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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. well, haven't bitten (or been bitten) in quite some time, so comes out to ~$7/plugin here. the question (as always) is, what do i really -need-?
  2. if best = first call/most used, then; CW Gloss EQ CW PC76 U-Type Compressor CW PC4K S-Type Bus Compressor Valhalla Delay if non DAW specific core project basics, then; BFD3 Scuffham S-Gear Melda MAutoDynamicEQ NFA Elevate if non DAW specific fx, then; UAD EMT140 Fuse Audio VREV-305 / Valhalla Delay Fuse Audio VCS-1 channel strip Metric A|B
  3. after passing on UAD for years given the lack of reasonable upgrade offers for previously owned products, took a look at the latest bundle and must say i'm a bit shocked at just how drastically their pricing has changed. the signature bundle even includes "vaporware" (i.e. the Sound City whatever it is) ?! haven't followed the chatter but comes across as a bit desperate given their legacy, perhaps signalling some impending change? or just the harsh reality of commoditization impacting their bottom line? they've always been usable quality standards, but there are plenty of highly competitive alternatives. ... whatever, got my attention, looks like a very good time to upgrade some existing versions, pick up native versions and add some 'staples' at a very low price to help with cross platform projects. of course, the ones used the most are not included (emt140/250, neve bundle) but have alternatives, so np. ... hit up their support and expect to check a forum or two with these questions. but any comments based on your experience are appreciated ? do native versions count as separate instances from DSP versions (thinking to run native on a laptop, keep the rack mounts as DSP and /or native) > assume these are separate vsts, just not sure about the licensing ? do the updated "Collection" versions automatically replace the "Legacy" versions in a project? > doubt it ? are the updated "Collection" versions heavier CPU hits than the "Legacy" versions? > possibly? given what i recall of their marketing ? has anybody noted any sonic difference in the "Collection" versions? > ? ? anything i missed? wait for a better deal? > ya i know, wrong place to ask, but this could be hard to pass up
  4. agreed, has been requested before. see the last page in this post.
  5. really tried to get one these to do something for a sound i was after. didn't happen, at least on the first dive into both. There's a bloated version direct from Celestion (Celestion SpeakerMix Pro) which i found to be a sluggish resource pig, never made it past the demo stage. thought (hoped) the ST version would be more useful. back to real amps in real rooms.
  6. what every musician lives for. just discovering that despite all the corn, cliches, countryfied rhinestones, Don Rich & Buck Owens had this down in spades. it's magic. fixed that for ya. go for two in a row.
  7. good one, but her version of this is such a great example of a killer arrangement/interpretation. she also brings it live.
  8. soundalikes has been/was? a lucrative business for session musicians for decades, when the number of entertainment media channels was fairly limited. https://www.billboard.com/pro/ai-music-tools-copy-artists-voices-legal-questions/ it's only an issue when there is enough money for the lawyers to make a case. plenty of examples, same as it ever was. melodyne was in the "witchcraft' category when it first came out, mainly because it was less artificial sounding than autotune which interestingly enough has since evolved into a 'sound' of it's own. i imagine the largest market for AI ripoffs is most likely just for personal gratification and possibly a potential revenue stream for some artists to 'officially' license their formants. however a YT full of Adele/Drake/etc/etc 'hits' would get really boring really quickly, kinda like synth presets, and this whole issue will just as quickly become passe'. so probably not that big of a deal. are 'tribute bands' still a thing?
  9. as a S1/CW user. have you found a custom theme that enhances your productivity in Reaper? or do you run with the default ui? tia
  10. ru by any chance doing loop recording? fwiw, some timing issues noted when loop recording, have not been able to confirm a root cause (i.e. buffer size, drivers, cpu load, sunspots, etc)
  11. @Niky Serrano "Hi guys, Apologies for the confusion our system has caused. Full cards on the table, here's what's happening. Firstly, you must be logged in to see any further upgrade discount that you are entitled to. Otherwise the site will display the general £74.99 (exVAT) sale price, you'll be asked to log in for the checkout page anyway where you should see the correct price for you if upgrading. Please don't submit payment details if you've not seen the price you think you're entitled too. Some customers are logged in for their first visit, they see the discount, and are logged out for a second visit. This may explain the apparent increase in price. To be clear the site pricing structure has never changed and it'll run til 31st July. There's also a chance that browser caches are remembering the higher price if you've been logged out at any stage. Here's the complication: Our website cannot apply the discount if your upgrading licence is second hand or NFR. This is when you need to contact support (that's me) and I'll sort you out with the discount that Lamont Cranston referenced a few posts earlier. To further complicate the situation there are two upgrade prices, depending on which older or smaller versions of the series you have. So add these two situations together, it means users with an NFR M-tron Pro and full licence of M-Tron are seeing the wrong discount. In the end, I do really like personal customer interaction, so get in touch via Tech Support or the contact us form and I'll arrange the right upgrade price for you." -Graeme / GForce
  12. fixed that for ya. wrt the original topic, mos def bought more than needed, but being relatively new to the tarpit, had to live with most of these for a while and do some critical listening before actually hearing what made a difference for me. ... getting there, and appreciating that the tools available are hardly a limitation for creativity. it's more about learning than owning. the biggest GAS brake here is the ad copy/marketing vids that are 95% recycled ad nauseam bs adjectives for mix moves that could be just as easily done with the ProChannel. and have started to name a project for each new purchase. fwiw, a few have been hanging in there and proving themselves where it counts.. planning to upgrade at least a couple project PCs to the latest Intel CPUs/Win11 to see how close one might get to RT tracking with FX and expect a significant purge of the current VST inventory in the move. iirc there was a "game changer" plugin thread somewhere. might be interesting to expand on that with specifics/audio files?
  13. https://emvoiceapp.com/?utm_source=tp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bishuapr23&utm_id=gsemail&utm_term=gsemail0723 well, that didn't take long...
  14. does this include all the SPX90 programs, or just Symphonic? i'd only used SPX90 a few times for that "grainy' 80s? reverb. or in a rack for shows. sold it to a guitar player for that patch alone, couldn't pay me fast enough...
  15. “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.” - Orson Welles never heard any of his guitar tracks, but ya, things often sounded better when the electricity went out. some limitations can be a real challenge though. don't recall who said this, “The enemy of art is the absence of talent. but sounded familiar. ... the original comment seems to be more about creativity than art. applied to -art-, and specifically music, hip hop might be a classic example, which is reminiscent of another relevant quote (slightly misappropriated). "Good artists copy, great artists sample".
  16. ?? I'm a Man (1st lp), Heatwave (2nd lp) in addition to iconic live versions of Baby Don't Do It, Young Man Blues, Under My Thumb, Roadrunner, etc... idk.
  17. don't know that this really helps, but there's this... https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=107337 ... could see putting AI to work on selecting samples/IRs/loops... (hey Siri, i need a james gadsen groove with highhat only on the 2and and the 4, stat!)
  18. @Grem https://www.pbs.org/show/fanny-right-rock/ (and please don't tag me on this, trying to keep my forum reputation at 420, ya know, for cred with my peeps)
  19. now for Kontakt Player? might get me to at least try it. looks like they have more that will work with player what i thought as well, might've even commented on the initial release, but mostly because not invested in full Kontakt. ymmv.
  20. ya, my impression as well. passed on it when it came out because who needs -another- eq, but looks like a nice problem solver. hoping to see the initial offer price of $79 before the end of the year, otherwise, will be paying a premium for my foolishness.
  21. iirc, you use kontakt. if so, would be interested in ur comments on drums in kontakt, both ux and quality wise.
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