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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I am under the impression this is the case for every avenue/platform out there.
  2. It is resizable in Reaper when pulling the corner, FYI
  3. I am too, but $30 is crazy for such a tool with other options on the market.
  4. Warning on my system if you click and drag a corner Cakewalk and the plugin freeze requiring force shut down. Seemed to work ok in Reaper in a 5 sec test.
  5. I'm not, IKM seem to like massive libraries resampeling things that effects could have done without taking up large HD space. That being said related to multiple mic sets, if I'm paying that much for a VSTi you better believe I want real mic recordings and not a sim of a mic that wasn't used. Most of us likely have the IK Amp Locker thing already and therefore could use that with other piano VSTs let alone IKM's one. Take a look at Melda's Meldway grand and all the Mic sets they used. Some might call it overkill, but it certainly makes for a very versatile instrument that does sound crazy good. It is also 40GB I think, and has quite a few mic sets...and unlimited authorizations....unlike this change of plan with IKM putting even more restrictions on the end user.
  6. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/my-products/ Then click on serials under each product:
  7. Could have bought a James A Olson guitar for $4K in the late 1990s. It was out of my budget but would have ended up a fantastic investment. Settled for a Taylor that has also appreciated in value but no where near what an Olson has
  8. See my website screen grab from yesterday and what I grabbed from the same site today. It was clearly intentional. (on top of that they also change the authorization counts in the user area - in addition to the public website I posted - the counts there were different yesterday too)
  9. In my online portal view it seems like I have 8 authorizations left (instead of the 3 the product manager says) But I also haven't try to deauthorize and re-authorized anything to test if it shows up and changes. I'll let someone more brave test.
  10. Because we don't know what is behind door number 2 yet.
  11. Yeah, something changed. I'm down to 3 authorization left across all my products which is certainly inaccurate as the base used to be 10 as of the last time I ran this. Hopefully a temporary mistake on IKM part as this would be a major move in the wrong direction.
  12. That has been the case for a number of years. Only plugins like Melodyne can justify that price point. But yes, we had dramatic market saturation with far too much buying during the pandemic and now the economy pushes plugin spending into needless or luxury spending even if they plugins are $10, as a larger whole - we just don't need more.
  13. Nope, but only the affordable version is. I personally wouldn't even put PT on the list of options.
  14. Brian Walton

    EQP-1A $19

    Honestly seem like the least interesting thing they offer The one EQ you can get a good one for free. https://www.patreon.com/posts/rarese-71320561 https://www.igniteamps.com/#pteq-x https://sonimus.com/products/soneq https://www.kiiveaudio.com/warmy-ep1a-eq and I assume the Pun is still free: https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/plugins-installation
  15. Brian Walton

    EQP-1A $19

    Melda has saturation. I agree that Kirchoff doesn't have saturation. Those that have analyzed hardware EQs, the distortion is usually pretty transparent overall.
  16. Brian Walton

    EQP-1A $19

    Seems like the same promise as MautodynamicEQ and Kirchhoff EQ provide (though I don't the K-KQ has the saturation). MADWQ is on sale for about the same price point and offers more bands or a fair amount less if a new customer and also use referral discount code.
  17. You must have forgotten the fact that it seemed like every month the updates would fail / not work properly within the App itself. It all seemed much better when they got rid of it, IMO.
  18. Agreed, pretty poor experience here that could have easily been avoided by simply asking 2 people to try it out.
  19. Yeah that fixed the crashing part, but all the tape decks sound like sawtooth clipping to me and far more extreme even with input really low. Tried in both Cake and Reaper with the same issue - guessing someone else can confirm the same.
  20. Let me know when VST City comes out where we compete to buy the most plugins we will never use. That sounds a little closer to my style.
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