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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. PhonoBrainer


    Did you by chance post this earlier? It's great! To the Paul Simon I might add Harry Nillllsssssson. Or I might not. Thanks for that one, a really great listen. -Tom
  2. I drifted off into a Floydesque reverie, and for that, I say, thank you very, very much! -Tom
  3. Keen observer indeeed! I liked the tune at the end as well! Just funny and pithy as hell. Lemme know when your Sampled Bjorn Kontakt instrument comes out - I'll buy it. But not until it's $29 on BF with my Bjorn Points.
  4. From the point of view of cool songwriting, vocal delivery, instrumentation, laid-back vibe, picture-painting lyrics, tasteful guitar work, and "holding the listener's interest" - your stuff is as good as I've heard just about anywhere. I'd pay to see you live, and pay to be in your band. So just a little push for that next level, if there is one for you, is to get more rigid with the tuning between your guitars / bass. Unless you are going for an intentionally detuned chorusey effect across all of your guitars? And whatever, prolly matters not. It remains extremely listenable and great songs are great songs period. cheers, -Tom
  5. Get her into the Songs forum and Soundcloud pronto!
  6. Nah, totally made that up. I'm so sorry. Just a meta comment on how I'm so neurally primed to respond to deals even from vendors I've never . . . even . . . heard of. Again, sorry. Totally as$ move. Let's be careful out there! Keep your wits about you! And don't overspend . . . particularly if they are "free" . . . ?
  7. Yes you are. No brainer, in the sampled piano world. Enjoy!
  8. Yes we know. ... "If someone goes off to work and forgets to turn the light off Alexa will use the timer to turn it off" Yes we know. ... " Alexa make it warmer". She raises my temp 2F. " Yes we know.
  9. I demoed gold 1 a while back, found it fiddly in the controls, unintuitive in the fyi, and barely noticeable but a little nice in the preamp. I assume it's like core 23 or something? Can anyone share a review of their use of gold 3?
  10. When you least expect it, expect it. Many thanks! It needs a slight remix, there's some pokey stuff needling out in some of the higher frequencies, it's on the "fix" list. Thanks, though!
  11. PhonoBrainer

    Dance Shower

    Good luck in the move, Kakku. Thanks for the pleasant groove. I liked the rhythm change. Would be right at home in a video game, maybe a vintage one. cheers, -Tom
  12. The thing I could never work out was gullfoss, or zynaptic intensity. Or both at once. Or one cancelling the value of the other. Or are they both just well-marketed sonic maximisers and vintage warmers and audio exciters. I have been using Intensity for a while, and I get its value, used in moderation. Gullfoss I can barely notice what it does. Pretty sure I asked this same question last year? Apologies if so.
  13. Here we go, another bf, another Herculean effort by cc, which I just now put together must mean that which he delights in destroying . . . our credit cards. Thanks again cc!
  14. I predict with near certainty Kenny's absolutely professional-looking photoshop Cakewalk cat food label mashup.
  15. You can't pour it into a bowl if you are dead. You can't even open up the bag. Which is to say, I'm not sure of that, or of anything else. At all. I sense you wish to advance some philosophical position here? By all means, if you are feeling . . . . . . Frisky.
  16. I thought that was awesome. Super clear in the headphones, not overwhelmed by fretty squeaks. And I hadn't heard the tune, very pleasant it is. Well played and thanks for sharing it.
  17. Hi again . . . this one ain't done yet. Might add a guitar solo. How's the mix faring on your end? Would love any commentses or advices . . . thanks, -Tom
  18. Yea! to this magazine. Looks like a labor of love.
  19. Good job coming in early like a bad bass player.. You can't taste the cat food if you're dead.
  20. Your unpredictable senes of chord choices are pretty fantastic. I liked the doubled vocals in the middle there. For me the intro was a bit long, even though your flute and flute harmony thing was very well conceived indeed. Mix-wise, very distinct mix, particularly those strings! I can tell you crafted this mix with care. But wait . . . there's more! Cool trippyness breakdown section. That's a catchy section for sure. Good choice, ending on a sustained, fading bass note. cheers, -Tom
  21. Just a quick thanks to @Starise and @macce and @David Sprouseand @DeeringAmps and @ramscapri and @Hidden Symmetry and @freddy jand @Johnbee58 . Wish I had time for specifics . . . Much obliged for the comments and look forward to returning the favor on your next posts. cheers, -Tom
  22. Very nice indeed, the ideas flow and things change quickly. Something tells me your lead vocal is not always panned center? Or am I mishearing it? Was that a non-standard choice? Nothing against it, personally, but it does stand out a bit. I do like your bgv's quite a bit as well. Overall, some very creative parts, very creatively arranged. A fun listen. cheers, -Tom
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