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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Level 42, "World Machine" straight outta 1985
  2. Earlier versions of Tracktion? Also, the cheep or freebie video editors like cyberpunk or maybe Adobe premiere all have those simple editing tools.
  3. Just great. Your vocal measures up. Love those panned guitars. Bass in the pocket. Cymbals have a real clarity. You are a mixmaster. Cheers, -Tom
  4. Very soothing Bjorn. Another gem pulled out of Uranus. ?
  5. Kudos, very nice playing and it seems inevitable that one day you will find a vocalist and lyrics for this. But the chord changes are really sweet and it's a great instrumental. Congrats on the c3. Cheers, -Tom
  6. Those glitches vocals were pretty neat. It's inspiring to listen to your stuff. "Call me what you will" has a great groove to it, it came on right after. Cheers! -Tom
  7. @Jesse Screed - ha! glad you like it and thanks, I think a silent film soundtrack would be cool! @jwnicholson78 - two excellent points. Thanks! It's obscure, and utterly unknowable to the listener, but that piano part "breakdown" represents something. That's all played in by me one take, unedited. Previously in bands I have been guilty of soloing too long, and in this case, the other band pieces have just stopped - and there I go, slowly realizing that I am the only one playing. It's embarrassing but ya gotta keep going . . . and then eventually it all comes back together. I'm sure that just leaves the listener utterly clueless as to what is going on - - - but that I think is intentional on my part. It adds something to the demented nature? Anyway, thanks so much, your input was very useful! @amiller - very cool, glad you liked it and thanks for the ear time. @Rik - the tuba I never thought of but it's a great add. I'll scour about one. Thanks for the listen!
  8. Hi John - I would be very proud if this collection was mine. Lots of cool variety and approaches in the songwriting. The mixes (I ran about six of the tunes) all held up, nice separation, and nothing really poked out weird. My favorite was Bass over 4 . . . it illustrates a great aspect of your songwriting which is taking a conventional rhythm and tweaking it into something more original and interesting. If you like "bass over 4" you might dig a four piece jazz funk band called "Junk" . . . cheers, -Tom
  9. The key might be its intermittancy. On that same electric line in your house, is there a fridge or fluorescent? Has any new appliance been introduced to the home recently? How close are you to your neighbors? If you listen very close to the hum, is it a commercial radio signal? Does any of your equip have tubes? Have you taken pieces of equipment out of situ and plugged them in somewhere else? You prolly done thunk of these already. . .
  10. Ah, there you are. This one could use some critiques and some mix ideas fer sure. Happy to hear any comments, and thank you for your time! -Tom
  11. yeah I know but you have to hit it harder, and a certain bit harder, to trigger the slide articulation. For me that's a different brain concept but glad it's easy for others. I've heard all 3 demos and I'd give the nod to the Impact Soundworks one as well. Could just be a better demo video though.
  12. uh, did I ruin it already? What do I win?!?
  13. So glad you brought the vocals up! And now I would say, back just a hair. just a tad, a skosh. Don't bury them again - really, just a sliver. Or, just celebrate the achievement. Great idea for a tune. cheers, -Tom
  14. Great, at least for me, a fantastic listen. You bring some jazz electric piano chords in here a little bit - I think that raises the level somehow. Have you considered getting into Soundcloud? It's far from the perfect platform, but if your music was on there, you'd likely get an actual following, with comments from a crapton of folks. Just my guess, just a thought. cheers, -Tom
  15. Great vibe! You have a ton of creative parts working fantastically together and the chops are there. And the drums fit perfectly and keep it moving right along. But . . . all of it is being obliterated by an overly present kick drum. You might take the compressor on the kick down until it lets everything else breathe. Then you could look around for what ever else might need some eq sweetening / lifting. It's a killer noir jam. Well composed! cheers, -Tom
  16. this one looks and sounds nice but I for one would have difficulty triggering articulations with velocities. I see you can also do it with keyswitches. unless I am chewing gum simultaneously, then nothing is possible at all.
  17. That's pretty impressive from a tablet. Looked like a nice cheery vacation, too! Cheers, -Tom
  18. This one builds a house. Glad I had headphones on, really nice separation in the mix! -Tom
  19. Rik nice in the pocket feel all the way. You play better than that old bustard, Father Time. -Tom
  20. You could always Smoke the Kudzu. And that's your new band name right there. You do have kudzu, don't you???
  21. Here's the problem . . . the content of his letter is basically "hey software pirates, you are taking bread out of the mouths of my children" . .. I'm new to the Pettinhouse libraries, but they sound great, some are at Orange Tree level. And he's a one-man band by all accounts. The trouble is, he really goes after those pirates quite strongly, lots of language, and I'm not sure it's flattering to his company. It's very well written and I agree with his sentiments . . .but it's more of an angry rant and I don't want to create any pr problem for his company. The last thing I want to do is give him less business. He seems like a straight-up kind of dude. So posting it might be a risk. If you have Kontakt, I'd recommend plunking down $119 for a crapton of great instruments (no brainer) and then you can read his rant if you want. I only posted to see if anyone else had noticed it. Sorry to hide everything behind a curtain. I probably should not have posted at all . . . cheers, -Tom
  22. Yes, I was going to say I've never seen a congregation like that. I'm lucky to have one or two at my feeder. Very nice!
  23. Beach Boys, only cooler. I admit I was waiting for a proper cracking snare to come in at some point. The brush on the cymbal kept its loudness throughout, and I think once you establish that, it could be dropped a tad in volume, maybe as the vocals start. Just a thought. You are a great songwriter. Awesome fade out, really slow, fits the song perfectly. cheers, -Tom
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