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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Yes, if you just focus on the vocals, a lot of low cut is going on I think. Daryl really knows his eq and routing. Always a masterclass to listen to!
  2. Welcome back! That's a killer vocal, dude. Nice tune indeed. Your JoeWalshianTone guitar lead in the 2:20's could be louder to my ears, that's a nice component. Hey your piano chord comes primarily on the one . . . what about a piano chord on 1,2,3 and 4? Just sometimes, it might add a bit of drive or Dancehall stomp? There's an unwanted and unnecessary idea for you . . . let me know if you need more! Always a good listen, your tunes are. cheers, -Tom
  3. Fabio Bitflipper looks as good today as he did back then . . .
  4. I can't believe it. Waves is having a sale on plugins.
  5. Yep that's a total winner. Lyrics are a home run and very well served by the wonderful arrangement. Both vocals are a treat to listen to! I think more people should hear this one. cheers, -Tom
  6. Reminded me of the coolness of early Genesis, Peter Gabriel. I had fun trying to guess what was coming next, and had fun giving up! Very inventive all the way through. I listened on headphones but there was puh-lenty of bass guitar. I wonder what people on proper listening systems will think? And the drums could somehow come up a bit, but it's a busy mix with that synth pad and the wonderful guitars. By the way, really cool guitar tones. I liked those chromatic drop-downs a lot. The outtro has a cool honky-tonk vibe, nice touch there. cheers, -Tom
  7. That's a good mix right there! I could call attention to quite a bit of quality mix effort, but for some reason those horn parts stood out. Not bad in the patch department but I think the horn lines you wrote really fit the spaces in the song, and sounded like a well thought out horn arrangement. Also the chorus, where I think you doubled the lead vocal? Nice one there. On the "what the huh?" side, I actually don't think I have a clue as to what your song is actually about. Seems like you are referencing something very specific to you? Or something you have observed? That's just grand, of course, but as a listener I'm left out on this one. So what the hell is goin on??? Or am I just "left to my own interpretation?" Which is fine too. nice tune, that's the main thing. cheers, -Tom
  8. Definitely the best thing Thomas Dolby was ever involved in.
  9. Those presets exactly! Just a touch of magic. And you can easily raise and lower the effect on I think 7 or 8 little eq sliders. Pretty sure George Martin would have used it if he could. Totally worth your demo effort.
  10. PhonoBrainer

    Hey There

    Excellent. Perhaps more bass guitar in the mix? Plus start with the bass right away? I'd say everything else is a treat. Vocals are Beach-Boise. Your best vocals methinks ??? Awesome. cheers, -Tom
  11. Regardless of genre or time, those vocals are processed very very well and they just pop from a mix that could bury them. Kudos. I liked the track and it's kind of soft industrial if so. A-ha meets Rammstein and the winner is . . . Dead Can Dance! very cool track, cheers, -Tom
  12. Once it got into the funk groove, I dug it. Very solid pocket. Didn't mind the chaos one little bit! Maybe vocal just a bit more prominent in the mix at times. Can you hear your words consistently or does the effectery wash them out one in a while? Still those funky demons gotta swirl. Long live your experimental music! cheers, -Tom
  13. I've got a lot of perfectly good baseball caps I just can't wear in public anymore.
  14. What do you call a Russian leader standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon?
  15. Ha! One of a kind you are. So true and fun. I like the speed of the edits, good quick pacing. I LOL'ed a couple of times. Thanks for the grins! Would like to hear your impressions of Davinci if you ever have time to share them . . . Cheers, -Tom
  16. Well I just bought time macro for all those great orchestral pieces I've never ever written. Looks cool though.
  17. Thanks! @Old Joad - it's because I'm always in music school! thanks for the listen. @thegaltieribrothers- thanks Paul, glad you liked it. @jerrydf- thanks Jerry, I agree it is Autumn like, as is my life . . . these days . . . @bjornpdx - thanks Bjorn, it was a one take deal with some very minor velocity editing for the most part. thanks for the comment! @DeeringAmps- that killer Bb is courtesy of Noire. There are some boomin' subtones on some of those Noire patches. Just great. But the upper register I blended mostly the Pearl piano for it's brightness. So the whole range is kind of a hybrid, which creates some interesting phaseyness when Noire and Pearl blend in the middle. It was fun to experiment with eq all along the way. Thanks for the comment! @FJ Lamela- many thanks for the listen! @Tezza - my thought exactly, to add other elements in after the first announcement of the theme. I just have too many other projects bubbling away to devote to that idea. I really could hear a cello or something else wandering in, but I had to stop myself from adding another thing to my to-do list! Good comment, many thanks. @Andrew Ball- sounds like you have been there. very many thanks for your personal comment. I guess that's part of the "journey", isn't it! But I don't yet see how philosophically I will adjust . . . yet we must. All good! @Douglas Kirby- yes it has that mood, doesn't it? Ready or not . . . many thanks! @amiller- many thanks for the listen! @daryl1968 - thanks again mate. The piano is Noire on the bottom, Pearl up top, and a blend in the middle. It kind of ended up a bit dreamy which worked. Glad you liked it. Hope all is well with your various life and musical projects . . . take care. @mark skinner- thanks and yes those sustains can say a lot in a piece like this. Thanks for the comment! Appreciate it.
  18. Cool as hell. It really got some drive when that snare comes in, which you might make louder. And you might drop the volume on the rhythm guitars when you are singing. Other than those two nits, loved the mix and the vocals and the song. cheers, -Tom
  19. I liked it! You mentioned rubato, and yeah maybe? For four pieces to all play in unison with rubato is quite a feat. But it still comes off pretty natural and I like your sound elements. I am not familiar with the traditional but I liked your version. What instruments did you use? cheers, -Tom
  20. Well, just to agree with everyone else, very cool bluuuuuuues. Rockin' side of blues. And just to be different, I heard David Bowie-esque-ness in the chorus. Yowsa! As an experiment, have you tried putting a large or room reverb on the master bus, so everything sounds like a blues club? You have treated it pretty dry, probably lots of predelay . . . I just wonder if something more club-roomy might be a fun vibe to try out. cheers, cool jam! -Tom
  21. Why does it coincide with my Aspergers Awareness Month? I don't get it
  22. vocals are pretty darn good and the drums sound very clean and punchy. I'd drop the volume of the rhythm guitars, particularly the lower-chorded one, at least half a db - it's dominating the mix at all times. Great chops, great tones. Sounds like you are having fun. Big fan. -Tom
  23. waaaay cool. Congrats, looks like your drama with the source files is working out quite well! cheers, -Tom
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