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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Hi, Is "Audio issue/bug" a feature request? If so, I vote NO. Otherwise maybe this should be in the main Cakewalk or Q&A forums, no?!
  2. Have you tried freezing the tracks to see if it clears up? Frozen tracks sometimes perform better/differently than nonfrozen tracks.
  3. Hey guys... 1. Both default Mercury & Tungsten themes have the correct image. 2. Any modified images like the one in question were done by the theme's author and have nothing to do with Theme Editor or BandlLab. 3. It's easy to revert an image back to it's original state by right-clicking and selecting "Remove". and 4. Yes you can resize an image! But not through "Import". Steps to resize an image: 1. Set up a photo editing program in Theme Editor's Setup Wizard. 2. Double click an image. A window will open in TE and the image will automatically open in the photo editor. 3. Change the image size and save it. 4. In Theme Editor, click OK. You can click "Refresh" 1st to see the changes. Your image is now the new size. Check image "Properties" window in the lower right hand corner of TE to verify. Resized images won't be distorted in Cakewalk but there are limitations. Some are constrained to a certain area and won't display beyond those dimensions. Some will overlap another image when made bigger. Others will push neighboring images over to allow the bigger size.
  4. Instrument track clips behave like MIDI clips until frozen, then they behave like audio clips. So you have 3 choices. 1. Add volume cc's in PRV (MIDI clip) (works only if softsynth responds to cc data) 2. Add a volume envelope or Automation (MIDI & Audio clips) 3. Real time fade (Audio/Frozen clips) - This one can be permanently applied to the clip by bouncing it.
  5. Instrument track clips behave like MIDI clips until frozen, then they behave like audio clips. So you have 3 choices. 1. Add volume cc's in PRV (MIDI clip) (works only if softsynth responds to cc data) 2. Add a volume envelope (MIDI & Audio clips) 3. Real time fade (Audio/Frozen clips) (link above) - This one can be permanently applied to the clip by bouncing it.
  6. It's grayed out because you haven't created a fade out to apply. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.62.html#1472304
  7. Cakewalk lacks what you want. Extended markers like Mixcraft has would be great. And color changeable too!
  8. I was curious about this because I wanted to add pitchbend to a clip. It works but I can see where the real time controls would be a big help in creating automation. Too bad they removed them.
  9. Thanks scook. Never thought to insert Melodyne in the FX bin. I'll check it out.
  10. I saw a neat trick with Melodyne where you can automate Pitch using automation lanes. Skip to 1:57. COOL! Only it was v2 from 2012 which had "real time controls" that v4 does not have and there's no "Melodyne" selection in the tracks Edit Filter button. Is there another way to do this in v4 or is it no longer possible?
  11. Thanks for the explaination, scook.
  12. I found cc7 works fine and cc10 does nothing with Dimension. And even tho both Vol & Pan "track" Automation lanes work fine, automating Dimension can have odd results. CC's may not work with Dimension because of having 4 separate elements with their own panning control and no way to assign them to the track's cc controls or automation. FWIW, when I created a cc10 Pan routine in PRV and used the Convert to Automation Lane command, it didn't work. But that may not be a Dimension issue.
  13. Double clicking a MIDI track clip header (top of clip) opens it.
  14. Update the Preferences > Audio Meters window to include all meter options. Current Options > Meter Options routine requires numerus trips into the menu to set and reset each meter.
  15. Going thru Options > Meter Options has always worked for me. Rightclick changes won't stick beyond your current session. Even so , the current meter settings process is quite clunky. As for the # of repeated clicks on the menu tab to get everything in order, I requested - in The Bakery which is no longer in existence - a consolidated meter menu in Preferences so you could make all your clicks in one comprehensive window. As it is, you don't even know if the box you clicked was even selected as the window poofs off screen before visual confirmation can be made.
  16. If it works for X3 and below that's good enough for me. Let me know if you need beta testers.
  17. Great. More buttons to customize .... and what about EXE Colors?! I hate teasers! ….
  18. https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk/whats-new
  19. Above pixel 56 your meter is fine, but in order to look right you need to change all colors below 56 to the same color. You're using a color gradient below this point causing the effect you see. From pixel 56 down, Cakewalk repeats the graphic until the audio signal reaches -6dB at which point it begins to display the upper part of the graphic. This is because the meter has only one graphic to accommodate 6 different dB ranges (12 to 90). If each range had it's own graphic, you could achieve the desired affect. The X series wasn't originally meant to be customized so it's a limitation we live with.
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