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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Cross posting this here so the warning has maximum viability.
  2. No - not it, I have disconnected the Ethernet port again and the problem persists. In Waves Central the ID of my C drive has changed with a connected local drive C with no licenses and a disconnected drive C with the licenses, Support case opened with Waves.
  3. I will post more as I get more details but here is a heads up. Today a big Windows 10 update (2004) came through. Now my Waves plugins have lost their license. I strongly suggest you move any licenses to the cloud or a USB stick before updating Windows at the moment. Edit - I suspect this is due to a previously disabled network port being re-enabled in the update. My C-drive which contains the licenses is shown as disconnected in Waves central.
  4. Now I have the Sampletank 4 installation and a windows update out the way I have taken another look in the Cloud Manager. I have core but only Zeanology Pro is available in my library. Looking again at the blurb I am now sure you will need the pro level sub to continue using Zeanology Pro. So what will happen when the month trial runs out, Will the basic Zeanology return to my library and will I need to uninstall pro? I have a suspicion that the two versions are the same application and the features available will be dependent on the level of your subscription. Roland need to be a bit clearer in their communication as the uncertainties take the shine off an excellent product.
  5. So it does. I was just going on what I saw in cloud manager. I am not sure if I would upgrade to Pro as it's quite a price jump and I am not tempted by conceto or the drum machiens. The D50 would be nice though.
  6. Lifetime licences are available for the Legendary series synths. If you only want one or two it would be cheaper than the sub eventually. IMHO both the top level sub and the lifetime licences are a bit overpriced. I think Zeanology is sub only. One difference to, say, Arturia, is the integration to Roland hardware which would be an advantage if you are gigging and did not want to use a laptop.
  7. I was a bit confused by this, their communication leaves a bit to be desired but I think it is part of core. The original Zeanology is replaced in the update and I did not see the original bring available any more. I will check again tomorrow.
  8. Roland Cloud Manager has been updated and more significantly Zenology has been updated to Zenology Pro for all levels of cloud membership. This takes the already excellent Zenology out of ROMplier territory into a full scale synth with a lot of editing potential. I have not had chance to play with it extensively yet but it looks pretty powerful. The Stage Piano soundset has also been updated. I reckon the $2.99 a month is a deal. They keep offering time limited demos of the synths from the Legendary series, as good as these are I am not tempted to upgrade to the top tier membership.
  9. Seems like it's been stuck on 16 for ages and ages ?
  10. In that case I think you will find MODO Drums very useful. If I had to choose between the two it would be MODO all the way, but then I don't use electronic drum sounds much.
  11. That's where I am. The Hammond and MODO Bass were the main two and they are superb. Syntronic is a nice to have, I have given MODO Drums a good workout yet so I will reserve judgment. So the next one will be ST4, I rarely use ST3, there is nothing wrong with it but I have so many options for those bread and butter sound,
  12. 200 to go now to the next level.
  13. I wonder if they fixed the pro channel modules?
  14. I had the same problem. Tried changing things on the Bandlab site to no avail. Gave up..
  15. Licences may be tied to the PCs network adaptors. My authorisations went AWOL when I disabled the ethernet port when troubleshooting some network issues. Other have had the same issue. Since this happened I have been thinking about getting an iLok but have not jumped yet. EDIT - My mind must have been befuddled when I posted this earlier. The licenses that went missing were WAVES licenses, not iLok. I am intending to move them to a USB stick and I am seriously considering moving my iLok licenses to a iLok all prompted by this incident.
  16. I am trying to remember from the demo if you can setup multi outs in Modo Drums.
  17. Syntronic, Modo Bass and the Hammond are mine. I am also wondering what next. Nice problem to have.
  18. The have also updated their old flaky authorization system too with a application called Korg Software pass. I can confirm that the latest version is working for me on Windows 10 in both Sonar Platinum and Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  19. Bandlab own Music Technology mag, and Cakewalk seldom gets a mention there either.
  20. Half tempted by the Lurssen. I keep on forgetting VAT will be added to the price but Jam points hopefully will cancel that out.
  21. Same here, set it going, popped off to do something else and came back it it was done, I think it was a lot quicker than last time. Then the age old ritual of moving the shortcuts it creates.
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