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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. ? 66 ea x $30 = $1,980!! guess that's why they didn't go full out for 76 trombones. oh darn, full Kontakt. well that saved me some money for now, but thinking about dropping 66 tubas on the next joint. might get me to finally pony up for it (apologies, didn't check the link, the logic is more than a bit skewed, waiting for the coffee to kick in)
  2. but not always. recently ran an uninstall/reinstall on a "mature" vst(2) to resolve a massive issue. a first ever for this, in use for years on various daws, only tried per the suggestion of a forum member. and it worked. this^^, and not just lately. running win10 pro with manual updates only. well versed in all the optimization moves, generally offline, minimal services running, etc. but noting recurring issues immediately after -some- updates on some projects that were running just fine, typically manifested during playback where the cpu monitor will get real jumpy and the audio will slow down like a thumb on a tape reel. thinking it might be related to some combination of update/vst/ram? issues, but with the exception of one case, generally seems to resolve itself after exercising the project for a bit. idk, the win platform is one of infinite configurations, best bet is best practices.
  3. this might be a reasonable comparable, perhaps a bit more :characterful than the Neold https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/products/vla-2a-mark-ii and possibly share some coding genes? for $25 atm.
  4. and productivity. haven't tried any of the alternatives but Metric AB gets used on a regular basis here.
  5. standard practice there, feeds the collaborative vibe and eliminates all the lawyering. a word can make a difference. there's a song that was called "You Rock Me" for the longest time, until they changed a word to come up with "You Wreck Me". "producer" could be a deep topic. but keeping an open mind, someone like Phil Spector could be considered as a producer with a complete "vision" for a finished product. the difference today is a "producer" can do the same with a laptop full of loops and samples whereas Spector only had organic material/analog tools to work with (musicians, studios, etc) and a budget. and an ego, but that's another story. for the record, and jmho, not dissing any of it, it's all good. the frontier is always more than a bit messy. just hearing more "magic" in the creative interaction between people than piling a load of vintage compressor/saturation presets on a string of loops. i imagine "consumers" are more likely to respond to the humanity in an art work over an algo. but i could be wrong... ya, much more a family and friends thing these days. i have peeps with "content" on bandcamp that get hit up for film placement with the pitch that "you'll get great exposure" = we want to license it for free. standard response is "do you work for free?" but it is truth... same as it ever was. there's no surprise the bulk of the profits back in the "record" days went to distribution, not the artist. the difference today is technology has leveled the playing field by lowering the barrier to entry and eliminating/commoditizing distribution. monetizing is a challenge all around (re financials for Spotify, Soundcloud, YT T&Cs for getting paid, etc). people be doing whatever to get that money. just use ChatGPT. would not be surprised to see "AI" become a verb in short order (ala "google").
  6. the approach here was to add more folders under C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\ moving has been a problem only with XLN. all others scan (or not) with no problem.
  7. apparently not, as it's the "audio" business per the CEO of Slate. the team thing did get me thinking about a doc which made the Brill building sound like a song writing factory. does that make "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" the same as "Sorry"? same as it ever was? ima thinking maybe call them content "generators" and have at it with ChatGPT.
  8. not yet, mainly because not a big fan of wading thru a walmart of tones to find anything usable. thx for the tonex recos. no luck the couple of times i gave it shot. but with ya on the "mic'd" sound. markbass into a berg cab is working really well atm, trying to capture that w/o having to pony up for a fet47, planning to try amp out post-eq into some berg ir's, but haven't had a chance to sort that out yet (smoked the markbass, waiting on r&r). that being said. sessions are usually just a pbass > di (redd tube/demeter) > neve channel... ? thx, great suggestion, was not on my radar. played through an eden rig for a couple of years and ya, one of the best sounding ever. their 4x10 is still my goto when I need to fill out space on a larger stage. thx, have this (cerebus?), but didn't get there for me, reminded me more of swr (which i have but no longer use)
  9. from a recent Sonic Scoop article (not april fools) em, ok... but easier = 'better'? well, POV is everything, right, horses for courses and all that, thought I'd check the ableton user forum for some balance. The very first topic under General Music Production was; "Why this obsession with mixing/mastering quality?" The post included a link that did a pretty good job of answering that question. idk. ChatGPT gonna be awesome.
  10. have yet to find a bass sim that works for me. picked up the PA B-15 when it went native but it sounds -nothing- like the one i have. this ^^. pretty much the only reason i gave Tonex a spin. fwiw, the only PA amp that ever got any use here is the Train II.
  11. interesting, seems to be in the same ballpark as the Fuse Audio Labs VCS-1 and the Arturia Bus FORCE but with it's own twist.
  12. no Waves here, but weren't they the innovative market leaders of price point inflection with $29 pricing and never ending sales? I imagine their analysis has noted a post pandemic drop in low hanging fruit and are attempting to plug the hobbyist market into the matrix. I also imagine they aren't the only ones feeling the pinch given other recent sales offers. UA, IK, PA/Soundwide are surely taking notes. fwiw, always made a point to avoid companies with significant infrastructure overhead. there's never any value added for a customer.
  13. adding some experience/observations in case it helps. noted primarily in more "mature" projects, including a couple that were started more than a few releases ago. NB typically a simple instrument. often (but not always) with multiple instances in a project, which were duplicates of existing tracks (i.e. adding a 2nd layer of sound using the same VST with a different MIDI channel in the dupe). when this happens, -none- Iof the "related" channels will generate any audio. IIRC VST3 for these cases. the fix has been to create (not dupe) a new simple instrument track, drag the existing MIDI data to it and delete the original tracks. exit and restart CW never fixed it. taking note of the other suggestions in the OP, will explore them further the next time this happens. noted with a 3rd party expansion for BFD3 (VST2 as there is no VST3). NB all channels in BFD3 were routed to audio channels in CW. only a couple channels exhibited this behavior. the meters were pegged in the VST UI as well as CW. a few other BFD3 users reported the same issue, but with different DAWs. assuming this might be an issue with the MIDI being sent from CW -or- the processing in the VST, i scoured the event list for rogue Velocity/Volume events but found nothing unexpected, even tested it for possible edge cases. the "pops" would occur in repeatable spots with a consistent start time (usually 0:00:000) but not 100%. They would also show up in any audio export. if I changed the start time (moved it closer to the corrupting time stamp) it would often -not- occur at the original time stamp, but might show up further downstream. Once it happens, the only recovery was to close and reopen the project.
  14. no worries, paranoia is a common side effect. the cause. and the cure.
  15. Garbage. Gotta love how Butch can't sit still when they're playing the tunes. Great points on the groove (push-pull). And people.
  16. i feel ya on this, work with demos on a regular basis and the quickest way here is to play along with the original track with something that Melodyne can sort out better (i.e. something with strong transients) and just use that track to map tempo. almost always needs some cleanup, but that's often because the original performance. so far, nobody's dropped a Frank Zappa cover on me... ?
  17. fyi. “taco” comes from a Mexican Spanish term for explosives used in silver mining — they had a similar shape to the miners’ lunches.
  18. @simon to be clear the actual images aren't anything to worry about, they appear to be user images which triggered something in my av/fw which looks like it blocked the d/l and caused ToneNET to crash. apologies for the crude analogy, but i get a bit annoyed with overzealous implementations of the "user experience" that dump a load of unwanted content/overhead for basic use cases. haven't investigated further as i'm not sure it's worth the trouble, but they could certainly give this a think. and as noted above, i'm hardly the only one to run into this.
  19. amen to that, and good job on the vid, that was helpful.
  20. got something working. clicking on ToneNET seems/tries to download a bunch of user? images when it connects like some dodgy porn site which gets flagged and bagged by av/fw on this box. there's a suggestion to delete the images before launching ToneNET which got it up and running atm. i expect some marketing guru came up with this as some sort of social media 'feature'' but not a good look for IK here. exactly why i was checking it out. the WT AC30 i've tried takes pedals well which could make this interesting.
  21. reinstalled Tonex (VST3) and tried the standalone which seems to work with the included models but crashes (completely disappears and takes the audio driver with it) whenever I click on ToneNET, which is the only reason i wanted to try this. fwiw, this system has been rock solid for everything. Their product ecosystem strikes me as a bit "heavy-handed/overly complicated" so perhaps it's just a bug that hasn't been worked out for a new product? [edit] evidently I am not alone... https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=30918 ... SGear looks like they'll be dropping a comp pedal next week at no charge for anyone with 3.0+. might be more fun than debugging IK.
  22. stacked instances looks like a useful feature, but the purchase process is overly complicated for these guys,..
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