  3. If I read you right, this is because envelopes and cc data behave a little differently. Example: A CC value of 0 is followed by a CC value of 4151, 3 measures later. PRV is only affected by a CC when it passes through it, as designed. Converting CC's to an envelope creates an issue by simple connecting the "dots" and draws a straight line from the 0 node to the 4151 node. You have to manually add another 0 node below the 4151 node to fix it. Do this by drawing a node in front of the 4151 node and then drag it directly beneath it.
  4. At 14 bits, Pitch Bend has a total value of 16383 so range is -8192 to 0 to +8191. By most default settings this bends up/down 2 whole notes making 4096 a 1 note bend and 2048 a 1/2 note, etc. However, the amount of bend depends on your keyboard/Synth settings. Dimension Pro softsynth allows up to 24 notes (2 octaves). Using a Track View Automation envelope you can right-click a node and manually change it's value. I find drawing Track View Pitch automation easier than CC's in PRV, but PRV is where I work most of the time. Would be nice to have automation envelope drawing option in PRV. EDITed: to correct values.
  5. PRV Wheel CC data can be converted to an envelope but weird things can happen that require manual adjustment.
  6. 1. Once you draw a controller, it will, as you say, make a line. You can now grab the line anywhere with the mouse* and drag it up or down to the desired level. *You will see the mouse cursor change to a vertical line with up & down arrows. If a precise value is needed, you can open Event List and enter/change it manually. ***It would be nice to double or right-click CC nodes to change values like we do for automation nodes.*** 2. I use Graillon Pitch Shifter plugin in the FX bin where I can draw automation envelope for pitching audio.
  7. Bouncing audio seems to remove the project name leaving only the track name. In my current project, oddly, there's a few wav's named the old way. ie: FX1t3kken.WAV. Why is that?? And why are there some audio in the Project folder and some in the Global folder for the same project??
  8. I still use them on occasion. And "lame" they are not ? as they use actual samples . Old Sonic Implants sf2's are now SoniVox vsti's and use the same sample sets. Here's a quick google search for soundfont players: https://hiphopmakers.com/best-free-soundfont-players-vst-plugin https://github.com/Birch-san/juicysfplugin/releases/tag/3.0.0.win32 IIRC Sforzando converts sf2 to sfz which isn't always desirable as some are too complex for that.
  9. How do you do this in Cakewalk by Bandlab? Old Sonar seemed to have a quick way to audition MIDI loops in Media Browser. New Browser has to be floated to reveal "Folders" view. 11 year old video shows old way @5:51:
  10. There are occasions when I need to extend the end of a clip before bouncing. This behavior has never happened before so if no one can reproduce it, it may be a project bug.
  11. 1. Grab end of clip and stretch (drag). Works. 2. Grab end of clip and time stretch (ctrl+shift+drag). Works. 3. Now repeat 1. Works on some clips but not on others. Why doesn't it work for all clips? No clip locking, etc.
  12. Cakewalk's use of button states is hit-n-miss. Some applications don't use all of them. I mentioned one button had a "broken spring" and they fixed it, but that rarely happens.
  13. Side topic: When I bought SO3 I found the remote app didn't work. Some said it was due to certain wifi modems not being compatible, so I wrote it off. Now I have a different wifi and tried it again. Still not working. Found a forum post about the issue with a YouTube that shows why and how to fix it. It now works, so not sure if it was ever about the wifi.
  14. Shouldn't be a problem unless a theme has resized graphics which always requires a relaunch.
  15. I mentioned in another thread this happened to me a few times over the years. All tracks were affected but don't know what causes it or how to fix it.
  16. Thanks. I only checked the View menu FSR.
  17. Is there ever an instance wherein a PRV track will NOT display Velocity Controllers in the Controller Pane? This is the first time I've ever seen them only displayed when a PRV note is selected/highlighted. Project originated in Sonar X1 and opened in CbB. I opened it in X1 and found the same scenario.
  18. Our total upload limit is 48 MB. Would like to know if there is a file size limit. My biggest uploaded file is 1.71 MB. My collection of themes range from 3 KB to 13 MB. I assume size depends on number of custom PNGs. BTW, it appears Photoshopped PNGs are smaller in size than the originals.
  19. Not sure if this was mentioned or even applies here, but... If PLAY is stopped between an ON and OFF controller then it will maintain the status of the last known controller. Pitch Bend and other controllers behave the same way when stopping before a -0- controller. BTW, as far as Sustain goes, 0-64 is OFF and 65-127 is ON, so you don't have to be spot on 0 or 127.
  20. Those were pre X series apps that probably don't have the Browser as we now know it. I have MC3, CW HS 9, Sonar Home Studio 7, Sonar 8, X1, X2 & X3 which also retain the Views listing. All apps since the later SPlat variants do not.... AFAIK. @Thomas Ned, which X version are you using?
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