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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Welcome to the forum. Did you download and install the drivers for the Alesis from their web site? What Driver Mode are you using? Press P on your computer keyboard to find the driver mode. Many devices have a setting sometimes called "What You Hear" or "Stereo Mix" or some such which routes all of the sound back through the input. That would cause your problem. Check the Multimix's manual for proper set up.
  2. And is it Bandlab, the phone app, or Cakewalk by Bandlab, the PC DAW?
  3. Welcome. You'll probably need to download and install the USB driver from Roland's web site, too.
  4. In SONAR Home Studio 6 and I believe Music Creator, I have the Synth Rack button under Views, so it's not a new thing. Only in X3 is it not under Views (among the software I own).
  5. I remembered that I have SONAR X3 installed, and looking at it, there is no synth rack under views. It has Screensets, but none of the preset screensets have a synth rack in the views drop down. However, if you insert a soft synth, you will have the option to show the synth rack. If there is already a synth inserted you can click the double-arrow thing on the right or left to show the synth rack.
  6. What happens if you click Alt 8 or Alt 9? Those are the keyboard shortcuts for the synth rack in older and newer versions of Cakewalk DAWs. You probably don't have Workspaces in SONAR, but you may have Lenses or Screensets, which allow you to set up a custom view and may not have a synth rack in them. CbB is short for Cakewalk by Bandlab, their newest software. Since you're using SONAR, check its Help file for how to use Lenses or Screensets, whichever is applicable. You could have accidentally hit a shortcut. Also, it's not a good idea to post twice about the same problem, especially in 2 different forums. Folks won't know which one to reply to.
  7. So, we can blame Pete for the murders now?
  8. "(did I ever mention The Beatles landed in NY on my birthday in 1964?)" Right. Now you'll say you have an Alembic!
  9. I'm pretty sure some of those strings are not "bass".
  10. Can you show your export options? Is that Windows Media Player? Check that there are no 'enhancements' for WMP audio.
  11. 57Gregy

    lost audio

    How are you saving them? .cwp, .mid, .cwb?
  12. Good to know. He wrote SONAR Platinum, though. I never had Splat. Aren't Workspaces a new thing?
  13. Sure, when you delete a clip everything in the clip will be removed. You should be able to see in the PRV or Staff view where the sustains begin and end and choose a good place to split/delete. I wouldn't worry about that; I would just go into the Staff view and click in sustain where I wanted it. It doesn't make sense to have a bunch of pedal events just hanging around not doing anything. Next thing you know they're knocking off the liquor store. ?
  14. Welcome to the forum. Do you mean the same sound is coming out both speakers, or all the sound is coming out of one side?
  15. Make sure the control highlighted in green is set to all, too.
  16. There is also their TTS-1 soft synth with thousands of sounds. Well, maybe hundreds.
  17. Just out of curiosity, how many of you searched "MacChord Highland Pipes"?
  18. Hey Kurre. I didn't mean I posted to the CH and it ended up here. I was in the CH prior to coming here and the general tomfoolery of that forum rubbed off on me. And I do like bagpipes... for awhile.
  19. You may have Enable MIDI Output on Kontact or other soft synth. If so, try disabling that function.
  20. Sorry. Was in the Coffee House.
  21. The McChord Highland Pipes VST comes with a free set of ear plugs.
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