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Vernon Barnes

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Everything posted by Vernon Barnes

  1. Looks like the tonal balance bundle might be the most cost effective way of upgrading my Òzone 8 standard to Ozone 9 advanced. I shall have to investigate further.
  2. The update I want is for Riffer to have a chord changing facility rather than just a transpose. Say you are in G Major and you want a ii chord, you transpose to A and you get a major rather than minor chord. I tried dragging riffs out to Studio 1 so I could use the new keyswitch lane and chord track. This works up to a point, the problem is when the chord changes notes can get moved out of the range of the instrument (strings?). It Amplesound could introduce chord selection similar to EZ Keys into Riffer it would be a major step forward. I assume it would not be that easy to implement, but would not be surprised if Toontrack were considering in it for a future instrument.
  3. Looks like the lowest price is for Francesca. Prices come up in pounds for me its £54.95 including VAT. I also see Strawberry but it is 33% off at £73.34. The best deal is on the bundle for £114.95 - you get the four voices Francesca Genco, Linda Strawberry, Bryan Lane and Michael Peaslee I have these for an earlier fire sale and they are very nice, but I have not yet used them in a completed piece of music. The bundle works with the free Kontakt Player (version 5.6.8+) but Francesca bought alone need the full version of Kontakt,
  4. No other issues, and the one I did encounter was probably due to processor overload with the other plugins, Melodyne was just the final straw. 5 is a significant update. The sibilance tool is very good.
  5. Yes, Cakewalk has Bitbridge which bridges 32 bit plugins to the 64 bit system. Most will work but its not always plain sailing and some may not work too well. If you get problems there is a third party bridge called JBridge which was useful back in the time I was still trying to use 32 bit plugins. EDIT - Abacab was typing his almost identical answer at the same time as me - Great minds thin alike.
  6. I have done quite a bit of work with Melodyne 5 studio in Cakewalk since upgrading. The only issues where when I went back to do some remedial edits on a project that was close to finished and had a lot of fx running. This caused a unrecoverable dropout. The solution was to restart Cakewalk, turn off the fx and do and render the edit before turning them back on. CPU load is very high on this project. It may be unrelated to your issue but turning off any fx may be worth a try. Do you have the latest Cakewalk version installed? I seem to recall some ARA fixes mentioned in release notes a while back but can't be sure.
  7. The user defined resources folder is a significant step forward. It can get quite large and be an issue if your system drive space is at a premium. They had a hack for relocation which automatically set up a directory join after it moved the folder. I did this. It will be intresting to see what happens after the upgrade
  8. I had a bit of fafffing about creating an account, it was probably my fault as I ended up on sign in, rather than sign up. The problem then was the error message was in Russian so I eventually managed to copy it before it disappeared and run it through Google translate. Then it all became clear.
  9. One of the pre-orders that arrived while I was somewhat preoccupied working on my own stuff was Magenta's (the Welsh one) "Masters of Illusion". A prog concept album about vintage horror film actors seems unlikely but now i have played it a few times I am really liking it.
  10. Its certainly better value if you did not have a version to upgrade, but its still an option to consider particularly if you want Notion. I looked on it as low risk because if I don't get on with it I can always cancel, but its looking good so far. The collaboration tools could be useful. The content is certainly useful. Maybe not up there with the top flight libraries but as mettelus says very useful for sketching and I would say on a par with Sampletank 3. I have not downloaded many of the Notion instruments yet. It looks like they are only available in Notion but look fit for the purpose of sketching out a score.
  11. After Bit's Giligan's Island post I thought I would put this out there.
  12. Very well done. It could have been appalling but it was enjoyable.
  13. I had a bit of a search for a female singer for a song in my latest project. Covid ensured it was definitely going to have to be online. I found going through show reels difficult as one had to translate the voice to my own song. I was quite luck to find this lady and I was very happy with the process and the results. http://www.ginaellen.co.uk My song is in the song forum
  14. Thanks again for your kind comments and suggestions. Things have moved on an I have replaced the file with a new mix. I have done a very quick master using the Ozone 8 assistant for streaming. I plan to leave this on Soundcloud for a week and then take it down. A final mix and master will be done once the other songs in the cycle are completed. I am also planning to go right back to the comping stage and redo the vocal production and final mixing in my newly acquired Studio One, a) as a learning process and b) in the hope I may manage a better mix. The plan at the moment is to put the final "EP" on Bandcamp (without too much hope of many sales) and maybe make a few CD to try to sell locally, pushing the strong local story.
  15. I have downloaded most of the relevant keyswitch files which should save a lot of time later. I have not tried using them yet. I also grabbed a lot of pitch maps, these seem a lot easier to use, but less versatile than Cakewalk's drum maps. The cloud seems a very useful resource.
  16. Sh*t gets buried here quiet quickly so a reminder never goes amiss. I did not see the first post.
  17. Well I have gone and done it and signed up for a Presonus Sphere subscription. I wanted Notion and I also felt I should learn another DAW. It was Studio One 3 when I last tried the demo and at that time I did not care for it. Initial impressions this time around are more favourable. I am still downloading the Soundsets but the ones I have tried so far sound useful. Its disappointing the instruments are only available in Studio One. The effects are VST and I have successfully loaded them in Cakewalk. I don't particularly care for the way you can't see the VSTi audio track in track view, it seems a bit clumsy to have to open the mixer as well as the track view, but it seems a lot of people prefer this and Bandlab are moving in the direction with their Instrument track development. I could not initially see how to set up multi outs for VSTi but once I watched a couple of videos its reasonably straightforward and I would say better if you have a mix of stereo and mono outputs. Notion will need a bit of finding my way around but it looks like what I was looking for.
  18. Thanks for the kind comments and suggestions. I have received the remaining guitar parts and some very detailed observations on the mix from James, the guitarist, so things are moving forward and its starting to sound better. I will leave this version up there for a while. In case anyone is interested in the back story here is a transcription of the article that appeared in the local paper "Dartmouth Chronical" and the regional paper "The Cornishman" shortly after the incident.
  19. I don't understand exactly what's being requested. Is the requirement to host the DAW in the Komplete Kontrol application? I have a copy of Cubase 8.5 and I do not believe that is possible. If the requirement is to host Komplete Kontrol in Cakewalk, that is possible today. Better integration would always be welcome but I find it functional as it stands, maybe I am missing something. - Having keyboard zone colours show up in piano roll would be my top wish. There is a specific setup workaround require if you want to use the transport buttons on the keyboard. I can't remember the exact details off the top of my head its been so long since I did it but you need to set it up as a VS100
  20. Bandcamp has a pay what you want option. IIRC is you download for free you don't get the track added to your online library so you can't stream it. From a customer point of view I like that Bandcamp let's you down load WAV and FLAC formats as well as MP3. Artists also use it as a shop for CD, DVD and merchandise.
  21. This exactly. Streaming is not the new radio, it replaces the need to buy CD's or downloads. The whole idea that you can have access to all the music in the world anytime you want for $9.99 a month is the draw for the punter. But is that sustainable in the long term? as for playing live, certainly in the UK grass roots music venues were under threat, even before COVID. There are less and less places for artists to play live. Less opertunity to make a living form playing live while there are less opportunities to make money from recorded music, I am a hobbiest, so its not a threat to my livelihood but there are thousands of musicians who are probably going to leave the industry unless something changes. Welcome to the Simon Cowell world of music uniformity. For exposure Radio (including Internet radio) is much better, you stand a chance of reaching people who would not have gone looking for your music.
  22. I am still toying with the idea of signing up for Sphere, I would really like a good notation program so Notion is one of the driving factors. I was a bit meh when I demoed Studio One 3 way back but things like the new articulation lane etc. are making me think I should give it another try. It's a reasonably low risk course of action as I could cancel the subscription if I feel its not going to work out for me.
  23. Bingo! My case is very similar. I had recently disabled the ethernet on the computer while chasing some (as yet unresolved) issues with Acronis cloud backup.
  24. Here is a preview mix of a track from my new Red Over Red project. It is the third song in a song cycle "The Slyboots Incident" which tells the story of the death of my Great Great Grandfather and his crew in a collision at sea in 1881. My Great Great Grandmother was reported in in contemporary newspaper articles as having seen the incident in a dream. Seven year old Osman thought he heard his father come home during the night of the accident. Also killed in the incident was her son from her first marriage. I am posting on Soundcloud for a short time as a preview. The song features Gina Ellen on vocals and James Alden Lawrence on guitar. I am waiting on a bit more guitar to replace the faux guitar in the string/guitar instrumental section before the "middle 8". Due to COVID I have not had chance to try this mix in as many environments as I would like. Off Soundcloud on my laptop with headphones its now sounding a little harsh. The final mix will be done in context of the surrounding songs which are still in production.
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