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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Yep. How often do I end up with a sliver so small I can't see it, save for the dots. But if someone wants 'em gone, who am I to ask why??
  2. Just opened a fresh instance of CbB, clicked File. clicked New, clicked Basic, clicked OK. CbB started to open the new project then disappeared off screen without a trace. It did the same a few hours before after working a while in another project. This happens occasionally without warning for no apparent reason at any time in any place.
  3. Ooopsy, you're right. But in my theme they are the same. I haven't found a way to turn off ellipses but you can turn off Track Separators in the Views > Display menu.
  4. That is the traditional way. Not likely to change within this century. You can use a tool like KnobMan or WebKnobMan to avoid repainting each frame but they have a learning curve.
  5. The dots appear before the beginning of a clip. They do not appear when a track has no clip. You can paint them to match the Track View Clips Pane Background. Preferences = Customization > Colors > Clips Pane Ellipse Theme Editor = Track View | Clips Pane | Clips > Clips Pane Ellipse
  6. Yeah, forgot I had dxshell. Removed it & cleaned the registry so it's gone now and all the 32 bit VSTs are no longer listed.
  7. The DX doesn't show in those layouts or the right-click menus, only in the Sort by Catagory = Uncatagorized > Cakewalk > Time/Pitch Stretch 2 layout here The Cakewalk Time/Pitch Stretch 2 VST shows in all my layouts and menus but does not load or work as it's 32 bit [Program Files\Cakewalk\32 bit plugins\dxshell.dll] BTW my menu layout is different than msmcleod's
  8. Typically used for organ vibrato but depends on the voice/instrument being played as they can be programmed for a variety of effects. Some voices don't use it so the wheel will do nothing for them.
  9. Install the programs & deselect all but the FX. Should probably reinstall CbB last. Most will work minus a few 32 bit and DX types like StudioVerb2. I have all X series 32 & 64 installed so I can revisit older projects w/o incident.
  10. I don't have a PSR S670 but hopefully someone who does can help. It might help to change your title to include PSR S670.ins file.
  11. Google is your friend. http://www.jososoft.dk/yamaha/ins_files.htm Custom lists have to be made by hand.
  12. I found a general INS file for my synth and modified it for my needs. I also found a FREE editor that does both sounds and sequences. What were the chances?!
  13. The main Control Bar FX button or the Track FX Bin button? Control Bar FX button should be OFF (gray) by default. Track & Console View FX Bin buttons have a malfunction that's been reported and known about for some time. I am able to change and save default templates. You may have to close and reopen CbB for changes to take affect.
  14. For the most part PRV follows "default" track colors set in Preferences or Theme Editor. Changing clip colors in the Inspector won't affect it as you can have multiple colored clips in one track aside from the overall track color. I think someone feature requested the very thing you want to happen, tho.
  15. Not here. Double-clicking a track name is the only way that makes it work.
  16. After focusing the "Mains" in Console View, selecting or focusing tracks in Track View refuse to trigger/evoke the Inspector to display those tracks until a track name is double-clicked...
  17. Done. Another issue with current status is if I have an open project set to Sound on Sound and then open a new project, CbB sets both projects to the default Comp. If I don't catch this change and save the 1st project, I have to change it back manually after reopening it and recording in the wrong mode.
  18. Default is always Comping. Those who prefer one of the other methods are always having to change method for each project. Would be nice to set & forget preferred default in Preferences Globally so this step can be avoided.
  19. Any hope for the >Bypass FX Bin< bug? When bypassing an FX Bin, the indicator turns gray, but when reopening the project they are ON and active in: 1. Track View MIDI tracks 2. Console View Narrowed MIDI tracks. They are ON but inactive in: 1. Track View Synth tracks 2. Track View Audio tracks 3. Track View Busses.
  20. There are times when it is advantageous to select all controllers in a lane quickly. Click-dragging isn't always thorough and time can be wasted searching for the elusive "phantom" cc. It would be cool to select all CC data by shift+clicking the Edit Filter "G" (controller name box).
  21. Clicking the Name " - " button only hides the lane. As mentioned, CC's have to be physically deleted/removed for the lane to be also. 1. If there's data, there's lane. 2. No data = no lane. 3. You can create new lane w/o data, but saving & closing project w/o data will remove lane upon reopening. 4. Only ways I know to select CC data separate from notes in PRV is by click-dragging mouse. Ctrl+A does not work in CC lane. >>>FR: Select all CC data by Shift+clicking the Edit Filter "G" (controller name box).<<<
  22. sjoens

    "Main outs?"

    Right, I usually have all group & FX busses feed the Master Bus, which I move to the far right of them so it's closest to the H/W Outs.
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