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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Honestly doubt they will ever do that outside of a flat out giveaway winner type of situation. Everyone will get different levels of value out of it. For me, it is the only plugin I can think of above $15 that is worth the normal asking price and getting even the small discounts where icing on the cake. I think the v1 to v2 upgrade price was only $15 or so and the updates from v1 to v2 are mind blowing. Thus they have a good track record of treating customers fairly. If you are a master keyboard player it may be of little value to you. As for me, it helps with ideas I wouldn't have come up with (though I come from a guitar background - which is notorious for approaching chords, melody, patterns, in accordance with the instrument's unique layout.
  2. This. They have yet to release anything I thought was even worth the $20 price point if looking for something that sounds like the real thing at least with me attempting to play it.
  3. You can tell him he needs to update the security certificate on the website while you are at it. ? I really do wonder if Ralph is behind the support and customer communication now though. I haven't seen anyone post anything yet that couldn't have been taken care of by someone else, this not really sure if he is still active. Agree we need some good tutorials, I like the program but only in the context of let it do whatever it wants and I'll create something to match it.
  4. Glitch actually made it on a main track of a project I did, not bad for something I must have got for under $5. I thought they had a few plugins that when sold for a few bucks were just fine for the spend thrifts. Of course I do t think they were worth anything close to the retail rates, but I say the same thing about the vast majority of plugins.
  5. Got a link that actually indicates someone got confirmation he is still around? I searched about a month ago and couldn't find a single post that anyone had been able to contact him including moderators. I also hope he is ok and hope he and his family have a plan in place.
  6. You are not wrong. They decided to reward all customers the same. I own the vast majority of IKM software offerings, and think the upgrade pricing is too much. Only on special promos and group buys does the software model make financial sense, IMO
  7. Tonex is the most brilliant thing they have ever done. The pedal is exceptional and they put entry into the world to taste it for free and then had reasonable sales to get in on the unlimited capture tier. Then priced the pedal to actually make sense. They also dropped the price on the X series pedals which were overpriced, IMo. Opening the gates for 3rd parties to release captures gives us a lot of options. Honestly it is the 3rd party packs overall (and my own captures) is what I use. Got max because it came with the pedal but I only really needed the low cost tier to get all the non pedal value out of it. Curious what the bonamassa situation is going to look like. There is where I feel a nickel and dime coming.
  8. Ozone Elements and Neutron Elements 8+9 were quite powerful. I think the reason they did this downgrade was to push customers into the higher tier option by taking away controls. With 8+9 there wasn't a whole lot of incentive to pay "standard" prices for added features.
  9. I probably own half the catalog. Amek 9099 is the one I'd get (on sale). It handles a lot of mixing functionality in a single well thought out interface.
  10. A good engineer (along with a good band performance) certainly doesn't "need" anything other than the Total Bundle to make a good mix. (no ilok) People look for alternatives given the fact they are priced above the vast majority and they have excellent UIs. For a fraction of the buy in there, ToneBoosters offers an awful lot, as does Melda (the recent Anniversary bundle sale would have been the time)
  11. I'd like to know also, but there are other devs that simply have the email as part of the process to help mitigate sharing of license files (audiority, acon, scaler 2, even Melda has the popup with your name and address during auth - and all these seem to be offline compatible) As for a delay, there can be a few reasons for this. Guess the only way to test is install on a 5th completely offline machine and then bring it back online to make sure one doesn't get revoked or similar.
  12. Anyone saying they need something more powerful than that thing is kidding themselves. It is really just a question of the interface and how to get to and interact with the features. I prefer to click and drag to activate a band, but melda defaults to double click to activate it. (so I tend to create a preset where bands are already active so I can work the way I like. If the workflow works for you it is on the same playing field as the other big hitters in dynamicEQs.
  13. It is good to have some experienced opinions weigh in, but I will say there is a pretty slippery slope with this kind of thing as it relates to your own spending and needs. There are plenty of EQs on the market that a far more powerful in terms of tonal shaping and features than what most of the "classic" albums were recorded with. Tools at this level as so far beyond adequate or good enough if one has the skills of a more experienced engineer. We get into a trap of thinking the tool is our limitation when the reality is that isn't the case once you have a few good tools. More often than not the things that actually matter on this tier is the workflow and ease of use to get the results you want. Blindly listening back to a mix I did, I wouldn't be able to tell which EQ I used a year down the road, and another more experienced engineer isn't going to know either. When I say the Kirchhoff sounds better than some alternatives, it has more to do with pushing bands pretty far (farther adjustments than most should be doing on a source) and things still sounding natural. If someone properly recorded a source the engineer shouldn't be making 20db boosts to the top end, etc. Did you grab the currently free Melda Dynamic EQ that is currently free (normally $75). That thing is in this same playing field. And free updates for life and unlimited computer installs (for machines you own). I don't like having to double click to create a node but the feature set and quality is also crazy. Also the little areas button gives you options (here it is selected for vocals which gives you some visual reference on frequencies that can relate to the way we interpret some sound on a source. This is super helpful, IMO as you take mixing to the next level). And they have built in things for multiple instruments, etc.
  14. I've always thought he was well regarded. He is pretty much genius level. Never had to use support. His limiter was top tier for years at the price point. The EQ4 has an unending demo period download it and see what you think. It simply has a pop up everytime you run it that says demo. No white noise or silence...who else does that other than Reaper?
  15. Yep, I was using it as a primary go to above many others as the features, interface and license are great. But after I did an a/b of the sound when pushing filters a bit it was hard not to want to use the Kirchoff instead. I don't even care that much about the crazy settings it can do.
  16. Ive owned it since the day of PA release. Best sounding in the box EQ I've heard. Negative from me is I think ToneboosterEQ4 looks better. I don't like how small everything is on the Kirchoff. The deep feature set and good sound is why people rave about it. If you own Fabfilter no need to buy it. If you are looking at Fab, then it is worth checking out as an alternative to see which suits you better. I'd pick Fab for the interface but it also never will be as cheap as the PA EQ is going to get. I subscribed to forever 29 to get it.
  17. Odd they marked the new mastering comp that low.
  18. Own V1 but haven't used it beyond tested. Was turned off when I had to contact support to install on another machine. Scaler 2 on the other hand gets tons of use
  19. I use it all the time but it can be had for free when they do no min vouchers sometimes I'm sure the new AI ones would preserve more of the top end
  20. Each version of Amplituble seems to install everything they have released at that point. It then just communicates to the mothership how much white noise it wants to play periodically until you get so fed up you buy it to make it stop.
  21. 1 and 4 are excessive and unreasonable for something that costs that much. Never used them but I'd keep everything active on the security front and ask the dev before purchasing if there is a money back guarantee if it fails to install while using basic security measures.
  22. Posting not a deal thread in the deals section is going to get an all bets are off response. ? I do agree they feel very separate and many of us argued Larry's forum should not be buried under the coffee house. I think there are less traffic areas that are for discussion related to vendors and non deals though.
  23. Before I brick my beloved pedal, did the firmware updates work?
  24. Melda needs to do the same with their analyzer and eqs.
  25. You can simply back up your downloads. One download could be installed on multiple machines, just don't treat each computer you own (or will own) as a new download and it is pretty reasonable to expect those 10 downloads lasting as long as you would even use them. Amp sim tech is far beyond what it was. And I personally don't expect these to have a long shelf life for anything other than calling back up a mix to get the sound you created at the time. Unlikely people are really going to want to use this in 5-10 years.
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