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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Haven't used smart limit but the other sonible plugins I do have are quite CPU hungry. Melda does have fully functional demos.
  2. Messed around with it today. No way this doesn't take home the developer challenge prize.
  3. Those wondering how you already have it. This one was also a free with any purchase at Plugin Boutique in 2021 for a month.
  4. Nope, and considering it is the only one at full price, there is less than zero interest in trying it. Also ToneX is making all these amp sim VSTs obsolete for me.
  5. Very interesting. Msaturator is cool but as that post also indicates not actually a limiter so a rebranding makes sense.
  6. Are you using MCompresor for this, I don't remember seeing a dedicated limiter in the free bundle? They also have LimiterMB for even more control.
  7. It probably isn't sexy enough to make it to a mastering forum. This is one of my go to limiters on individual tracks as it can be pretty transparent and quite CPU friendly. I try to stay out of the loudness war a lot of the time, so it isn't like I use one on everything as some might but even if one did Id imagine the CPU usage and sound quality would make it a viable option. I think I got this one as part of the essential bundle and use it as much or more than any other limiter I have.
  8. Morley dirt wah was the first pedal I ever bought. Sounded awful sold it for a significant loss and felt like I was ripping the buyer off. Why IKM would think replicating that in even lower fidelity and charge for it, is beyond me and annoyingly this will show up in you don't own it views in future updates.
  9. Haven't tried this one but TB usually offer real value. The EQ for example has some features only matched by EQs much more expensive and a better looking UI than most of them to boot.
  10. Yes current version is just fine. Don't use it live in the sense of out at a gig as I never have felt a laptop and interface is the appropriate setup for a guitarist. Windows only. Used for "live" home use and recording one computer into another computer. Have both ToneX software and hardware. Referencing hardware here so I don't have to deal with computer latency problems as ToneX pedal is right at 3ms no matter the setting.
  11. Not 100% sure but I think they do. It certainly told me how many plugins I had in a particular bundle which I'm pretty sure included some transfers. I didn't do the math though. Can't really test it out now that I went all in.
  12. Low latency virtual guitar rig chains. Now relegated more often to setup a virtual chain to capture with Tonex so I can use the same tone with hardware and low latency. But that is also now less frequent as capturing the real thing sounds and feels better.
  13. This is what I was using before I got GP at a discount. Site is having issues but this thing is basically free https://kushview.net/element/
  14. Forum mods banned us from posting them here. Some use YouTube, create content about Melda and adding your code in the description
  15. Noting that a plugin is a resource hog is pretty relevant if you don't have a plugin already. The only irrelevant point here is I'm not sure the poster even has this one. I was shocked at how inefficient NeoVerb is since is it built with the very efficient EA algos. Crazy hungry IMO. On topic I think the full Nectar works for better than. The elements one, which the other elements programs I find quite good (though might be a bit on the inefficient side)
  16. I wouldn't call that an issue unless you bought doubles of individual plugins and were looking to transfer a duplicate but couldn't. They gave us a discount on the bundle based on prior purchases and therefore that is exactly what I'd expect is an inability to sell the individual plugins. I am surprised they don't simply grey out the transfer buttons on everything other than complete when you go all in, but I'd imagine that is more trouble than it is worth.
  17. Are there really enough customers to buy this host software for $200 a seat to keep this company afloat? As much as they seem to complain that PA offered extreme discounts, I'm betting most of us have only purchased the product because of that. I know the only reason I have V3 and v4 is due to what they consider hefty discounts. They never provided any support to me so one would think that is simply free money they wouldn't have and the advertising was PA and word of mouth here. I would have never heard of the product without those avenues. And Id bet I'm in the same boat at most of those here.
  18. MTurbo ReverbLE is anything but light. The only other algo reverb on the market that I can think of that is as feature rich is the non LE from Melda. The number of options and controls for LE are staggering. The non LE version just lets you create or edit reverbs at the level of detail of a mad scientist.
  19. If you mean the non pro version it has gone down to the $30 price point a number of times since the into price.
  20. They being Deskew. Given GP was basically the only product ever excluded from every deep discount (outside of loyalty vouchers where you have to spend crazy money to get a $75 voucher), outside a few pricing mistakes along the way there was never an extreme discount (beyond $99) that I recall....so the idea they had zero say is a tough pill. They must have had some higher kickback requirement otherwise why wouldn't PA be PA ?
  21. They charged for version updates. Unless this new model is lifetime updates I can't fathom that it will have $200 worth of updates during this version release.
  22. I get the feeling they are out of touch with the value they provide to the vast majority of the customer base. The post also makes no sense suggesting on one hand the product is already rock solid and doesn't need updates while simultaneously telling us we need to pay full retail to get much needed updates and new features. So far, at my not eligible for crossgrade pricing I purchased it at, I'm still waiting for it to deliver even that much value to me personally let alone paying some crazy fee.
  23. I own both but haven't dived into the new EZKeys 2 features (I had 1 for years). I'd suggest buying Scaler 2 and get to know it. Then buy EZKeys2 later if you feel you need what it offers. Scaler 2 is worth the $50, EZKeys 2 I think is a bit more questionable. They are both different and can also be used with each other. IMO you also need to spend more money with EzKeys 2 to get more MIDI packs out of it - while Scaler keeps adding styles for free.
  24. typed from phone which also apparently thinks "toontrack" is a dumb name and can't be right and thus auto corrected it to actual words such as too and track.
  25. Yes EZKeys1 was on sale for a fraction of the normal price a number of times years ago. That said who knows here as it seems like too track dropped the approach over the last few years.
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