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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. IgoRr said: "I immediately discovered a small bug: the CPU meter options does not switch." Confirmed here as well. any attempt to switch and it reverts back to default. Win10 Home 19042 - Non Win11 compatible Intel processor. EDIT: Just checked it in SPlat and same issue so maybe been around awhile?
  2. I get it. He wants to use the Synth Rack independent of any associated tracks. This could be useful in some cases, but I'd still want the solo/mute buttons to coincide.
  3. I know you know you can open the GUI by single left-click on the small track icon in Track View. ... and no MIDI tracks are harmed in the process. ?
  4. Great. When the 2 overlap a feature, Preferences usually wins out.
  5. Yes. Look for Preferences > Customization > Colors > VU Tick Marks. for Segmented Meters or in Theme Editor Theme > Meters | Segmented meters | VU Tick Marks. Non Segmented Meters use a text color based on the VU Lo level color in Preferences but can be changed in the Theme Editor Theme > Meters | Non-segmented meters | VU Tick Marks.
  6. So I just tried it again on a current project and... YES... the MIDI track is the one getting selected when clicking on a Synth Rack synth. Not sure how that was reversed before. I've crossed out my previous post. Documentation says: "When a synth is highlighted in the Synth Rack, the corresponding tracks in the Track View and Console View are also highlighted." "Tracks" - plural. Maybe someone can explain this. I have a synth with 4 MIDI tracks feeding it but only the 3rd MIDI track is "selected" when clicking on the synth. Not sure what "highlighted" means when the choices are "focused" or "selected" and only one (1) track can be selected at a time.
  7. Not presently but this would be nice as tracks can have clips of many colors. Currently bouncing resets a clip to use default track colors and reselects this in the Inspector if you had it unselected. You can change the track's default colors in Theme Editor.
  8. Nice explanation. Also, you can Select several tracks at once but only one track can be Focused at one time. Select: Highlights the track number Focus: Highlights the track name background (colored strips) & entire track (noncolored strips). When Show strip colors is not checked, the entire track lightens up. Possible this could also be true for colored strips. Edited for less confusion
  9. AFAIK only the synth's instrument track is "selected" when doing this. The associated MIDI track is not. ... unless you're using Simple Instrument Track. However, muting & soloing the synth from the Synth Rack will affect both tracks.
  10. Reset Mix can't be undone so you might want to Save the current mix 1st. Then Reset Mix and Save As that one as "Reset".
  11. ^ This "hides" the clip data but not remove it so it's still there for future use. or You can split the clip at that point creating 2 clips, select the left one and hit "K" to Mute it.
  12. That's one button that gets "stuck" on occasion. Rearranging the Browser windows can cause it too.
  13. Is your E key broke? 1. Overlap clips at a point where the wave lines match up & Fade one clip to that point. (pic) - Then bounce them together. If noise remains sometimes deleting the noise area works. The resulting silence may be masked in the mix. In your case this might work: or 2. Use just enough Fade Out/In at ends of both clips, though this will create some silence. Moving clips a few milliseconds shouldn't affect it too much. If it does, try slip stretching a small area.
  14. A feature I'm no real fan of but only a minor peeve.
  15. To be safe, I always bounce all MIDI & Audio tracks and freeze any synths before Exporting. Or mixdown to a Master stereo track and Export only that.
  16. 90% is an arbitrary fig. Just sayin' it seems most layout issues are caused by not knowing how Workspaces work.
  17. Seems 90% of all reported layout issues occur with Workspaces.
  18. If you're on the actual Keyboard view (with note names) & not the Drum map view, which is above it (normally hidden)... I can't reproduce this. Try it in another project.
  19. [Shift+Home/Shift+End] Hmm. only way that works is if you Ctrl+A first. Does nothing on it's own.
  20. True, just curious why I can't make it work in CbB. I even point the PIM to the specific folder. SPlat sees it fine w/o doing that. hmmm Just installed RS and it shows the CSC content. Then ran another scan and NOW CbB shows CSC. Go figure!
  21. One of the few things that works as advertised. But that's prob'ly 'cause I don't use it much. I'm more perturbed that I have to go back into the menu for each setting. Would be so nice to have a window in Preferences for Meters. BTW, are you using the Menu > Options > Meter Options to make changes? Making them elsewhere makes them temporary.
  22. It works here but you have to save the project with the new settings for them to be retained.
  23. It's in the VST folder but VST scan & CbB don't pick it up so it's not available. Is it no longer useable in CbB?
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