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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Even worse, I haven't heard squat from them yet. I have not inquired. And now my spam count from them is 9.
  2. Dunno about Vegas, but I always start in Premiere with a good .wav file for the audio. YouTube will degrade it so don't start with an mp3. . . . would be my advice! Good luck!
  3. Yes these are my exact favorites as well. I always learn something new from that lot.
  4. Sure hope Musician's Friend has an offer up soon.
  5. Ordered at dinner last night, rec'd immediate confirmation. Still no serial number, but no cancellation. Uh, how can two competing vendors screw it up?????? MF and GC? But while I wait, I can enjoy the four new spam emails I got from MF.
  6. Well, I guess it takes all kinds, because I actually like all of those little beacons of technology. They remind me of how I'm not living in the seventies anymore. It's cool! Give me the blue jewels over the useless flashing "12:00" on the Betamax.
  7. Well, that seemed like a no-brainer I didn't know I needed. Thanks MSorrels and y'all. A bit like Tantra on steroids?
  8. PhonoBrainer

    Skin Tight

    Neat song, catchy chorus hook, killer drums, good lyrics, and the guitars are a treat. It's really hooky, still hear that chorus in my earwormhole! When the vocal is doubletracked , I'm hearing something in the upper mids that pokes through a little too much. Might be worth a look. He has a good voice actually, just hearing something strident in the vocal that could be knocked down easily with eq. That Soothe plugin, if you have it, would do the trick. That niggle aside, excellent job one and all! cheers, -Tom
  9. I knew you would kill it normal. 100% love the lyrics. 100% love the ending. 100% could hear Mark Knopfler singing and playing this. But I can hear him singing and playing pretty much everything ever written. Mix-wise, maybe compress the drums a little less? Overall in your mix, is there a compressor set on the vocals, pretty heavy? The drums, heavy? It gives things a lot of punch but also a lot of weight - I'm missing some higher-eq range clarity on those sources. Super neat guitar lickage to support the vocals - has a nice Southern Rock Ballad vibe, to my ears. cheers, -Tom
  10. Does your conservatory have a secret passage to the lounge? Vocals up. I'm serious. Loved it. Panning was dope, bro. cheers, -Tom
  11. Nice. Do I remember you posting this earlier? Very cool and clean guitar. Bass is nice and present. Drums probably could use a bit more programming, maybe that hi hat on every beat could be adjusted somewhat? That was a cool listen. -Tom
  12. I like the melody this tune has. I think there is a lot of room for more in the arrangement - bass guitar, for instance. But I can hear the 1980's calling this - cool parts for this all over the place - should be fun for you to flesh this out a little. Unrelated, but check out BjornPdx on this site, listen to his vocals - similar timbre to your voice, only he is a little . . . older I think your song is a diamond in the rough in an embryo in the womb. Would like to hear where it goes! cheers, -Tom
  13. The metaphysical, existential approach would be to connect the dots, overlay imagined patterns of mythical beasts, create origin stories and heroes, and eventually, establish a theocracy.
  14. My lawyers have advised me not to answer these accusations, but if I am subpoenaed, I just might show up. The reality is, I was usually the dumb one who would buy one or two each trip, and then pour over each one ad nauseum for the ensuing month. I did my part. Dozens of "free" DVD's packed with demos and shareware available upon request. My question still is, did they seriously disappear all at once? Hmm.
  15. Look, I don't really care about this either, but . . . Dropped Sound on Sound Dropped Future Music Dropped Computer Music Dropped Music Tech And near as I can tell, they've dropped Guitar Player, Keyboard, Electronic Musician, Recording, Modern Drummer . . basically every magazine to do with music. Gone is my go-to time filler when making trips into the big city.
  16. Tiger the Frog must have licked himself.
  17. Did they just leap right over 8-track? Doesn't that one have its own sonic mediocrity profile that could be imparted onto your nice, clean music? Hope they have a knob to dial in a satisfying "clunk". I'm sure 8-track will come around again. It always did. Now off to check this wavesfactory out, I like their plugins.
  18. Would you use this instead of creating volume envelopes by hand?
  19. Wait until they sample it, and buy that for $64.40 using your PA voucher and your Jam Points but not your Gear Credits or your Orange Slices.
  20. I'm in. Look up Michael Rabinowitz "Bassoon in Orbit" or . . .
  21. Playing dumb, but why would you need this really? I mean, really? The commercial demands upon my music are not such that I get a lot of "We need those 22 .wav files translated to ogg vorbis - STAT!!!" I spent a year on Ogg Vorbis, and my advice is, don't drink the lithium.
  22. Fun. Loved the vibey gooey chorus-ey-ness on the leads. The percussion was uber dry by comparison, and I think it makes the little whhiiips and bleeeps stick out a bit, and I agree, the percussion kind of distracts because of it. Have you tried sending all those percs to a bus with a little rvb on it? Or maybe more rvb? Just a thought. It's a very mesmerizing listen. Pretty awesome, actually! Rewminds me a bit of Walt Collins, an old stalwart whom I haven't noticed around here of late. cheers, -Tom
  23. Those "Becan" references are always good for a chuckle.
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