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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. It has the repair assist in the standalone but I don't recall it in the plugin version in RX7 elements.
  2. I had RX7 elements (and some versions prior to that). I don't recall them having the De-Reverb module before. They have taken away the stand alone version in this one but they added the Assistant function to the Plugin version. Based on the marketing the D-hum now has an adaptive mode. I didn't see much of anything else advertised as new. I bought it expecting a resizable UI update at this point, but if it exists - I don't know how to make it work.
  3. My theory was going to be you bought an extra copy by accident when they put it on super sale. However the $9 was an audio deluxe exclusive not PB. I had purchased it about a month prior at a higher price.
  4. Yes, and sometimes before the end of the current month.
  5. Use this (free to load them) https://www.meldaproduction.com/MConvolutionEZ And free IRs here (matching the same or similar pickup system that was used in the capture is the most important part) http://acousticir.free.fr/ https://worshiptutorials.com/product/acoustic-ir-sample-pack/
  6. I found some good IRs sounded better than the results I got from this thing. (was surprised as I find other Nembrini products to be pretty good) YMMV
  7. Don't really want the foot the bill for a new interface though it needs one. I also think they could reduce the file size a ton as many of the samples seemed like they were a bit redundant and changes the end user could make with effect tweaks instead of baking it in to a new sample. I like the idea of what the platform offers and while it gets some comparison to the NI platform it does cost a whole lot less on sale for quite a bit of content though in a closed ecosystem which makes it feel like a different product category.
  8. Yeah the bundle was also different just an observation that these bundles make a whole lot more sense when they happen to be direct. As for the discounts when buying them via 3rd party, I know some of the free or super cheap ones I've gotten through 3rd parties did apply to bundles I've gotten. So don't know if they changed something. Outside of some rare sales and month of release, UP pricing usually isn't completing.
  9. Yeah and when they do them direct you can also get a bigger discount if you own stuff in the bundle unlike through Best Service
  10. If all you want is a run of the mill AC30 with blues in it simulation, the free Melda convolution plugin plus one of many free AC30 blue cab IRs is all you need. The only thing that might have more free IRs might be a reissue marshall 69 4x12. You certainly don't need mcab for that
  11. Are we talking about the same company? I realize not everyone has the issues but WAVES is literally the plugin maker I think of that an installer update has broken previously working plugins just because I was trying to install new purchases. Then if you don't pay for WUP you will never get them to work again. Sound fine I can agree with. Reliability, they are bottom of the barrel for me, and my plugin folder is well in excess of 1000 plugins so I'm not a total newbie in the market or have super limited experience across multiple brands.
  12. This Melda product isn't about amp simulation so you might want to dive in more before writing it off, is isn't even a guitar plugin for the most part. But it can be since it has amp and convolution built in. Not sure what Guitar Pro a transcription/notation type of program has to do with anything Melda offers in this plugin or otherwise.
  13. For the LE version I wouldn't download the huge drummer packs unless you own MDrummer personally. Just the "essential" one. The drums sound great but with LE the issue is someone has to have incorporated them into an instrument for you to get value out of them.
  14. Until you lose it or it break it and I wonder if you don't have WUP if they would even reset for you (yes I'm sure you in particular have WUP) PA gives the same option with three USB sticks at a time.
  15. Of course perpetual seat buyers get nothing. Typical Waves move.
  16. Most professional guitarists hire someone to work on their guitars...there is a massive difference between playing them and working on them for both setup and swap out...especially on a semi-hollow body which can be a real pain.
  17. I thought I was going to land on a 339 as a life long Gibson owner but tried a few and then ended up buying a Heritage Prospect instead. I would only buy on-line if the return policy is good. I played a couple 339s in local stores and the Heritage mopped the floor with them. But I've played some 339s that are quite good.
  18. Amalgam is also my go to (wish I owned all of them). But I do have all of ToneJunkie (thanks to the pricing system) and a few from others as well. That is certainly the least effort to excellent results route. But I will say a handful of my favorite profiles were not aftermarket packs. But that can feel more like a needle in a haystack. And as someone that has done over 400 profiles, I can say it is very time consuming and not every capture is what it should be. I was capturing one of the most valuable amps ever made and it was frustrating to be there in the studio with limited time and doing advanced captures and having two profiles (which takes hours - and on some computers would have literally been a about 2 days of computer processing for 2 images) to basically sound corrupted. Took another capture and it was arguably the best I've heard from anyone. But that time cost me more capture opportunities.
  19. Brian Walton


    Wouldn't have paid more than $50.00 for the company. That said AVID isn't just protools.
  20. Purchase of this freebie would make it the 2nd most expensive reverb plugin I've ever bought (meldaMTurbo). And I have a fairly respectable collection of verbs. (and also not going to happen)
  21. $170 for an in the box eq is simply too much given the alternatives. Yes, I like the interface better but that is about it. I wouldn't pay $100 for KEQ either but it can be had for a lot less.
  22. I'm using the axe I/o for ease of setup but any reamp box will do along with another audio interface. Outside of some pretty unique gear I have access to the reality is there are lots of people that have packs or free quality captures of the usual suspects. Like the example above there a plenty of ac30 models out there, and from various time periods because for those that don't know an ac30 you buy today is not the same thing as a number of variations over the decades where other brands have done a better job renaming amps when a circuit changes.
  23. Everyone has different needs, I have tons of amp sims but given the choice between owning everything other than Tonex or Tonex, I'd literally pick Tonex.
  24. Kirchoff is super light on the CPU so I'd be curious to see a side by side with the same filters applied to see if there is in fact a material difference in consumption.
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