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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. roger that, my bad for not being clear. there was an automation step change (input gain) directly before the pop, fwiw, issues have been noted with automation not tracking exactly as expected on more complex projects. of course, could still be an issue with the vst, which was why i mentioned it. fixed with the reimport, which seemed to have 'reset' whatever glitch there was. @Max Arwood the "speed of the slope"... (1st derivative?) ?
  2. noted this with a UAD compressor on a vocal track, thought it was the clip at first, but re-importing the take was OK. speculating it might have something to do with the VST -and- automation being "baked" into a track, kinda gets stuck on some processing discontinuity, perhaps as the result of a more complex project. ymmv
  3. same, can't hurt to try, but perhaps we're stuck with some strategic 'branding' on their part ? https://www.arturia.com/products/hybrid-synths/keylab-essential-mk3-alpine-white/overview
  4. jmho, but find Arturia FX to be more than 'just another plugin' company vs. many of the alternatives. extra capability over slavish hw imitations (e.g. alt UI for the LX-224, etc.) offerings that aren't widely covered elsewhere (e.g. Aphex Exciter, etc.) original designs (e.g. ColdFire, Fragments, etc) and takes on more common fx they can be a bit heavy on CPU usage and i prefer alts for some, but overall a decent !4$. just need a dark mode for a couple of the UIs...
  5. might require a rethink in how things are done, but my understanding is single core -clock speed- is the limiting factor for robust DAW playback (in conjunction with buffer size, however that gets managed in the CPU cache?), so not sure how GPU capacity would help. but to be sure, i don't have any specific domain expertise to base this statement on. it's worth noting Cakewalk has managed to run significantly heavier loads here than just about any other DAW, perhaps even better than Reaper, which has been widely touted as the leader in this area.
  6. Thought there might be a post somewhere here, but search didn't find it, so.... SINGAPORE; 13 JUNE - Cakewalk, a historic and pioneering name in digital audio workstations (DAWs), is excited to announce that Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar have exited public beta and are available worldwide exclusively through BandLab Membership. This marks a significant milestone for Cakewalk, offering its latest recording and song creation tools to a broader audience through BandLab's platform. https://gearspace.com/board/new-product-alert/1430377-cakewalk-now-exclusively-available-through-bandlab-membership.html ... and... The Question: How long will long time users be able to use Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  7. "SINGAPORE; 13 JUNE - Cakewalk, a historic and pioneering name in digital audio workstations (DAWs), is excited to announce that Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar have exited public beta and are available worldwide exclusively through BandLab Membership. This marks a significant milestone for Cakewalk, offering its latest recording and song creation tools to a broader audience through BandLab's platform." https://gearspace.com/board/new-product-alert/1430377-cakewalk-now-exclusively-available-through-bandlab-membership.html
  8. AFAIK, they scrolled vertically vs horizontal. Heard Beck will be releasing his next album in this format.
  9. i believe it's a reference to the lack of VST3 support.
  10. if i understand correctly, it still has to be registered through PA, but a purchase from their site is more helpful for the original dev. this is a good one, with additional features in the queue.
  11. LUNA Free Full unlimited version of LUNA Oxide Tape Extension Shape Toolkit Instrument ARP Arpeggiator 30-day trial of LUNA Pro Bundle 30-day trial of Neve Summing FAQ Can I run LUNA on a Windows machine? Yes! LUNA is now available for windows as part of an Open Beta program. Anyone can participate, just click the link on this page to sign up for LUNA. Please read the Open Beta FAQ to learn about Windows system requirements and the beta process. hmm ...
  12. 'stream the audio' sounds like a challenge. most def -not- simpler, but perhaps something like Dante?
  13. my understanding is they are "reduced" versions of existing BFD3 expansions for the budget PLAYER, specifically the Jazz Noir expansion for these.
  14. you did know that's Austin City Limits, right?
  15. @Rob Chang recently ran into the same issue, tried to reset the desired state using the Track Manager (presets, etc), check with support, etc, no luck. Eventually tried reinstalling Cakewalk and did a Project/Save As, and this seemed to clear it up. Could have been some sort of project corruption (as i noticed this after having Cakewalk crash a few times previously). Pretty sure it's not related to workspaces/screensets, at least in my case. hth.
  16. Reaper has a reputation for an "all you can program" feature, with themes that can look like whatever you want. as a bonus it will run on 32 bit systems, not sure about support for 16 bit.
  17. my only, but key interest. budgeted for a number of cross platform seats in 2024, expected to go with Reaper (for cost/customization to create a dead simple version for technical luddites), but seeing enough potential here to live with a couple more months of garbage band files...
  18. ya, Trash was more of a bit chipper, whatever you fed it came out a bloody mess...
  19. ? not sure what you consider "major" bugs, but fwiw, BFD3 gets used extensively and pretty much exclusively here every day w/o any productivity issues. for our purposes, they have always had the highest quality and more importantly the -most useful- drum samples. everything else has been over-processed, too focused on specific genres, or just plain poorly sampled. cymbals in particular have been an issue, but BFD3 was also the by far first afaik with other features which make a difference (i.e. bleed, cymbal swells, tom resonance, etc). that being said, -any- remote/time based accessibility "feature" is a showstopper for us. sorta demoed SD2 in the past in other studios, but not in any great detail as the initial impression was just not very inspiring. however, a recent SDX for SD3 got my attention with a DW kit recorded in a space where i've done a number of sessions in the past. the audio demos are encouraging enough to justify giving it a full shot. don't see much value in the bazillion GB of 11.1 surround sound feature, but plan to explore them as an extra layer of ambience. ya never know... and as always, jmho
  20. @User 905133 not sure this helps, but as mentioned earlier, had a bit of trouble with the ST Software Central app not listing the correct status for purchased plugins. They also hung up the vst scan in Studio One. After several rounds and jumping through hoops with their support team (quite responsive btw) managed to get things working by deactivating all ST plugins in iLok3, running a machine activation, then re-activating on iLok3. why? ticket closed, but not solved. the CW vst scan also hung on the Tape Multi Track.vst3. SI scan ran fine, and so did the CW scan after deleting it, but the first time the CW scan ever hung on anything, believe it used to scan fine. CW support declined to investigate (don't blame them as it's a S1 only feature). the ST SC app still shows 2 plugins -not- activated, but all are installed and run as expected. NB. could be this box showing some signs of age/MS inflicted entropy. and to keep things OT, finding this to be a pretty useful compressor.
  21. another perspective is that founders are typically kept on for a contractual period of time after an acquisition, for either transition politics or non-compete concerns, and once that's over, they're gone, always the plan. he always struck me as a calculated business guy more than a passionate muso, especially given PA's aggressive pricing tactics which is a typical move to drive the valuation (# of users) leading up to a potential sale, so i'd bet this was his intention all along. and would also bet he would do anything but start another plug-in company. makes you wonder what's up with UAD, just saying...
  22. it is possible to side step the"ecosystem installer" and d/l individual installers. my experience with proprietary installers is most cause more inconvenience than they claim to offer. recently closed an unresolved ticket with their "Software Central" which had trouble both syncing active installations and scanning successfully in Studio One. appears to have something to do with iLok, as jumping through a few hoops managed to temporarily solve the scan issue for now, until something changes again. might have something to do with vst3 "compliance" as well, idk, i gave up.
  23. "you guys were awesome! ...great light show!" (the gf was 'experimenting' with the house lights, and probably something else at the time...)
  24. https://www.bfddrums.com/drum-software/bfd-player.html?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BFD_Player_1.2_2_2024&utm_term=BFD+Player+1.2&utm_id=312900&sfmc_id=38408443&utm_content=BFD+Player+1.2 With BFD Player 1.2, users can simply drag and drop grooves right into the drum track, seamlessly edit tracks with enhanced cut/copy/paste functionality, or split a groove more precisely at the playhead cursor. BFD Player can be used as a standalone virtual instrument, or within your favorite DAW environment. With over 340 grooves created by top drummers and professionally mixed, radio-ready drumsets, BFD can shorten the distance between composition and completion, making users more productive. + 8 new expansion packs
  25. "2. The Saint Valentine's promotion coupon cannot be combined with the loyal customer program discount(s)."
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