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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. That's happened to me, too. I think it has something to do with the amount of data you're moving. Dragging smaller clips was my solution.
  2. The company that made X3 is no longer in business. Their programs and many virtual instruments were bought by Bandlab. They have released an updated and supported version called Cakewalk By Bandlab, for FREE (for 64-bit Windows operating systems). See the stickies at the top for links to the downloads of this amazing new (and supported) DAW.
  3. Try selecting just a few measures and dragging them where you want. You can do this by dragging your cursor along the timeline, then drag one of the selected notes up or down.
  4. I bought this singing program (Vocaloid Miriam) and did a short song to try it out with her singing along with me.
  5. I'd like to see a Techniques forum. All knowledge is good, even if you don't use it.
  6. We heard so many different kinds of music as we grew up in the '60s and '70s. I mostly chose rock albums when I bought music, but my mother loved country, so I heard a lot of that. My father loved 'beautiful music' so that was on the radio when he was home from work. The songs I've recorded have been mostly pop/rock, but I've got a jazzy thing, a couple of countryish and folky songs, a short classical piano concerto, and a nonsense song. Plus a Christmas song.
  7. Haven't checked today, but yesterday was able to see statistics. On the plus side, all of that song-cycling counted as plays, so I had more plays than I have in years! Thanks for looking.
  8. Clarify something for me: Is the underwear pink with different colored polka dots, or are the polka dots pink?
  9. Is soundclick screwed up for anyone else? I mean, more screwed up than normal. I click any song link and it will cycle rapidly through all the songs without any of them playing. There are no statistics available. Stared happening yesterday (1/1/19).
  10. According to Stereo Review years ago, a true sub is non-directional, i.e. using it to amplify frequencies below 40 Hz, such as sound effects in movies. Such as explosive blasts, stampeding elephant herds, earthquake rumble, passing locomotives, etc. But if using it musically with a high crossover, say 200 Hz, it would be directional.
  11. Just discovered that myself. Yay!
  12. I miss the 'go to first unread post' button. That is going to be a requirement if this fred reaches umpteen thousand pages like the udder one.
  13. You met him, Strummy. Couldn't you tell if he was an acronym?
  14. To record my songs. Not much lately, but I did some covers to try to keep my hand in, since I can't think of any new stuff.
  15. Randomly thinking, coffee drinking. Then off twerk! Yay.
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