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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Because they don't want to imply they will continue to offer customer support for the product. You can discontinue development but still offer customer support. This notion points to Dev work will stop and eventually customer support will also. While most don't need customer support, those that do can be a massive burden on resources.
  2. Discontinued and no longer developed is expected...no longer authorized is a massive difference and I don't see that implication.
  3. Got a quote on that? I've seen nothing that I indicates the idea the final version of Cakewalk won't run into the foreseeable future even when Sonar is released. I think they would have a riot on their hands from the lifers.
  4. Never been a fan as his tone is grating and I can't comprehend that many notes. That said between what I've been exposed to of both Yngwie and Lynch...Yngwie is dramatically more melodic. He writes stuff you can hum, assuming you are a hummingbird of course.
  5. Doesn't work that way. The 1 yr til wup starts once you claim this deal.
  6. I've got a number of their plugins but I have a very hard time believing I could sell the collection for much more than the cost of WUP. The math of what someone might pay for them isn't pretty and the cost of WUP is ugly.
  7. Very different product. But similar in that is it WAVES and all the baggage that goes with it.
  8. JamPoints = real discount on ToneX pedal
  9. Given UMG seems to have the most aggressive anti-fair use practices this could be interesting....
  10. I'm aware, was simply calling into question the thread title. I've had this for years.
  11. New product? I thought this has been on the market for at least a decade.
  12. I have a coupe of the other "fire" plugins, didn't even realize this one was another one. Might deserve it's own thread so it doesn't get lost in the mix here. Seems like more people would be likely to have this as buying something from Melda in the past to get it is probably more common than buying from United Plugins (though I've done both as I appreciate the authorization system and not treating customers like a threat to the business).
  13. Take a look a Melda's Superlooper if you are looking to do "live looping" style stuff with a VST inside a DAW. Frequently goes on sale for 50% off, and there is a $10 sign up for newsletter bonus and if you search for referral codes that knocks another 20% off (if you are not already a customer)
  14. Assuming you can afford the HD space. I already had it, but pretty sure even the "free" install is going to be north of 4GB due to IKM's installer puts the whole suite on your computer and then puts everything you don't own in a trial mode.
  15. Correct, it says this somewhere in the language but I can't find it to copy and paste. It only applies to people that have spent money in the portal not just redeemed as far as I could tell. Nice freebie (for those that supported them financially in the past)
  16. Guess I was right (first reply). What is the email offer? Many of these plugins used to be $2. (edit - I just got an email too - though only for 2 of the upgrade coupons - $5 each though I own more that I'm betting these things are based on). Upgrade price of $5 is assumably more than I paid for each of them other than Union which was likely a few bucks more (though they didn't send me a discount code for that cross over)
  17. Yes. But it isn't perfect - IKM's own profiles are frequently a far cry from what other people are capturing (as someone that make a lot of captures, I'm still surprised by this). The install is also large and the capture process takes an extremely long time at the best settings and forget about using advanced capture unless you have a dedicated NVIDIA graphics cards. But it has low CPU usage, sounds and feels amazing, a legitimate echosystem - as the pedal is wonderful, and they kept the price at a fairly manageable level. Not only that, but the cheapest paid version lets you capture and load unlimited 3rd party captures - so you really don't need "MAX" for this product. It is far and away the best thing IKM has created, and as much hate as they seem to get - this product suggests I have more authorizations available then the completion (outside of places like Melda)
  18. One of the best at coding an amp sim. Own most of his stuff but it all collects dust after getting ToneX and 3rd party profiles in addition to my own profiles. It was my go to in the box stuff before that.
  19. Will see what happens, but on the bright side - this means all those plugins I bought are not quite as worthless. Maybe on day it will be possible to actually sell them if not used. The $20 transfer fee + the endless vouchers basically means any purchase from them was always a "NFR" as they were worthless on the market.
  20. HDX sound like junk compared to my ToneX pedal (or even AXE I/O) but it does get you into the echosystem. Just want to throw that out there for anyone wondering "is this the quality everyone is praising"
  21. Yes those are some bread and butter ones worth grabbing. Also recommend typing in "Tone Junkie TV" in the search bar when connected to Tonenet as he throws up a few captures of every pack he releases (also do the same from "Amalgam" as those are some of the best available - but he usually only posts one free capture.
  22. You can use with free but be warned it may count against your total free count. At one time that was only 20 user captures.
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