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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I was about to write, maybe Randy Meisner needs a gig.
  2. That's because you have the TASCAM selected for input and output and using the ASIO driver, You must use the TASCAM for all sound output, using headphones or connecting the interface to an amplifier with speakers attached to it or powered speakers.
  3. Maybe this will make you feel better: Seventy is actually the last year of the sixties. That gives you, what? Twenty-seven more months? And ten days.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's the channel assignments. The default patch is piano. If no channel or patch is selected, you would hear piano in a MIDI file, regardless of the soft synth you used while recording. And as mentioned above, the MIDI file doesn't remember what soft synth you used when recording, so will default to a General MIDI synth such as your computer's Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth on playback. Welcome to the forum.
  5. I have always used them. I have pretty lightweight systems, so I monitor MIDI from my Yamaha keyboard (MIDI in to the DAW and out to the keyboard as I play/record) instead of using soft synths or worrying about a USB MIDI driver. Seems to use less processor. I started doing it that way in the time before USB-MIDI and just have kept it up. Plus, I need that USB port for other things. ?
  6. The answer is always 'C'.
  7. I think you mean the 'Scrub' tool. That will allow you to drag the cursor across a clip and hear it. Hit the J key on your computer keyboard and the cursor will change to a speaker icon and you can then scrub by click-dragging. Hit J again to turn it off. I don't think you can enter just the chord letter. I just tried it and it always placed the chord diagram above the staff. You then would have to right-click that diagram to navigate to the chord you actually want (it defaults at 'C'). You can, however, use the Expression button and type in your chord letters, but they won't be above the staff but below it.
  8. "Paint It All The Colors Mixed Together".
  9. 57Gregy

    combining tracks

    Bandlab is the online app. Cakewalk by Bandlab is the computer program. It's usually shortened to CbB or just Cakewalk here. That's what you're using.
  10. 57Gregy

    combining tracks

    It seems like you have 2 questions: how to combine separate clips in the same track into 1 long clip, and how to combine different tracks into 1 stereo track. The first part: select all the clips in a track that you want to combine. This is easily accomplished by clicking the Track number so all the clips in the track are highlighted. Then go to Clips above the tracks and select Bounce To Clip(s) there. That should combine all the selected clips into 1 continuous clip. To combine all your tracks into 1 stereo master track, select all the tracks you want while holding down the Ctrl button on your keyboard. Or Ctrl A. Then go to Tracks above your tracks and select Bounce To Track(s). Make some selections in the following dialogs, like Master Mix, and click OK. You should the have a mix of all your track in 1 track. Good luck!
  11. Not really a pun, but a friend put this on FB about the coming time change: Adding an extra hour to 2021 is like getting a bonus track on a Yoko Ono album. Yeah, yeah, I know. We're not getting an extra hour, just getting back the one the took in the spring.
  12. Go to your post. Click the 'Edit' button. Delete the link in the post. Save it.
  13. And possibly no one else has experienced the problem so can't help.
  14. I've got Glen Campbell and Peter Frampton. And Jack Nicholson. I hear he plays a mean axe.
  15. I've been rethinking my response. If all I'm doing is thinking about music, is that actually creating music? Or must you have something tangible to hold or feel or hear in order to have a 'creation'? Existentialism on a Sunday morning. I suppose the fact that I could create something from my thoughts makes it a creation-in-waiting. But uncreated. My head hurts now.
  16. I have never touched any Gain controls in any of my projects. That may be reflected in the final mix. ?
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